Understand and use ECS data

New Relic's on-host ECS integration reports and displays performance data from your Amazon ECS environment. Here we explain how to find, understand, and use the data reported by this integration.

View data

To view the ECS integration dashboard:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com and, in the Filter by name or tags field, search for ECS cluster, or type the name of your ECS cluster.
  2. To view a dashboard, select the entity name corresponding to your ECS cluster.

In addition to the pre-built dashboards, you can also create your own custom queries and charts using the query builder. To learn how to query this data, see Understand data.

Query your data

Data reported by this integration is displayed in its dashboards and is also available for querying and the creation of custom charts and dashboards.

This integration reports an EcsClusterSample event, with attributes clusterName, awsRegion, ecsLaunchType and arn.

Other types of data that may be available for querying:

All the events reported from an ECS cluster contain the attributes ecsClusterName, ecsLaunchType and ecsClusterArn.

Here's an example NRQL query that returns the count of containers associated with each Docker image in an ECS cluster named MyClusterName created in us-east-1:

SELECT uniqueCount(containerId)
FROM ContainerSample
WHERE awsRegion = 'us-east-1'
AND ecsClusterName = 'MyClusterName'


On EC2 nodes with Cgroup version V2, the nri-docker integration collects all container metrics from the Docker API. For a list of variations in the collected metrics, see the ContainerSample attributes.

To learn more about creating custom queries and charts: