New Relic data dictionary

This data dictionary defines some of our default-reported data stored in NRDB and queryable via NRQL. This includes events like Transaction, MobileRequest, and BrowserInteraction, and our Metric, Log, and Span data types. These definitions are also available from our query builder UI by mousing over applicable data type and attribute names.

This dictionary doesn't contain:

  • Data from our infrastructure integrations (for that, see docs for a specific integration)
  • Custom data
  • Detailed integration-specific attributes for Metric data


Data source:

This event contains Kubernetes DaemonSet data.

Attribute nameDefinitionData types

Name that you assigned to the cluster when you installed the Kubernetes integration.


Timestamp of when the DaemonSet was created.


Name associated with the DaemonSet.


Labels associated with your DaemonSet, so you can filter and query for specific DaemonSet. By default they are not collected, so you need to enable them in the KSM chart by configuring the metricLabelsAllowlist.


Sequence number representing a specific generation of the desired state.


Name of the namespace that the DaemonSet belongs to.


The number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod and have one or more of the daemon pod running and available.


The number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod.


The number of nodes running a daemon pod but are not supposed to.


Total number of replicas that are currently missing (number of desired replicas, podsDesired, minus the number of ready replicas, podsReady).


The number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod and have one or more of the daemon pod running and ready.


The number of nodes running at least one daemon pod and are supposed to.


The number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod and have none of the daemon pod running and available.


The total number of nodes that are running updated daemon pod.