뉴렐릭 데이터 용어집

이 데이터 용어집은 NRDB에 저장되고 NRQL을 통해 쿼리할 수 있는 일부 기본 보고 데이터를 정의합니다. 여기에는 Transaction, MobileRequest 및 BrowserInteraction 같은 이벤트와 Metric, Log 및 Span 데이터 유형이 포함됩니다. 쿼리 빌더 UI에서도 데이터 유형과 속성 이름 위에 마우스를 올리면 정의가 표시됩니다.

다음은 이 용어집에 포함되지 않은 사항입니다.

  • 인프라 통합의 데이터(해당 통합의 문서 참조)
  • 커스텀 데이터
  • 메트릭 데이터의 통합별 세부 속성


Data source:

This event records usage every hour and is used to see usage reported per product.

Attribute nameDefinitionData types

Used in conjunction with “type” to determine whether usage is aggregated based on sum (sum all usage per hour) or max (take max usage per hour).


The unique numeric identifier assigned by New Relic for the service/app that generated the transaction.


ID of the New Relic account that's directly responsible for the stored data, as determined from the license key.


Name of the New Relic account directly responsible for the stored data, as determined from the license key.

milliseconds (ms)

The aggregation window (for example, 1 hour or 1 day).


The ID of the parent account (also known as the master account) that's either responsible for stored events or that is the parent of the consuming account.

When a parent account is the consuming account, masterAccountId is the consumingAccountId. This attribute is present even for accounts that don't have a parent account. This is to ensure continued reporting if the account is later made a parent account.


Name of the parent account (also known as the master account) that's either responsible for stored events, or that is the parent of the consuming account.

When a parent account is the consuming account, masterAccountName is the same as consumingAccountName. This attribute is present even for accounts that don't have a parent account. This is to ensure continued reporting if the account is later made a parent account.


Consolidates multiple categories of usage into a single metric. Helpful when faceting by productLine.


When the event was processed by the usage pipeline.


The New Relic product the usage data is from. Use this attribute to identify / filter for product specific usage data.


ID of the child account (also known as the sub-account) responsible for the stored event. When present, subAccountId is the same as consumingAccountId.

This attribute is only present if the consuming account is a child account (not a parent account).


Name of the child account (also known as the sub-account) responsible for stored events. When present, this is the same as consumingAccountName.

This attribute is only present if the consuming account is a child account (not a parent account).


UNIX timestamp (seconds since epoch) of the day and time when event generation was initiated.


Used with “aggregationFunction” to determine whether aggregation is based on count (sum all usage per hour) or gauge (take max usage per hour).


The amount of usage. The unit varies, depending on the metric field.