Amazon EMR monitoring integration


Enable the AWS CloudWatch Metric Streams integration to monitor all CloudWatch metrics from your AWS services, including custom namespaces. Individual integrations are no longer our recommended option.

New Relic infrastructure integrations include an integration for reporting your Amazon EMR (Elastic MapReduce) data to New Relic. This document explains how to activate this integration and describes the data that can be reported.


You can monitor and alert on your EMR data directly from New Relic, and query data and create dashboards.

Activate integration

To enable this integration follow standard procedures to Connect AWS services to New Relic.

Configuration and polling

You can change the polling frequency and filter data using configuration options.

Default polling information for the Amazon EMR integration:

  • New Relic polling interval: 5 minutes
  • Resolution: 1 data point every 5 minutes

Explore integration data

To use your integration data, go to > All capabilities > Infrastructure > AWS and select one of the EMR integration links.

You can query and explore your data using the ElasticMapReduceClusterSample event type, with a provider value of ElasticMapReduceCluster.

Metric data

This integration collects the following Amazon EMR data. For use cases and additional information, see Amazon's EMR documentation.




Indicates that a cluster is no longer performing work, but is still alive and accruing charges. It is set to 1 if no tasks are running and no jobs are running, and set to 0 otherwise.

This value is checked at five-minute intervals, and a value of 1 indicates only that the cluster was idle when checked, not that it was idle for the entire five minutes. Recommendation: To avoid false positives, raise an alerting threshold when this value has been 1 for more than one consecutive five-minute check. For example, raise an alert on this value if it has been 1 for thirty minutes or longer.


The number of core nodes working. Data points for this metric are reported only when a corresponding instance group exists.


The number of core nodes waiting to be assigned. All of the core nodes requested may not be immediately available; this metric reports the pending requests. Data points for this metric are reported only when a corresponding instance group exists.


The percentage of data nodes that are receiving work from Hadoop.


The number of bytes written to Amazon S3. This metric aggregates MapReduce jobs only. It does not apply for other workloads on EMR.


The number of bytes read from Amazon S3. This metric aggregates MapReduce jobs only, and does not apply for other workloads on EMR.


The percentage of HDFS storage currently used.


The number of bytes read from HDFS.


The number of bytes written to HDFS.


The number of blocks in which HDFS has no replicas. These might be corrupt blocks.


The current, total number of readers and writers reported by all DataNodes in a cluster.


The amount of time it took the previous backup to complete. This metric is set regardless of whether the last completed backup succeeded or failed.

While the backup is ongoing, this metric returns the number of minutes after the backup started. This metric is only reported for HBase clusters.


The number of elapsed minutes after the last successful HBase backup started on your cluster. This metric is only reported for HBase clusters.

The following metrics appear in the sample depending on the Hadoop version of the resource.

Hadoop 1 AMIs metrics




The number of jobs in the cluster that are currently running.


The number of jobs in the cluster that have failed.


The number of running map tasks for each job. If you have a scheduler installed and multiple jobs running, multiple graphs are generated.


The number of remaining map tasks for each job. If you have a scheduler installed and multiple jobs running, multiple graphs are generated. A remaining map task is one that is not in any of the following states: Running, Killed, or Completed.


The unused map task capacity. This is calculated as the maximum number of map tasks for a given cluster, less the total number of map tasks currently running in that cluster.


The ratio of the total map tasks remaining to the total map slots available in the cluster.


The number of running reduce tasks for each job. If you have a scheduler installed and multiple jobs running, multiple graphs are generated.


The number of running reduce tasks for each job. If you have a scheduler installed and multiple jobs running, multiple graphs are generated.


Unused reduce task capacity. This is calculated as the maximum reduce task capacity for a given cluster, less the number of reduce tasks currently running in that cluster.


The number of task nodes working. Data points for this metric are reported only when a corresponding instance group exists.


The number of core nodes waiting to be assigned. All of the task nodes requested may not be immediately available; this metric reports the pending requests. Data points for this metric are reported only when a corresponding instance group exists.


The percentage of task trackers that are functional.


Whether the last backup failed. This is set to 0 by default and updated to 1 if the previous backup attempt failed. This metric is only reported for HBase clusters.

Hadoop 2 AMIs metrics




The number of resource containers allocated by the ResourceManager.


The number of resource containers allocated by the ResourceManager.


The number of containers in the queue that have not yet been allocated.


The ratio of pending containers to containers allocated.


The number of applications submitted to YARN that have completed.


The number of applications submitted to YARN that have failed to complete.


The number of applications submitted to YARN that have been killed.


The number of applications submitted to YARN that are in a pending state.


The number of applications submitted to YARN that are running.


The number of applications submitted to YARN.


The number of nodes presently available to MapReduce jobs.


The number of nodes presently running MapReduce tasks or jobs.


The number of nodes allocated to MapReduce that have been marked in a LOST state.


The number of nodes available to MapReduce jobs marked in an UNHEALTHY state.


The number of nodes allocated to MapReduce applications that have been marked in a DECOMMISSIONED state.


The number of nodes available to MapReduce that have been rebooted and marked in a REBOOTED state.


The number of blocks that HDFS reports as corrupted.


The total amount of memory in the cluster.


The amount of memory reserved.


The amount of memory available to be allocated.


The amount of memory allocated to the cluster.


The percentage of remaining memory available to YARN


The number of blocks that need to be replicated one or more times.


The status of block replication: blocks being replicated, age of replication requests, and unsuccessful replication requests.


The amount of remaining HDFS disk capacity.


Whether the last backup failed. This is set to 0 by default and updated to 1 if the previous backup attempt failed. This metric is only reported for HBase clusters.