Applications are automatically removed from New Relic after 93 days without sending data to our platform. You can also remove an application using the UI, once it has stopped sending data. Key metrics will continue to be available via the New Relic REST API, with the application name remaining reserved.
The ability to remove an app from the UI may be dependent on permissions.
If an agent is still sending data from an app, you cannot remove that app.
Remove an application from New Relic
Before you can remove an application monitored by New Relic APM, browser monitoring, or mobile monitoring, the app must first stop reporting data. Do this by disabling the agent (explained below) or by uninstalling the agent completely.
Restart the application server and wait up to ten minutes. Verify the color-coded health status for the app has turned to gray and is no longer reporting data.
Delete the app from the UI. Go to > All capabilities > APM & services > (select an app/service) > Settings > Application, and click the Delete application button.
Delete it from the UI. Go to > All capabilities > Browser > (select an app) > Settings > Application settings, and click the Delete application button.
Remove all references/dependencies to New Relic's mobile monitoring SDK/frameworks, then rebuild the application. For more information, see the iOS and Android install docs.
After 93 days, the app will be removed from the UI. If you want to remove it sooner than that, you have several options:
Remove it using the UI. Go to > All capabilities > Mobile > (select an app) > Settings > Application, and click Delete application.
If you have problems removing an app, here are some possible causes and suggested solutions:
If you don't have relevant permissions, you won't be able to remove an application.
All app data must stop reporting to New Relic before you can remove that entity from New Relic. You can delete an application when it has not received any incoming data for 12 hours.
If you have multiple agents reporting data under the same UI name, then you must make sure you disable or uninstall all of the agents associated with that entity.
If you have a PHP app and aren't able to remove it from the UI, possible causes include:
You have not disabled both components of the PHP agent. You must stop or uninstall both and newrelic-daemon in order to be able to remove a PHP app. For more information, see New Relic daemon processes.
You have set up per-directory monitoring of your PHP app, and unexpected PHP data is reporting as the default PHP application in the New Relic UI. To fix this, change the default app name in the PHP agent config.
If you don't know where an app's data is coming from, it may be because the app's name has been changed. When an app name is changed in the UI, it does not change the underlying app name being reported; it only changes how the app name appears in the UI.
To see if there is a difference between the reported name and the displayed name:
Once you have identified where app data is coming from, you can remove the app from New Relic.
To remove an app from New Relic, all data must have stopped reporting, including browser monitoring data. To verify that you have disabled or uninstalled the APM agent associated with the app:
If your browser monitoring script is inserted by the APM agent, turn it off from inside the UI, in the agent's config file, or in both.
If you copied and pasted the monitoring JavaScript snippet in certain pages, remove that JavaScript snippet manually.
Ensure all caches have been cleared that the application uses, such as host caches, CDNs, or anything else that caches built pages.
Optional: To see a count of how many page views report from each domain, use this NRQL query:
If these steps don't resolve the issue, it is likely due to an end-user's browser cache that hasn't yet cleared. Wait until those caches clear. If your app has internal users, you may be able to identify the users and clear those caches.