Disable browser monitoring

If you are using browser to monitor your application, you can manually disable monitoring for your app or for specific pages. Reasons for turning off on certain pages include:

  • Some pages may not be relevant for monitoring.
  • You want to monitor only specific pages.
  • You want to remove the browser script for troubleshooting purposes.

Disable monitoring of specific pages/URLs

To disable browser on a specific page or URL, follow the procedures based on your deployment method:

Disable domain monitoring

To turn off monitoring for specific domains or sub-domains, update your browser domain conditions.

Disable browser agent

If you used the copy/paste deployment method and want to stop collecting data for a browser app, simply remove the browser JavaScript snippet from the pages you do not want to monitor. If you used the APM agent to install the browser agent, you can turn off some of the browser monitoring features individually, or you can disable browser entirely.

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com, click on Browser > (select a browser app) > Settings > Application settings.
  2. To disable only the Pro account level features, select Lite.
  3. To turn off browser monitoring completely, select Off.
  4. Select Save application settings.
  5. If applicable, restart your agent.

When browser monitoring is off, the agent will not instrument pages with monitoring scripts.