Security Bulletin NR20-02


If the Node.js agent is configured to exclude the request.uri attribute, it will still capture the URI in transaction traces. This can be problematic for certain customers in environments where sensitive information is included in the URI.

Release date: August 20, 2020

Vulnerability identifier: NR20-02

Priority: Medium

Affected software

The following New Relic agent versions are affected:


Affected version

Remediated version

Node.js agent

< 6.12.1


Vulnerability information

Even when users configure the Node.js agent to exclude the request.uri attribute, the agent will still capture the URI in transaction traces. This allows authenticated account users to view the URI anywhere transaction trace details can be viewed via New Relic One or queries. This includes (but is not limited to) the Transaction traces section of the Transactions page, the Transaction trace details, and the query builder in the UI.

Mitigating factors

This will only affect Node.js agents configured to exclude the request.uri attribute.


Report security vulnerabilities to New Relic

New Relic is committed to the security of our customers and your data. If you believe you have found a security vulnerability in one of our products or websites, we welcome and greatly appreciate you reporting it to New Relic's coordinated disclosure program. For more information, see our documentation about reporting security vulnerabilities.