Upgrade the iOS agent

For information about the latest version, refer to the release notes.

Update with Swift Package Manager

To update the New Relic iOS agent using Swift Package Manager:

  1. Navigate to the NewRelic agent in the Package Dependencies section of your Xcode project navigator.
  2. Right-click on the NewRelic agent.
  3. Select Update Package.


Always check the release notes to make sure you're getting the most up-to-date agent version. Depending on how your Swift Package Manager rules are set up, you may need to change the Up to Next Major or Branch settings to include the new version.

Update with Cocoa Pods

To update the New Relic iOS agent using Cocoa Pods:

  1. Open the Terminal app and navigate to the directory with your PodFile.
  2. Run the following command:
    pod update NewRelicAgent

Manually replace your iOS agent

To download and manually install the New Relic iOS agent:

  1. Go to https://download.newrelic.com/ios_agent/ and download the iOS agent you want to update to.
  2. Navigate to where the iOS agent was downloaded and unzip it.
  3. Open the Project Navigator in Xcode (CMD+1) and search for NewRelic.xcframework.
  4. Right-click or control-click NewRelic.xcframework, and select Show in Finder.
  5. Drag the newly downloaded iOS agent into the same folder as the old agent, and select to replace the old.