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CocoaPods manual installation

We recommend that you use our guided install to set up iOS monitoring. However, if you need to install the agent manually, follow the steps below to install the New Relic iOS agent with Cocoapods.

Install your iOS application

As part of the installation process, New Relic automatically generates an application token. This is a 40-character hexadecimal string for authenticating each mobile app you monitor in New Relic.

To install and configure your iOS or tvOS application:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com.
  2. (If applicable) From the Mobile Apps list, select Add a new app.
  3. From the Get Started page, select iOS as the platform for mobile monitoring.
  4. Type a name for your mobile app, then select Continue.

Continue with the steps to configure New Relic for mobile monitoring.

Configure using Objective-C

These procedures to configure your iOS/tvOS app with CocoaPods and Objective-C also appear on the Get Started page in New Relic.

  1. In the Podfile for your project, add this line:

    pod 'NewRelicAgent'
  2. Close your project in Xcode, then open your terminal and run this command in your project's directory:

    pod install
  3. Open your project in Xcode by running this command in the terminal:

    open App.xcworkspace
  4. In your AppDelegate.m file, add this New Relic header:

    #import <NewRelic/NewRelic.h>
  5. In your AppDelegate.m file, add this call as the first line of application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions, replacing APP_TOKEN with your application token:

    [NewRelic startWithApplicationToken:@"APP_TOKEN"];


    The agent must be on the first line of didFinishLaunchingWithOptions and run on the main thread to ensure proper instrumentation. Starting the call later, on a background thread, or asynchronously can cause unexpected or unstable behavior.

  6. Download this repo: https://github.com/newrelic/newrelic-ios-agent-spm/archive/refs/heads/main.zip.

  7. From the downloaded repo, copy dsym-upload-tools into the folder that contains your xcodeproject file. You should now have a folder containing these files:

    • YOUR_PROJECT.xcodeproj
    • dsym-upload-tools/
  8. Based on your iOS agent version, add the build script below to your target's Build Phases. Make sure the script is the very last build script, and replace APP_TOKEN with your application token.

    • For iOS agent 7.4.0 or higher:
    SCRIPT=`/usr/bin/find "${SRCROOT}" "${ARTIFACT_DIR}" -type f -name run-symbol-tool | head -n 1`
    /bin/sh "${SCRIPT}" "APP_TOKEN"
    • For iOS agent 7.3.8 or lower:
    SCRIPT=`/usr/bin/find "${SRCROOT}" -name newrelic_postbuild.sh | head -n 1`
    /bin/sh "${SCRIPT}" "APP_TOKEN"
  9. (Optional) Add the following lines to your build script above to skip symbol upload during debugging:

    if [ ${CONFIGURATION} = "Debug" ]; then
    echo "Skipping DSYM upload CONFIGURATION: ${CONFIGURATION}"
    exit 0
  10. Clean and build your app, then run it in the simulator or on another device.

Configure using Swift

These procedures to configure your iOS/tvOS app with CocoaPods and Swift also appear on the Get Started page in New Relic.

  1. In the Podfile for your project, add the following line:

    pod 'NewRelicAgent'
  2. Close your project in Xcode, and update it by running this command from the terminal in your project directory:

    pod install
  3. Open your project in Xcode by running this command from the terminal in your project directory:

    open App.xcworkspace
  4. In your AppDelegate.swift, add the New Relic header: (If your app is written in SwiftUI, follow these instructions to add an AppDelegate to your project.)

    import NewRelic
  5. In your AppDelegate.swift file, add this call as the first line of application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions, replacing APP_TOKEN with your application token:



    To ensure proper instrumentation, you must call the agent on the first line of didFinishLaunchingWithOptions(), and run the agent on the main thread. Starting the call later (on a background thread or asynchronously) can cause unexpected or unstable behavior.

  6. Download this repo: https://github.com/newrelic/newrelic-ios-agent-spm/archive/refs/heads/main.zip.

  7. From the downloaded repo, copy dsym-upload-tools into the folder that contains your xcodeproject file. You should now have a folder containing these files:

    • YOUR_PROJECT.xcodeproj
    • dsym-upload-tools/
  8. Based on your iOS agent version, add the build script below to your target's Build Phases. Make sure the script is the very last build script, and replace APP_TOKEN with your application token.

    • For iOS agent 7.4.0 or higher:
    SCRIPT=`/usr/bin/find "${SRCROOT}" "${ARTIFACT_DIR}" -type f -name run-symbol-tool | head -n 1`
    /bin/sh "${SCRIPT}" "APP_TOKEN"
    • For iOS agent 7.3.8 or lower:
    SCRIPT=`/usr/bin/find "${SRCROOT}" -name newrelic_postbuild.sh | head -n 1`
    /bin/sh "${SCRIPT}" "APP_TOKEN"
  9. (Optional) Add the following lines to your build script above to skip symbol upload during debugging:

    if [ ${CONFIGURATION} = "Debug" ]; then
    echo "Skipping DSYM upload CONFIGURATION: ${CONFIGURATION}"
    exit 0
  10. Clean and build your app, then run it in the simulator or on another device.

Did this doc help with your installation?

(Optional) Change the logging level

By default, the iOS agent logs at the info level. you can change the log level to collect more or less data. There are six supported log levels:

  • none
  • error
  • warning
  • info
  • verbose
  • ALL


Only increase the log level to verbose or higher for debugging, not for release builds.

To change the logging level in your app, add this method call before calling NewRelic.start(withApplicationToken):

  • Objective-c:

    [NRLogger setLogLevels:NRLogLevelALL];
  • Swift:

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