iOS agent compatibility and requirements

Before you install and configure the iOS agent, follow these guidelines for compatibility and other requirements.

Foreground monitoring

The iOS agent only monitors your app while it is in the foreground. The agent does not monitor background services while the app is closed. For more information, see our Mobile data privacy and security documentation.

iOS requirements

Make sure your iOS app meets these requirements:


iOS application requirements

Operating system

iOS 10 or higher

Apple no longer supports bitcode-based submissions to the App Store. Bitcode is not supported by our iOS agent.


  • NSURLConnection and AFNetworking are supported.
  • NSURLSession supports upload and data functions only.
  • URLSession in Swift supports async upload and data functions only.
  • Network traffic for UIWebView and WKWebView is supported. However, WKWebView Transfer size and Http errors are not supported.


  • Objective-C
  • Swift: Works with both network traces and crash reporting, but no interaction traces by default. Interaction traces must be enabled for Swift.


Any iOS compatible device: iPhones, iPads, etc.

File sizes

The agent adds about 2 to 12 megabytes to your iOS release app, depending on platform build.


ARM 64-bit.


As a standard security measure for data collection, New Relic requires that your application server supports SHA-2 (256-bit). SHA-1 is not supported.


To take advantage of New Relic's iOS features, make sure you have the latest version of Xcode.

arm64e support

To be able to properly symbolicate crashes from devices with arm64e architectures, make sure your Xcode settings are enabled for pointer authentication. For more information, see the Apple developer documentation.


In order to use the latest iOS agent, use CocoaPods version 1.10.1 or higher.


The iOS agent can monitor tvOS apps. For details, see tvOS compatibility.


The iOS agent can monitor watchOS apps. For details, see watchOS compatibility.

Testing is not supported

Our agents are designed and tested to work in a normal app lifecycle. New Relic does not support running any testing environment on applications with the agent. Testing can cause conflicts and unpredictable behavior.

Potential method replacement conflicts

Our iOS agent utilizes method replacement during run time. This may result in a conflict with other libraries that also implement method replacement, such as ReactiveCocoa, Firebase, Aspects, and AppleGuice.