Rename browser apps

Follow the appropriate procedure to rename your browser app depending on the deployment option you used to add it to browser.

Rename app monitored by APM

If you added an app to browser already being monitored by APM, the app name that appears in browser is the same as the app name in the UI. To rename the app, use any of these options:



Rename and continue collecting data

This option is useful when you simply want to give an app a different display name (alias).

To change the alias that appears in the New Relic UI, use the app's Settings page: Go to > All capabilities > APM & services > (select an app) > Settings > Application.

Stop reporting under the old name

To stop reporting data under the old name and begin collecting data with a new name (app identifer), use the APM agent's configuration file. This changes the identifier that New Relic's data collector uses to distinguish one app from another. Based on the data retention schedule, New Relic will retain historical data collected under the old name, and will collect and aggregate data under the new name. If one or more apps share the same name, then their data will be aggregated in the UI.


If you change the app identifier, a new application will appear in our user interface with the new name, and data will stop reporting to the app(s) with the old name.

Rename app via JavaScript snippet

This information applies if you inserted the browser agent's JavaScript snippet into your:

  • App monitored by APM that was deployed via the copy/paste method
  • Single page app (SPA)
  • Any standalone browser app that is not also monitored by APM

You cannot directly edit the JavaScript snippet in the existing app. Instead, to use your app with a different name:

  1. Follow standard procedures to create a new app using the copy/paste method. Provide the new name, and generate the JavaScript snippet.
  2. Copy the new JavaScript snippet.
  3. In your webpage, replace the JavaScript from your original app with the JavaScript generated for the new app name.
  4. If your standalone app has multiple names, copy the custom app IDs in your configuration script to your new app.

Based on the data retention schedule, New Relic will retain historical data collected under the old name, and will collect and aggregate data under the new name.

Rename app via New Relic REST API (v2)

This information applies only to browser apps that are also monitored by APM. You cannot change the app name via the REST API if you used the copy/paste method to insert browser's JavaScript snippet into your app.

Follow standard procedures to change the APM app alias via REST API or API Explorer. New Relic automatically changes the display name for the app everywhere in the New Relic UI, including browser.