Browser settings: UI options for Apdex and geography

As part of the setup requirements, you must install the browser agent. Then you can use the your app's Applications settings page to update browser monitoring options for:

Select Apdex settings

For apps that are also monitored by APM, you can set separate Apdex T values for browser (end users) and for APM. You can also select cities, regions, or countries to be highlighted on the Geography page.

  1. Go to > All capabilities > Browser > (select an app) > Settings > Application settings.
  2. From Application settings, select an Apdex T value specifically for browser monitoring, or leave the default Apdex value.
  3. Select Save application settings.

Whenever you change Apdex settings, a black vertical bar appears on the Page load timing chart on your browser app's Summary page.

View end-user Apdex

To view your Apdex score: