If a non-zero exit code is returned, the monitor will fail.
With only ping monitors, you can choose to set up:
The Bypass HEAD request option to skip the default HEAD request and use the GET verb instead.
Redirect is Failure, which will categorize the redirect as a failure, rather than following the redirect to the new URL.
Custom Headers can be added to ping and simple browser monitors. These headers will be added to requests submitted by the monitor.
With only simple browser monitors, you can select from Chrome or Firefox and enable device emulation settings, including device type and screen orientation.
Choose a period to determine how often each location will run your monitor.
Optional: Select one or more browser types and enable device emulation settings, browser types and including device type and screen orientation are available for scripted browser monitors.
Select the locations from which you want your monitor to run.
Specify a name and choose a period to determine how often each location will run your monitor.
Optional: Select one or more browser types and enable device emulation settings, browser types and including device type and screen orientation are available for scripted browser monitors.
Select the locations from which you want your monitor to run.
Build your monitor by selecting from the preconfigured steps at the bottom of the UI:
Navigate to a URL
Type text
Click an element
Assert text
Assert an element
Secure a credential
Use the instructions on the right side of the UI to help locate elements by CSS class, HTML ID, link text, or XPath.
Select Save monitor to confirm.
Generate some traffic and wait a few minutes, then check your monitor from the Monitors index.
Specify a name and enter the URL you'd like to monitor (may be any valid HTTP or HTTPS URL).
Select the period to determine your monitor's frequency.
Optional: Add tags to help you find this monitor later.
Select the locations from which you want your monitor to run, and then click Save monitor to confirm.
Generate some traffic and wait a few minutes, then check your monitor from the Monitors index.
Wanting to deploy more than a single monitor at a time? We recommend checking out the NerdGraph API synthetic monitoring tutorial. You can automate monitor creation with API calls.
You can also create monitors with our synthetic monitoring REST API. For REST APIs, make a GET request to retrieve the configuration details of your chosen synthetic monitor. Once you've retrieved that data, use POST to create a "copy" of your chosen monitor.
When configuring monitors, the following settings are available:
Select the type of monitor you want to create. A monitor's type can't be changed after the monitor is created.
Ping: Specify a single URL to monitor for availability. New Relic will check this URL via HEAD or GET requests. The non-configurable timeout for this monitor is 60 seconds.
Simple browser: Specify a single URL to monitor via real browser. Once each frequency interval, New Relic will check this URL via a Selenium-powered Chrome or Firefox browser. The non-configurable timeout for this monitor is 60 seconds.
Scripted browser: Create a script to drive a Selenium-powered Chrome or Firefox browser. The browser follows each step in the script to verify that complex behavior is working as expected (for example, searching a website, then clicking one of the search results). The non-configurable timeout for this monitor is 180 seconds.
API test: Create an API script to ensure your API endpoint is working correctly. For more information, see Write API tests. The non-configurable timeout for this monitor is 180 seconds.
Step monitor: A codeless option to configure one or more steps to to drive a Selenium-powered Chrome or Firefox browser. The browser follows each step to verify that complex behavior is working as expected (for example, searching a website, then clicking one of the search results). The non-configurable timeout for this monitor is 180 seconds.
Certificate check: Check if an SSL certificate will expire in a configurable number of days or less.
Broken links: Test all links found on a URL to ensure they respond with successful HTTP response codes.
Defines a name for the monitor. Monitor names cannot contain unencoded angle brackets (< and >). To include angle brackets in a monitor name, encode them as HTML bracket entities (< for < and > for >) in the UI or API.
Select the locations where you want your monitor to run. Select more locations to ensure that your application is available to users around the world. If you have any private locations, they will be listed here too. You can use the Synthetics API location endpoint to retrieve a list of valid locations for your account.
Your monitor will run one check from each selected location during each frequency interval. For example, if you select three locations and define a frequency of 15 minutes, your monitor will run three checks in each 15 minute period (or 8,640 checks per month).
Select how often the monitor runs, in increments of minutes, hours, or 1 day. This frequency applies to each location. For example, if you select three locations and a Frequency of 15 minutes, your monitor will run three checks, on average every 5 minutes, in each 15 minute period (or 8,640 checks per month).
Specify text to search for on the page DOM. When using simple browser or ping monitor types, there is a 1MB (10^6 bytes) limit on the page load.
Specify the threshold for the tolerable response times for your monitor. The default value is 7 seconds (7000ms). For more information, see Understand SLA report metrics.