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.NET agent release notesRSS

September 15, 2020
.NET agent v6.26.0.0


The 6.x agent supports legacy frameworks (.NET version 4.5 and lower). If you are on .NET version 4.5 or higher, or if you are on .NET Core, use the 8.x agent versions.

Download URLs

Download the appropriate release for your New Relic .NET agent:

New Features

  • The .NET Agent is now open source!
    The New Relic .NET agent is now open source! Now you can view the source code to help with troubleshooting, observe the project roadmap, and file issues directly in this repository. We are now using the Apache 2 license. See our Contributing guide and Code of Conduct for details on contributing!
  • SSL Required
    In order to increase security, disabling agent HTTPS communication via the service SSL configuration is no longer supported. All communication with New Relic services will occur via SSL.
  • EU Data Center Support
    Adds support for communicating with New Relic's EU Data Center. Please review our docs site for further information.


August 17, 2020
.NET agent v8.31.0.0

New Features

  • Expected Errors Support
    Certain errors that are expected within the application may be identified so that they will not be counted towards the application's error rate and Apdex Score. Only errors that truly affect the health of the application will be alerted on. Please review the following documentation for details on how to configure Expected Errors.

  • Ignored Errors Enhancements
    Certain errors may be identified in configuration so that they will be ignored. These errors will not be counted towards the application's error rate, Apdex score, and will not be reported by the agent. Please review the following documentation for details on how to configure Ignored Errors.

    • New configuration element <ignoreMessages>supports filtering based on the error message.
    • Please note that the <ignoreErrors> configuration element has been deprecated and replaced by <ignoreClasses>. The .NET Agent continues to support this configuration element, but its support may be removed in the future.


  • Garbage Collection Performance Metrics for Windows
    Fixes an issue where Garbage Collection Performance Metrics may not be reported for Windows Applications.
  • Maintaining newrelic.config on Linux package upgrades
    Fixes an issue where newrelic.config was being overwritten when upgrading the agent via either rpm/yum (RedHat/Centos) or dpkg/apt (Debian/Ubuntu).



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July 16, 2020
.NET agent v8.30.0.0

New Features

  • The .NET agent is now open source!
    The New Relic .NET agent is now open source! Now you can view the source code to help with troubleshooting, observe the project roadmap, and file issues directly in this repository. We are now using the Apache 2 license. See our Contributing guide and Code of Conduct for details on contributing!


  • Memory usage reporting for Linux
    Fixes issue where applications running on Linux were either reporting no physical memory usage or using VmData to report the physical memory usage of the application. The agent now uses VmRSS through a call to Process.WorkingSet64 to report physical memory usage. See the dotnet runtime discussion and the proc man pages for more details about this change.
  • Infinite Tracing performance
    Fixes issue where the agent may consume too much memory when using Infinite Tracing.
  • .NET 5 support
    Fixes issue with applications running on .NET 5 that prevented instrumentation changes at runtime (either though editing instrumentation XML files or through the Live Instrumentation editor Beta).


June 25, 2020
.NET agent v8.29.0.0

New Features

  • Additional Transaction Information applied to Span Events When Distributed Tracing and/or Infinite Tracing are enabled, the Agent will now incorporate additional information from the Transaction Event on to the root Span Event of the transaction. The following items are affected:

    1. Request Parameters request.parameter.*
    2. Custom Attribute Values applied to the Transaction via API Calls AddCustomParameter and ITransaction.AddCustomAttribute.
    3. request.uri
    4. response.status
    5. host.displayName
  • Security Recommendation Review your Transaction Attributes configuration. Any attribute include or exclude settings specific to Transaction Events, should be applied to your Span Attributes configuration or your Global Attributes configuration.


  • Fixes issue where updating custom instrumentation while application is running could cause application to crash.


June 4, 2020
.NET agent v8.28.0.0

New Features


  • Infinite Tracing
    • Fixes issue with Infinite Tracing where a communication error can result in consuming too much CPU.
    • Fixes issue with Infinite Tracing where a communication error did not clean up its corresponding communication threads.
    • Agent version 8.30 introduces significant performance enhancements to Infinite Tracing. To use Infinite Tracing, please upgrade to version 8.30 or later.
  • Fixes issue in .NET Framework ASP.NET MVC applications where transactions started on one thread would flow to background threads (e.g., started with Task.Run) in some scenarios but not others. Transaction state used to only flow to a background thread if the transaction originated from an async controller action. Transaction state now flows to background threads regardless of whether the controller action is async or not.
  • Fixes issue in .NET Framework ASP.NET MVC applications where agent instrumentation of an MVC controller action could cause an InvalidProgramException.
  • Fixes a problem with the reporting of Errors where Error Events may not appear even though Error Traces are being sent.


April 30, 2020
.NET agent v8.27.139.0

New Features

  • Support for W3C Trace Context, with easy upgrade from New Relic trace context
    • Distributed Tracing now supports W3C Trace Context headers for HTTP when distributed tracing is enabled. Our implementation can accept and emit both W3C trace header format and New Relic trace header format. This simplifies agent upgrades, allowing trace context to be propagated between services with older and newer releases of New Relic agents. W3C trace header format will always be accepted and emitted. New Relic trace header format will be accepted, and you can optionally disable emission of the New Relic trace header format.
    • When distributed tracing is enabled with <distributedTracing enabled="true" />, the .NET agent will now accept W3C's traceparent and tracestate headers when calling Transaction.AcceptDistributedTraceHeaders. When calling Transaction.InsertDistributedTraceHeaders, the .NET agent will include the W3C headers along with the New Relic distributed tracing header, unless the New Relic trace header format is disabled using <distributedTracing enabled="true" excludeNewrelicHeader="true" />.
    • The existing Transaction.AcceptDistributedTracePayload and Transaction.CreateDistributedTracePayload APIs are deprecated in favor of Transaction.AcceptDistributedTraceHeaders and Transaction.InsertDistributedTraceHeaders.


  • Fixes issue which prevented synthetic monitors from working when distributed tracing is enabled.
  • Fixes issue where our RPM package for installing the agent on RPM-based Linux distributions included a 32-bit shared library, which created unnecessary dependencies on 32-bit system libraries.
  • Fixes issue where the TransportDuration metric for distributed traces was always reporting 0.


April 20, 2020
.NET agent v8.26.630.0

New Features

  • Infinite Tracing on New Relic Edge

    This release adds support for Infinite Tracing on New Relic Edge. Infinite Tracing observes 100% of your distributed traces and provides visualizations for the most actionable data so you have the examples of errors and long-running traces so you can better diagnose and troubleshoot your systems.

    You configure your agent to send traces to a trace observer in New Relic Edge. You view your distributed traces through the New Relic’s UI. There is no need to install a collector on your network.

    Infinite Tracing is currently available on a sign-up basis. If you would like to participate, please contact your sales representative.

    Agent version 8.30 introduces significant performance enhancements to Infinite Tracing. To use Infinite Tracing, please upgrade to version 8.30 or later.

  • Error attributes now added to each span that exits with an error or exception

    Error attributes error.class and error.message are now included on the span event in which an error or exception was noticed, and, in the case of unhandled exceptions, on any ancestor spans that also exit with an error. The public API method NoticeError now attaches these error attributes to the currently executing span.

    Spans with error details are now highlighted red in the Distributed Tracing UI, and error details will expose the associated error.class and error.message. It is also now possible to see when an exception leaves the boundary of the span, and if it is caught in an ancestor span without reaching the entry span. NOTE: This “bubbling up” of exceptions will impact the error count when compared to prior behavior for the same trace. It is possible to have a trace that now has span errors without the trace level showing an error.

    If multiple errors occur on the same span, only the most recent error information is added to the attributes. Prior errors on the same span are overwritten.

    These span event attributes conform to ignored errors configuration.


  • Fixes issue in the MSI installer which prevented the InstrumentAllNETFramework feature selection from working as expected on the command line.
  • Fixes issue for Azure App Service environments running on Linux that caused both the application and its Kudu process to be instrumented by the agent. The Kudu process is no longer instrumented.
  • Fixes issue when using the ignoreErrors configuration. Previously, when an exception contained a inner exception(s), the ignoreErrors config was only applied to the outer-most exception. Now, both the outer-most and inner-most exception type are considered when evaluating the ignoreErrors configuration.
  • Fixes an issue that could cause an exception to occur in the instrumentation for StackExchange Redis. This exception caused the instrumentation to shut down leaving StackExchange Redis uninstrumented.


March 11, 2020
.NET agent v8.25.214.0

New Features

  • Thread profiling support for Linux

    Thread profiling on Linux will be supported on .NET Core 3.0 or later applications when running .NET agent version 8.23 or later. Triggering a thread profile is done from the Thread profiler page in APM.

  • Accessing Span-Specific information using the .NET Agent API

    New property, CurrentSpan has been added to IAgent and ITransaction. It returns an object implementing ISpan which provides access to span-specific functions within the API.

  • Adding Custom Span Attributes using the .NET Agent API

    New method, AddCustomAttribute(string, object) has been added to ISpan.


  • Fixes issue where adding multiple custom attributes on a Transaction using ITransaction.AddCustomAttribute causes the agent to ignore additional attempts to add custom attributes to any transaction.
  • Fixes issue that prevented Custom Events from being sent to New Relic until the agent shuts down.
  • Fixes issue that can cause asynchronous Redis calls in an ASP.NET MVC application to report an inflated duration.


February 19, 2020
.NET agent v8.24.244.0

New Features

  • Adding custom transaction attributes using the .NET Agent API

    New method, AddCustomAttribute(string, object) has been added to ITransaction.

    • This new method accepts and supports all data types.
    • Method AddCustomParameter(string, IConvertable) is still available with limited data-type support; however, this method should be considered obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the agent API.
    • Further information may be found within .NET Agent API documentation.
  • Enhanced type support for RecordCustomEvent and NoticeError API methods.

    APIs for recording exceptions and custom events now support values of all types.

    • The NoticeError API method has new overloads that accept an IDictionary<string, object>.
    • The RecordCustomEvent methods have been modified to handle all types of data. In that past, they only handled string and float types.
    • Further information may be found within .NET agent API documentation.
  • New attributes on span events

    • Spans created for external HTTP calls now include the http.statusCode attribute representing the status code of the call.
    • Spans created for calls to a datastore now include the db.collection attribute. For instance, this will be the table name for a call to MS SQL Server.
  • Ability to exclude attributes from span events

    Attributes on span events (e.g., http.url) can now be excluded via configuration. See .NET agent configuration for further information.


  • New Relic distributed tracing relies on propagating trace and span identifiers in the headers of external calls (e.g., an HTTP call). These identifiers now only contain lowercase alphanumeric characters. Previous versions of the .NET agent used uppercase alphanumeric characters. The usage of uppercase alphanumeric characters can break traces when calling downstream services also monitored by a New Relic agent that supports W3C trace context (New Relic's .NET agent does not currently support W3C trace context. Support for W3C trace context for .NET will be in an upcoming release). This is only a problem if a .NET application is the originator of the trace.


January 15, 2020
.NET agent v6.25.0.0

This is a security-only release for the 6.x agents that support legacy frameworks (.NET version 4.5 and lower). If you are on .NET version 4.5 or higher, or if you are on .NET Core, use the 8.x or later agent versions.


  • Fixes security vulnerability NR20-01 which may cause SQL parameter values to appear in the agent log file when the logging level is set to Debug or Finest and the calling application supplies SQL parameters without a @ prefix.
  • Fixes an issue where Explain Plans are not generated for database commands with parameters that do not have the @ prefix on the name.


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