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Partner products, pricing, and billing


This information is only for New Relic partners. If you're not a New Relic partner, refer to the pricing and billing docs.

Partners: For account setup procedures, see Intro to the Partner API. For specific product pricing details (such as New Relic APM), visit New Relic's website, or contact your Alliance & Channels representative at New Relic.

Commitment levels

When customers choose a product, they also choose a monthly or annual commitment level. Existing partnerships have the option of limiting available product offerings for their customers. Reseller partners may be able to modify these subscription terms based on the contractual terms in the partner agreement with New Relic.

Customized partnership pricing

Partnership accounts may offer customized pricing. Customized pricing models, rates, minimums, discounts, and options vary by partnership--the actual pricing model used is subject to the contractual terms of the partner's agreement with New Relic. Contact your Alliance & Channels representative at New Relic to learn more.

Partnership billing options

New Relic supports the following billing options for partnerships.

  • All subscriptions commence and expire at midnight GMT.
  • For host-based subscriptions, fees are charged in advance for the month. Upgrade requests are honored immediately without any billing for partial use during the month. Downgrades take effect at the next payment date.

To view New Relic account billing details and history from the user interface: From one.newrelic.com, select (user menu) > Account settings > Account > Billing.

Billing option


Credit card

When partners choose credit card billing, your customers are directly charged using the credit card information provided during their New Relic subscription signup. This does not include any license fees paid directly by the partner for their customers' accounts.


When partners choose invoice billing, your customers are billed directly by New Relic via invoice for their subscriptions. This option is normally provided on special request to customers with large monthly costs for which credit card billing would be impractical.


For resellers, partners are billed directly for all customer accounts based on the calendar month. Partners may be responsible for accounting for customer usage, pricing, and subscriptions.

Resellers have the option to implement an integration between our respective accounting systems. New Relic will invoice the partner monthly, using the Billing integration API for each of the paying accounts under the partnership.


Once a New Relic account cancellation takes effect, you must uninstall and/or delete all agents or other data-reporting integrations. For uninstallation details, see the documentation for the relevant agents and integrations. Customers may continue to access their data on New Relic until it is purged in accordance with the data retention policy corresponding to the product level.

  • For existing accounts with paid, fixed host subscriptions, cancellations take effect at the next payment date. New Relic will continue to accept data for cancelled accounts until this date.
  • Cancellations for accounts with free or paid based subscriptions take effect immediately.


New Relic allows promotions for accounts offered through partnerships. Promotions associated with a specific partnership may only be redeemed on accounts associated with the partnership.

Each promotion has a unique code. This promotion code may be applied only once per account. New Relic may impose further limits on the number of promotions that a customer may apply to an account.



Free trials

New Relic may include a free trial period for features normally available only through a paid subscription level. This option is provided for a specified number of days. The customer's subscription automatically reverts to its prior level at the conclusion of the trial.

Payments for paid subscriptions are not interrupted by the redemption of a free trial promotion on the account.

Single use

Single use trials expire after they are used once.

Discount (deprecated)

A one-time percentage discount is applied to a paid subscription. This discount is applied in addition to any volume discounts and customized partner prices. The discount remains in effect until the subscription is modified or cancelled.

Legacy products and commitment levels

If you have questions about older New Relic products that have been converted to new pricing models, contact your Alliance & Channels representative at New Relic.

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