You can use our NerdGraph API to view and manage users. You can add and delete users, edit your users' email address and user type, and return other types of user information.
For how to do this in the UI, see the user management UI docs.
Some requirements for managing users via NerdGraph:
- This is for managing users on our newer user model. Other permissions-related requirements:
- Required user type: core user or full platform user.
- Required administration settings: To view and make changes to users requires Authentication domain settings. To view and make changes at the organization level requires Organization settings.
Before you start
Before using NerdGraph to manage users, some important points:
- Ensure you have a decent understanding of our user management concepts
- The NerdGraph explorer has built-in docs that define the fields used in these requests.
- You can track changes to your New Relic account.
Below are some examples of querying user information and making changes to your users.
User type fields
The user type values available are:
Query user information
Here's an example query to see all the user types in your organization:
{ actor { organization { userManagement { types { displayName id } } } }}
Here's an example query for getting the last active date and the user type for the users in a specific authentication domain:
{ actor { organization { userManagement { authenticationDomains(id: "YOUR_AUTH_DOMAIN_ID") { authenticationDomains { users { users { id name email lastActive type { displayName id } } } } } } } }}
Create users
Here's an example of creating a basic user:
mutation { userManagementCreateUser( createUserOptions: { authenticationDomainId: "YOUR_AUTH_DOMAIN_ID" email: "EMAIL_OF_YOUR_USER" name: "NAME_OF_YOUR_USER" userType: BASIC_USER_TIER } ) { createdUser { authenticationDomainId email id name type { displayName id } } }}
Here's an example error response when trying to create a user within an authentication domain not set for manually provisioned users:
{ "data": { "userManagementCreateUser": null }, "errors": [ { "message": "This API can only be used to create users within Authentication Domains set for manually provisioned users." } ]}
Here's an example error response when trying to create a user that already exists in an auth domain:
{ "data": { "userManagementCreateUser": null }, "errors": [ { "message": "User with email: <USER_EMAIL> and authentication domain: <AUTH_DOMAIN_ID> already exists." } ]}
Update users
Here's an example of updating a user's user type to be full platform user:
mutation { userManagementUpdateUser( updateUserOptions: { id: "ID_OF_YOUR_USER", userType: FULL_USER_TIER } ) { user { id type { displayName id } } }}
Here's an example of updating a user's email address:
mutation { userManagementUpdateUser( updateUserOptions: { id: "ID_OF_YOUR_USER", email: "EMAIL_OF_YOUR_USER" } ) { user { id email } }}
Add users to groups
For how to manage groups, and add users to groups, see Manage user groups with NerdGraph.
Delete users
Here's an example of deleting a user:
mutation { userManagementDeleteUser(deleteUserOptions: {id: "ID_OF_YOUR_USER"}) { deletedUser { id } }}
Here's an example error response when trying to delete a user in a SCIM-provisioned auth domain:
{ "data": { "userManagementDeleteuser": null }, "errors": [ { "message": "This API can only be used to delete users within Authentication Domains set for manually provisioned users." } ]}
By default, the API only returns at most 500 users or 10 authentication domains. If you have more than that, you can use cursors to get the next 500 users or 10 auth domains. This call will return nextCursor
, which can be fed into another call, using the cursor input:
{ actor { organization { userManagement { authenticationDomains(id: "YOUR_AUTH_DOMAIN_ID") { authenticationDomains { users(cursor: "=abcdEFGH2356X") { nextCursor totalCount users { email id lastActive name type { displayName id } } } } } } } }}
Here's an example of starting a paginated return of all authentication domains for an organization:
{ actor { organization { userManagement { authenticationDomains(cursor: "=123xyzABCx") { nextCursor totalCount authenticationDomains { id name } } } } }}
Manage groups
For how to manage groups, and add and remove users from groups, see Manage groups.