Ruby agent installation: Rails plugin

These instructions are for installing the Ruby agent as a Rails plugin. For most use cases, you should instead install the agent gem.

Install the New Relic Rails plugin


We strongly recommend installing the Ruby agent as a gem to have better control over versions and dependencies.

To install the Rails plugin from Github, use the following commands for Rails versions 2 or higher:

script/plugin install git://
mv vendor/plugins/rpm vendor/plugins/newrelic-ruby-agent

This will export the Rails plugin into your application's vendor/plugins directory. If you can't install the Rails plugin directly from the git URL, you can clone the repository into the vendor/plugins directory.

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Update the configuration file

After installing the agent, copy the newrelic.yml file into the config subdirectory of your application. You can download a fresh newrelic.yml that includes your from the Account settings when logged in to New Relic.


As part of the installation process, change the default application name to a meaningful name.

Update the newrelic.yml file

Whenever you update the agent, confirm that your Ruby agent configuration file (config/newrelic.yml) is updated:

  • Open the default newrelic.yml file that lives in the Ruby agent's plugin folder (vendor/plugins/newrelic-ruby-agent/newrelic.yml).
  • Look for new configuration options that aren't in your config/newrelic.yml file.


You can reference secrets stored in Rails credentials in your newrelic.yml file using YAML interpolation:

# When you have a key that exists in config/credentials.yml.enc like 'newrelic_license_key'...
license_key: <%= Rails.application.credentials.newrelic_license_key %>

View logs for your APM and infrastructure data

You can also bring your logs and application's data together to make troubleshooting easier and faster. With logs in context, you can see log messages related to your errors and traces directly in your app's UI. You can also see logs in context of your infrastructure data, such as Kubernetes clusters. No need to switch to another UI page.

Update the Ruby agent

When using Subversion with the Rails plugin, be sure to remove the old agent plugin before reinstalling.


Use the gem if possible.

svn rm vendor/plugins/newrelic-ruby-agent svn commit vendor/plugins -m "removing old version of newrelic"

Then, to install the latest Ruby agent plugin:

script/rails plugin install git:// vendor/plugins/newrelic-ruby-agent
mv vendor/plugins/rpm vendor/plugins/newrelic-ruby-agent
svn add vendor/plugins/newrelic-ruby-agent
svn commit vendor/plugins -m "upgrading newrelic to version X.X.X"

Uninstall the Rails plugin

To uninstall the Rails plugin:

svn rm vendor/plugins/newrelic-ruby-agent svn commit vendor/plugins