Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer plugin

Rackspace offers a plugin for the Cloud Load Balancer product. The plugin allows you to see HTTP vs. HTTPS traffic, easily set to your predefined thresholds, and periodically check the health of the nodes associated with your load balancer to ensure they are responding correctly.


Make sure your system has these components installed:

  • Ruby (version 1.8.7 or higher)
  • Rubygems (version 1.3.7 or higher)
  • Ruby bundler gem
  • A New Relic account
  • Rackspace Load Balancer with logging enabled

Installing the plugin

If you have load balancers in multiple regions, configure a separate plugin for each region. Always use lower case characters for the region's name in your yml file. For more information about YAML parsing, see http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com/.

wget https://github.com/newrelic-platform/newrelic_rackspace_load_balancers_plugin/archive/1.0.0.zip
bundle install -binstubs
./bin/newrelic_rs --sample-config
  1. Download the zip file from GitHub:
  2. Extract the contents into the directory you want to use.
  3. Run the following commands from within this directory to get the gem setup:
  4. Modify the config/newrelic_plugin.yml with your New Relic license key, Rackspace username and API key, and the region where your load balancer sits. Be sure to use lower case characters for the region name.
  5. Start the agent: ./bin/newrelic_rs.
  6. Verify that the output says gathering xx statistics.

Viewing the Load Balancer

logo rackspace.pngRackspace Cloud Load Balancer

After the plugin installs successfully, you can select it in New Relic:

  1. Sign in to New Relic at one.newrelic.com.
  2. From the New Relic UI, select the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer icon.

From here you can select load balancer(s), view traffic, configure alerts, and more.