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Java agent release notesRSS

January 11, 2017
Java agent v3.35.0


Known Issue

Several customers have reported an issue with this release in which the app fails with a ClassFormatError. For this reason, this release is not recommended and has been removed from New Relic's download site. Please use release 3.34.0 instead.

We keep the note here because the 3.35.0 is still available on the Maven Central Repository.

We will release a fix for the issue as soon as possible.


  • JAX-RS/Jersey 2

    This agent release officially adds support for JAX-RS 1.1-2.0.

    The release instruments the @Suspend annotation when using the Jersey 2 implementation of JAX-RS.

  • OkHttp 3.5

    This release updates our instrumentation to cover OkHttp 3.5.


  • Fixes an edge case in Spray Client instrumentation where a NullPointerException was being thrown into customer logs
  • Fixes a potential StackOverflowException from Netty instrumentation when calling ServerBootstrap.bind() many times
  • Fixes a bug that prevented display of JMX metrics for Oracle WebLogic Server 12.2
  • Fixes issue where SQL parsing would throw a StackOverflowError and prevent large database statements from being sent up to New Relic
  • Improve performance of complex SQL statement parsing in the agent, reducing overhead for apps that make many SQL calls

December 14, 2016
Java agent v3.34.0

Download this agent version


  • Solr

    The agent now reports database instance information for Solr. With the additional database instance information, transaction traces and slow query traces will provide the database server and database name for the queries displayed.

  • IBM JDK 8 Support

    The newest versions of WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere Liberty Profile ship with the IBM JDK 8. This release is compatible with IBM JDK 8.


  • Fixed an issue in which asynchronous instrumentation could interact with instrumentation for JDBC ResultSet or a limited set of other frameworks, leading to loss of transaction reporting.
  • Fixed an issue in which transactions that executed the Spring Framework error handler could be given a generic name. These transactions will now retain their previously-assigned name.
  • Fixed a bug introduced in 3.33.0 where use of the X-Ray sessions feature could cause the Agent to stop reporting transactions.
  • Fixed a bug in the agent that prevented Error Events from linking to corresponding Traced Errors when created outside of a transaction
  • Fixes a Tomcat-specific issue where Transactions would incorrectly report extremely long response times in the ServletRequestListener.requestInitialized() method.
  • Improved metric grouping issues in several frameworks including Akka tell calls.
  • Fixed bug in noticeError API. The agent now includes custom attributes in errors when the API is called outside a Transaction.
  • Fixed an issue where custom XML instrumentation could cause a null pointer exception in application code when custom attributes are set for a method that passes a null parameter.
  • Fixed an issue in the Agent API method recordCustomEvent() that could cause loss of custom events created using this API. Customer who do not use the recordCustomEvent() API are not affected. Previously, unexpected argument types could result in the loss of both the event and additional custom events recorded in the same 1-minute period. As a result of this fix, users of the recordCustomEvent API may discover that events that have never been visible in the Insights API become visible.

Known issues

  • Fixed in 3.35.2

    • Applications that use the Spray Client instrumentation may throw a NullPointerException into customer logs
    • Applications that use the Netty instrumentation may get a StackOverflowException when calling ServerBootstrap.bind() many times
    • Oracle WebLogic Server 12.2 applications will not display WebLogic specific JMX metrics
    • SQL parsing may throw a StackOverflowError and prevent large database statements from being sent up to New Relic
  • Fixed in 3.36.0

    • Queue Time may be misreported on the Overview page for applications injecting the X-Queue-Start or X-Request-Start HTTP headers
    • Applications that have custom Hystrix Commands that are subclassed multiple times in Groovy can cause an application to throw an exception on startup
  • Fixed in 3.37.0

    • Solr: Applications that use Solr and have reported to New Relic APM previously with an agent version prior to 3.34.0 will not display the Solr page

November 2, 2016
Java agent v3.33.0


  • Database instance reporting

    The agent now reports database instance information for most supported databases. With the additional database instance information, transaction traces and slow query traces will provide the database server and database name for the queries displayed. You will see instance-level information when connecting by using the following drivers:

    • Any JDBC driver, including those in our compatibility doc.
    • DataStax Cassandra driver (2.1.2, 3.0 to 3.1).
    • Jedis Redis driver (1.4 to 2.9).
    • Mongo (2.12.0 to 2.13.3, 3.1 to 3.3).
    • Spymemcached (2.11 to 2.12). Note that instance-level information is not reported for calls to the getBulk API method..

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in Play 2.5 instrumentation that could cause the agent to report shorter response times when using Action.async.
  • SQL stored procedure names are now reported in more edge cases such as “exec @param = stored_procedure”
  • Fixed an issue where explain plans were not being executed for versions 9.0-9.3 of PostgreSQL.
  • Fixed an issue where the agent could cause a Mule application request to fail with a NotSerializableException reported in the application log.
  • Fixed an issue where JVM versions that do not support ThreadCpuTime() would throw an UnsupportedOperationException, preventing the JVM from starting.
  • Fixed a potential memory leak in versions of Jetty 7 and 8 when using CometD.
  • Fixed an issue where the Hystrix toObservable method was double counting metrics on newer versions of Java 7 and all versions of Java 8.

September 19, 2016
Java agent v3.32.0


  • WebLogic

    This release adds official support for WebLogic versions 12.2.x

  • Performance Improvements

    Improvements in Java agent startup time, particularly on modular ClassLoader architectures (such as JBoss)


  • Fixed bug in spymemcached instrumentation that would incorrectly name segments in transaction traces that contained “get-and-touch” operations.

  • Improved Play 2.5 instrumentation

    • Fixed memory leak for large POST requests.
    • Fixed incorrect response times. Previously, large uploads could cause inflated response times.
    • The agent now tracks PlayRequestHandler and no longer shows the short-lived NettyDispatcher transactions.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause cross application tracing to display URLs as “Unknown” in transaction traces when the URL did not include the port number.

  • Fixed a bug in Jetty 9.3 instrumentation where transactions were not reported and memory was leaked if an incoming async request was wrapped by a framework or Jetty itself.

August 10, 2016
Java agent v3.31.1


  • Fixed a bug that caused a StackOverflow exception for drivers that execute a query on Connection.getMetaData().

Note: This issue was introduced in Java agent version 3.30.0.

August 3, 2016
Java agent v3.31.0



  • Fixed an issue that was preventing Jetty JMX threads metrics from being pulled in later versions of Jetty 9.X.
  • Fixed bug in the recordMetric API that in rare cases could start an unwanted long running transaction.
  • Fixed a memory leak in the Async Servlet instrumentation.
  • Fixed a bug in the setRequestAndResponse API that could throw a java.lang.NumberFormatException in the customer’s application when the circuit breaker trips.

July 20, 2016
Java agent v3.30.1


Fixed a security issue that could send external HTTP request parameters to New Relic via transaction traces for applications that do all of the following:

*For Java agent versions 3.6.0-3.25.0, this issue only affects cross-application traces.

Recommended for applications that may include sensitive information in external service call request parameters.

If you can’t upgrade the agent immediately, there are a few workarounds:

You can also delete existing transaction traces.

June 28, 2016
Java agent v3.30.0


  • Mule ESB 3.4 - 3.6

    This release adds instrumentation for Mulesoft Mule ESB Server versions 3.4 through 3.6. Requests to an HTTP Transport will show in New Relic as web transactions. Mule ESB Server instances will appear as "dispatchers" on the overview page and the JVM metrics page. All of the usual features of New Relic APM are supported including alerting, error reporting, JMS puts and takes, cross application tracing, transaction traces, key transactions, external services, and database call reporting.

    NOTE: The newer HTTP operation-based Connector is not yet supported.

  • Play 2.5

    This release adds instrumentation for the Play 2.5 framework. The previous Java Agent release supports versions of Play up to 2.4.

  • Cassandra async 2.1.2+ and 3.x

    This release adds instrumentation for asynchronous queries in versions 2.1.2+ and 3.x of the Datastax Cassandra driver, including slow query support. You’ll see relevant breakdowns in the overview chart, entries on the Databases page, and segments in transaction traces.

  • Async Http Client 2.x

    This release adds instrumentation for external service calls made using Async Http Client versions 2.x. If the called external service is also running New Relic, you will see cross application tracing details as well. This instrumentation will also capture external calls made from Play WSAPI (which uses Async Http Client).

  • Transaction traces for key transactions

    If you set an Apdex value for a key transaction, the agent will now capture transaction traces based on that key transaction's Apdex value if it's smaller than the application’s Apdex value.

  • JDBC performance and overhead improved

    This release offers better performance and lower overhead of JDBC instrumentation, especially in situations with large numbers of connections.


  • Fixed multiple issues related to Java Agent logging including:

    • ClassCastExceptions thrown into customer application logs
    • Agent logging being diverted into customer application logs
  • Fixed a bug where transactions could timeout during agent harvest, resulting in missing metrics and logging: "Traced activity timed out after 600 seconds. The traced_activity_timeout configuration parameter can be used to adjust this timeout.”

  • Resolved Metric grouping issue in Spray/Akka tell instrumentation. The agent now names temporary actors "temp".

  • In rare cases a ClassCircularityError could be induced by the agent when running with a custom security manager.

  • Fixed issue where a database connection can get labeled as "JDBC" instead of the more specific, supported database type such as "MySQL" or "PostgreSQL". This issue specifically affects customers running with a proxying or delegating JDBC connection.

May 24, 2016
Java agent v3.29.0


  • JDBC instrumentation

    • JDBC ResultSet instrumentation performance has been improved.
    • Instrumentation has been added for:
    • i-Net Merlia 7.0.3 database driver
    • Generic JDBC drivers
  • Cassandra

    This release adds instrumentation for the Cassandra Datastax 3.0 Driver including slow query support. You’ll see relevant breakdowns in the overview chart, entries in the Databases tab, and segments in transaction traces.

    Note: Uses of the client's async API are not currently supported.


  • Fixed a bug which caused some applications that use Play and Ning AsyncHttpClient to miss transactions.
  • Fixed an issue which would cause the thread profiler to not report data while profiling some Scala classes.
  • Fixed a rare bug where a RuntimeException is thrown during class transformation which can prevent some instrumentation from being applied.
  • Fixes a rare case where Tomcat ClassLoaders could leak memory when using a JDBC driver bundled in your application after reloading a web application.

April 20, 2016
Java agent v3.28.0


  • Cassandra

    This release adds slow query tracking to Cassandra queries made via the Datastax driver. You’ll now see slow CQL queries on the Databases page and within Transaction Traces. You must add the following to your newrelic.yml configuration to enable this feature in High-security mode:

  • MongoDB

    The Java agent now reports synchronous calls made via MongoDB Java driver 2.14. You will see MongoDB represented on the Overview page, on the Databases page, and in Transaction traces. Note: The asynchronous driver is not yet supported.

  • Apache Tomcat

    This release adds support for Tomcat 8.5

  • Akka

    • This release adds support for Akka forwarding and Akka broadcasting. The agent will now trace messages broadcast or forwarded to actors.
    • When the system sends a message to an Actor, the agent now reports the name of the actor system that sent the message. Previously, the agent reported “deadletters” under these circumstances.
  • Async performance

    This release adds performance enhancements for asynchronous frameworks, especially Hystrix. Performance in Hystrix will noticeably improve for most applications, and will be up to 3x faster when tracing low-latency requests (response time <3ms). Performance for low-latency Play applications will be up to 30% faster.

  • JDBC

    This release adds support for the following JDBC drivers:

    • MySQL 6.0.2 and higher
    • i-Net Oranxo 3.06
    • i-Net MERLIA 8.04.03 and 8.06


  • Fixed a bug that could cause Akka Http instrumentation to throw a NullPointerException into customer code.
  • Fixed a bug in the Spymemcached instrumentation that would report operations with the name “None” instead of the correct operation name.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause highly asynchronous applications to experience a memory leak in the NewRelic TransactionService.

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