シンセティック・モニタリングの プライベート・ロケーション と New Relic のアラートを併用すると、ロケーションのプロビジョニング不足や設定ミス、あるいは一般的な誤動作があった場合に通知を受けることができます。
このガイドでは、 New Relic ダッシュボード と NRQL アラート を使用して、プライベートロケーションヘルスに関する以下の基本的な質問に答えることができます。
- 私のプライベートジョブマネージャーまたはミニオンはオンラインですか?
- 私のプライベートロケーションには、さらにジョブマネージャーまたはミニオンが必要ですか?
- 特定のジョブ マネージャーまたはミニオンのステータスを直接確認できますか?
- 合成されたプライベートな場所
- その場所に少なくとも1つの プライベートミニオン がインストールされていること。
- その場所で実行が予定されているチェック
- インシデントが発生したときにチームに通知するための 通知チャネル が構成されたプライベートロケーション のアラートポリシー
以下のPrivate Minionダッシュボードの例のJSONは、使用してアカウントにインポートすることができます。
{ "name": "Synthetics Private Minions", "description": "Details on events from SyntheticsPrivateLocationStatus, SyntheticsPrivateMinion, SyntheticCheck, SyntheticRequest, NrAuditEvent, plus Monitor Analysis and Performance Analysis.", "permissions": "PUBLIC_READ_WRITE", "pages": [ { "name": "SyntheticsPrivateLocationStatus", "description": null, "widgets": [ { "title": "queue size by location", "layout": { "column": 1, "row": 1, "width": 3, "height": 5 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.bar" }, "rawConfiguration": { "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountId": 0, "query": "FROM SyntheticsPrivateLocationStatus SELECT latest(checksPending) FACET name" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false } } }, { "title": "private location queues", "layout": { "column": 4, "row": 1, "width": 9, "height": 5 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.line" }, "rawConfiguration": { "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "legend": { "enabled": true }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountId": 0, "query": "FROM SyntheticsPrivateLocationStatus SELECT latest(pingJobs),latest(jobManagerHeavyweightJobs),latest(minionHeavyweightJobs) FACET name TIMESERIES MAX LIMIT 20" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false }, "yAxisLeft": { "zero": true } } }, { "title": "queue size by location and type", "layout": { "column": 1, "row": 6, "width": 3, "height": 5 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.bar" }, "rawConfiguration": { "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountId": 0, "query": "FROM SyntheticsPrivateLocationStatus SELECT latest(pingJobs),latest(jobManagerHeavyweightJobs),latest(minionHeavyweightJobs) FACET name " } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false } } }, { "title": "rate of queue growth", "layout": { "column": 4, "row": 6, "width": 9, "height": 5 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.line" }, "rawConfiguration": { "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "legend": { "enabled": true }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountId": 0, "query": "FROM SyntheticsPrivateLocationStatus SELECT clamp_min(derivative(pingJobs,1 minute),0) AS 'ping',clamp_min(derivative(jobManagerHeavyweightJobs,1 minute),0) AS 'job manager heavy',clamp_min(derivative(minionHeavyweightJobs,1 minute),0) AS 'minion heavy' FACET name TIMESERIES MAX LIMIT 20" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false }, "yAxisLeft": { "zero": true } } }, { "title": "audit events for private locations", "layout": { "column": 1, "row": 11, "width": 12, "height": 4 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.table" }, "rawConfiguration": { "dataFormatters": [], "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountId": 0, "query": "FROM NrAuditEvent SELECT * WHERE targetType = 'PRIVATE_LOCATION' LIMIT MAX" } ] } } ] }, { "name": "SyntheticsPrivateMinion", "description": null, "widgets": [ { "title": "private locations", "layout": { "column": 1, "row": 1, "width": 2, "height": 3 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.table" }, "rawConfiguration": { "dataFormatters": [], "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountIds": [ 0 ], "query": "FROM SyntheticsPrivateMinion SELECT uniqueCount(minionId) AS 'minions' WHERE minionLocation NOT LIKE 'AWS_%' AND minionLocation IN ({{private_location}}) FACET minionLocation" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false } } }, { "title": "minion details", "layout": { "column": 3, "row": 1, "width": 10, "height": 3 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.table" }, "rawConfiguration": { "dataFormatters": [], "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountIds": [ 0 ], "query": "FROM SyntheticsPrivateMinion SELECT latest(timestamp) AS 'latest timestamp',earliest(timestamp) AS 'earliest timestamp',(latest(timestamp) - earliest(timestamp))/864e5 AS 'max age (d)',latest(minionIpv4),max(minionJobsQueued),max(minionJobsFinished),100*max(minionJobsFailed)/max(minionJobsQueued) AS 'job failure rate',latest(minionJobsRunning),max(minionJobsTimedout),max(minionJobsSkipped),max(minionJobsInternalEngineError),latest(minionWorkers),latest(minionProcessors),latest(minionSwapMemoryUsedBytes/pow(1024,3)) AS 'used swap (GiB)',latest(minionSwapMemoryTotalBytes/pow(1024,3)) AS 'total swap (GiB)',latest(minionPhysicalMemoryUsedBytes/pow(1024,3)) AS 'used memory (GiB)',latest(minionPhysicalMemoryTotalBytes/pow(1024,3)) AS 'total memory (GiB)',latest(minionPhysicalMemoryTotalBytes/pow(1024,3))/latest(minionProcessors) AS 'memory (GiB) per CPU' WHERE minionLocation NOT LIKE 'AWS_%' AND minionLocation IN ({{private_location}}) FACET minionBuildVersion,minionBuildNumber,minionLocation,minionId,minionOsVersion,minionContainerSystemEnv,minionContainerSystemVersion,minionHostname LIMIT 100" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false } } }, { "title": "minion instances", "layout": { "column": 1, "row": 4, "width": 2, "height": 3 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.billboard" }, "rawConfiguration": { "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountId": 0, "query": "FROM SyntheticsPrivateMinion SELECT uniqueCount(minionId) AS 'minions' WHERE minionLocation NOT LIKE 'AWS_%' AND minionLocation IN ({{private_location}})" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false } } }, { "title": "restarts", "layout": { "column": 3, "row": 4, "width": 10, "height": 3 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.area" }, "rawConfiguration": { "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "legend": { "enabled": false }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountId": 0, "query": "FROM SyntheticsPrivateMinion SELECT uniqueCount(minionId) WHERE minionLocation NOT LIKE 'AWS_%' AND minionLocation IN ({{private_location}}) FACET minionHostname,minionId TIMESERIES LIMIT MAX" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": 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"SyntheticCheck 1", "description": null, "widgets": [ { "title": "Internal Engine Errors", "layout": { "column": 1, "row": 1, "width": 4, "height": 4 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.pie" }, "rawConfiguration": { "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "legend": { "enabled": true }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountIds": [ 0 ], "query": "FROM SyntheticCheck SELECT count(*) AS 'comparing IEE' WHERE error LIKE 'INTERNAL ENGINE ERROR%' OR ((error = 'Error: timeout of 750ms exceeded' OR error LIKE 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading \\'wait\\')%') AND runtimeType IS NOT NULL) AND location NOT LIKE 'AWS_%' AND location IN ({{private_location}}) FACET error" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false } } }, { "title": "Internal Engine Errors", "layout": { "column": 5, "row": 1, "width": 8, "height": 4 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.line" }, "rawConfiguration": { "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "legend": { 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"nrqlQueries": [ { "accountIds": [ 0 ], "query": "SELECT minionDuration-frequency as 'magnitude',minionDuration,frequency,monitorId,type FROM (SELECT uniqueCount(monitorId)/rate(uniqueCount(id),1 minute) as 'frequency',average(nr.internalQueueDuration+executionDuration)/60e3 as 'minionDuration' FROM SyntheticCheck FACET monitorId,type WHERE location NOT LIKE 'AWS_%' AND location IN ({{private_location}}) AND nr.internalQueueDuration+executionDuration > 60e3 LIMIT MAX) WHERE frequency < minionDuration AND frequency < 10 LIMIT MAX ORDER BY minionDuration DESC" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false } } }, { "title": "runaway monitors", "layout": { "column": 9, "row": 11, "width": 3, "height": 3 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.billboard" }, "rawConfiguration": { "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountIds": [ 0 ], "query": "SELECT percentage(uniqueCount(monitorId),WHERE frequency < minionDuration AND frequency < 10) as 'of monitors' FROM (SELECT uniqueCount(monitorId)/rate(uniqueCount(id),1 minute) as 'frequency',average(nr.internalQueueDuration+executionDuration)/60e3 as 'minionDuration' FROM SyntheticCheck FACET monitorId WHERE location NOT LIKE 'AWS_%' AND location IN ({{private_location}}) AND nr.internalQueueDuration+executionDuration > 60e3 LIMIT MAX)" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false } } }, { "title": "", "layout": { "column": 12, "row": 11, "width": 1, "height": 3 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.markdown" }, "rawConfiguration": { "text": "Runaway monitors are defined as monitors that add jobs to the queue faster than they can be processed. \nIf any appear on the charts to the left, the minions or job managers serving this private location will need to be scaled up in order to have enough heavy workers to accommodate these runaway monitors. An [equilibrium will eventually be reached](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CVBNgIawxW6jv8qylFforOJSOswNwVCKXD5f-skKbio/edit?usp=sharing), but it will be an inefficient use of resources since many heavy workers will be occupied with jobs from the same monitor in parallel.\nSee the [level-up post](https://discuss.newrelic.com/t/relic-solution-scaling-and-rightsizing-for-the-cpm/123999#:~:text=The%20risk%20of%20setting%20a%201%2Dminute%20monitor%20frequency%20for%20non%2Dping%20monitors) about scaling and rightsizing for details." } }, { "title": "IEE by monitor", "layout": { "column": 1, "row": 14, "width": 7, "height": 3 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.table" }, "rawConfiguration": { "dataFormatters": [], "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountIds": [ 0 ], "query": "FROM SyntheticCheck SELECT count(error) AS 'count',latest(location),latest(timestamp) WHERE location NOT LIKE 'AWS_%' AND location IN ({{private_location}}) AND error LIKE 'INTERNAL ENGINE ERROR%' OR ((error = 'Error: timeout of 750ms exceeded' OR error LIKE 'TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading \\'wait\\')%') AND runtimeType IS NOT NULL) FACET error,monitorId LIMIT 100" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false } } }, { "title": "abnormal job duration by monitorId", "layout": { "column": 8, "row": 14, "width": 5, "height": 3 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.stacked-bar" }, "rawConfiguration": { "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "legend": { "enabled": true }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountIds": [ 0 ], "query": "FROM SyntheticCheck SELECT stddev(executionDuration+nr.internalQueueDuration+nr.externalQueueDuration)/1e3 AS 'abnormal job duration' FACET monitorId WHERE location NOT LIKE 'AWS_%' AND location IN ({{private_location}}) LIMIT 20 TIMESERIES AUTO" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false } } }, { "title": "avg monitor frequency (m)", "layout": { "column": 1, "row": 17, 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It is represented by the {{monitor_id}} variable in NRQL queries so that `targetId` from `NrAuditEvent` can work alongside `monitorId` from `SyntheticCheck`." } }, { "title": "", "layout": { "column": 4, "row": 1, "width": 2, "height": 3 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.table" }, "rawConfiguration": { "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountIds": [ 0 ], "query": "FROM SyntheticCheck SELECT count(*) as 'Results' FACET type WHERE monitorId = {{monitor_id}}" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false } } }, { "title": "", "layout": { "column": 6, "row": 1, "width": 7, "height": 1 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.table" }, "rawConfiguration": { "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountIds": [ 0 ], "query": "FROM SyntheticCheck SELECT latest(nr.apiVersion),latest(runtimeType),latest(runtimeTypeVersion),latest(browserVersion),latest(scriptLanguage),latest(minionDeploymentMode) 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sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qs-C6pcZJ3hXlYOKJQZjgs7zvNvBZrFNm6DyGRDo2p8/edit?usp=sharing) to assist in calculating how many workers will be needed based on the values on this page. This will help you to assess the required size of each host (scaling up) and how many hosts you need (scaling out).\n\nFor more info: \nhttps://discuss.newrelic.com/t/relic-solution-scaling-and-rightsizing-for-the-cpm/123999" } }, { "title": "count of lightweight worker threads and cpu cores", "layout": { "column": 5, "row": 1, "width": 4, "height": 3 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.table" }, "rawConfiguration": { "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountIds": [ 0 ], "query": "FROM SyntheticsPrivateMinion SELECT latest(minionProcessors)*25 AS 'Lightweight Workers',latest(timestamp) FACET minionId,minionBuildVersion,minionBuildNumber,minionLocation,minionProcessors WHERE minionLocation NOT LIKE 'AWS_%' AND minionLocation IN ({{private_location}}) SINCE 5 minutes ago" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false } } }, { "title": "number of minions (1 per host)", "layout": { "column": 9, "row": 1, "width": 4, "height": 3 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.billboard" }, "rawConfiguration": { "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountId": 0, "query": "FROM SyntheticsPrivateMinion SELECT uniqueCount(minionId) AS 'number of minions' FACET minionLocation WHERE minionLocation NOT LIKE 'AWS_%' AND minionLocation IN ({{private_location}}) SINCE 5 minutes ago" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false } } }, { "title": "ping monitors", "layout": { "column": 1, "row": 4, "width": 4, "height": 3 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.billboard" }, "rawConfiguration": { "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountIds": [ 0 ], "query": "FROM SyntheticCheck SELECT uniqueCount(monitorId) AS 'ping monitors' WHERE type = 'SIMPLE' AND location NOT LIKE 'AWS_%' AND location IN ({{private_location}}) FACET location SINCE 2 days ago" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false } } }, { "title": "ping jobs per minute", "layout": { "column": 5, "row": 4, "width": 4, "height": 3 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.billboard" }, "rawConfiguration": { "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountIds": [ 0 ], "query": "FROM SyntheticCheck SELECT rate(uniqueCount(id), 1 minute) AS 'jobs per minute' WHERE type = 'SIMPLE' AND location NOT LIKE 'AWS_%' AND location IN ({{private_location}}) FACET location SINCE 2 days ago" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false } } }, { "title": "ping avg success duration", "layout": { "column": 9, "row": 4, "width": 4, "height": 3 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.billboard" }, "rawConfiguration": { "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountIds": [ 0 ], "query": "FROM SyntheticCheck SELECT average(executionDuration) AS 'avg success duration' WHERE type = 'SIMPLE' AND location NOT LIKE 'AWS_%' AND location IN ({{private_location}}) AND result = 'SUCCESS' FACET location SINCE 2 days ago" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false } } }, { "title": "ping avg failure duration", "layout": { "column": 1, "row": 7, "width": 4, "height": 3 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.billboard" }, "rawConfiguration": { "facet": { "showOtherSeries": true }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountIds": [ 0 ], "query": "FROM SyntheticCheck SELECT average(executionDuration) WHERE type = 'SIMPLE' AND location NOT LIKE 'AWS_%' AND location IN ({{private_location}}) AND result = 'FAILED' FACET location SINCE 2 days ago" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false } } }, { "title": "ping job failure rate", "layout": { "column": 5, "row": 7, "width": 4, "height": 3 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.billboard" }, "rawConfiguration": { "dataFormatters": [], "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountIds": [ 0 ], "query": "FROM SyntheticCheck SELECT percentage(count(*), WHERE result = 'FAILED') WHERE type = 'SIMPLE' AND location NOT LIKE 'AWS_%' AND location IN ({{private_location}}) FACET location SINCE 2 days ago" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false } } } ] }, { "name": "Heavyweight Job Performance Analysis (CPM)", "description": null, "widgets": [ { "title": "", "layout": { "column": 1, "row": 1, "width": 4, "height": 3 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.markdown" }, "rawConfiguration": { "text": "See [this Google sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1k2Aw11r6-S8pIpXQUINQZ0T5qlxS8iSwSo9t9GKDvzc/edit?usp=sharing) to assist in calculating how many workers will be needed based on the values on this page. This will help you to assess the required size of each host (scaling up) and how many hosts you need (scaling out).\n\nFor more info: \nhttps://discuss.newrelic.com/t/relic-solution-scaling-and-rightsizing-for-the-cpm/123999" } }, { "title": "count of heavy worker threads and cpu cores", "layout": { "column": 5, "row": 1, "width": 4, "height": 3 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.table" }, "rawConfiguration": { "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountId": 0, "query": "FROM SyntheticsPrivateMinion SELECT latest(minionWorkers),latest(timestamp) FACET minionId,minionBuildNumber,minionLocation,minionProcessors WHERE minionLocation NOT LIKE 'AWS_%' AND minionBuildNumber IS NOT NULL AND minionLocation IN ({{private_location}}) SINCE 5 minutes ago" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false } } }, { "title": "number of minions (1 per host)", "layout": { "column": 9, "row": 1, "width": 4, "height": 3 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.billboard" }, "rawConfiguration": { "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountId": 0, "query": "FROM SyntheticsPrivateMinion SELECT uniqueCount(minionId) AS 'number of minions' FACET minionLocation WHERE minionLocation NOT LIKE 'AWS_%' AND minionBuildNumber IS NOT NULL AND minionLocation IN ({{private_location}}) SINCE 5 minutes ago" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false } } }, { "title": "non-ping monitors", "layout": { "column": 1, "row": 4, "width": 4, "height": 3 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.billboard" }, "rawConfiguration": { "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountIds": [ 0 ], "query": "FROM SyntheticCheck SELECT uniqueCount(monitorId) AS 'non-ping monitors' WHERE type != 'SIMPLE' AND runtimeType IS NULL AND location NOT LIKE 'AWS_%' AND location IN ({{private_location}}) FACET location SINCE 2 days ago" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false } } 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"nrqlQueries": [ { "accountIds": [ 0 ], "query": "FROM SyntheticCheck SELECT percentage(count(*), WHERE result = 'FAILED') WHERE type != 'SIMPLE' AND runtimeType IS NULL AND location NOT LIKE 'AWS_%' AND location IN ({{private_location}}) FACET location SINCE 2 days ago" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false } } } ] }, { "name": "Heavyweight Job Performance Analysis (SJM)", "description": null, "widgets": [ { "title": "", "layout": { "column": 1, "row": 1, "width": 4, "height": 3 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.markdown" }, "rawConfiguration": { "text": "For Docker, see [this Google sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/186yf8kRoYrQVpjDpzVO3VCX_trrhx15HU26PuGi0w8E/edit?usp=sharing) to assist in calculating values for number of hosts and the size of each host.\n\nFor K8s, see [this Google sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Se-xAuZd8TJitNMNviiEUHTG08rKDc0O4Hkl63DgDvE/edit?usp=sharing) to assist in calculating values for Parallelism and Completions on node-api-runtime and node-browser-runtime pods.\n\nFor more info: \nhttps://discuss.newrelic.com/t/relic-solution-scaling-and-rightsizing-for-the-cpm/123999" } }, { "title": "minionIds and cpu cores", "layout": { "column": 5, "row": 1, "width": 4, "height": 3 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.table" }, "rawConfiguration": { "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountId": 0, "query": "FROM SyntheticsPrivateMinion SELECT latest(minionProcessors),latest(timestamp) FACET minionId,minionLocation,minionBuildVersion WHERE minionLocation NOT LIKE 'AWS_%' AND minionBuildNumber IS NULL AND minionLocation IN ({{private_location}}) SINCE 5 minutes ago" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false } } }, { "title": "number of job managers (1 per host or node)", "layout": { "column": 9, "row": 1, "width": 4, "height": 3 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.billboard" }, "rawConfiguration": { "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountId": 0, "query": "FROM SyntheticsPrivateMinion SELECT uniqueCount(minionId) AS 'number of job managers' FACET minionLocation WHERE minionLocation NOT LIKE 'AWS_%' AND minionBuildNumber IS NULL AND minionLocation IN ({{private_location}}) SINCE 5 minutes ago" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false } } }, { "title": "jobs per minute", "layout": { "column": 1, "row": 4, "width": 4, "height": 3 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.billboard" }, "rawConfiguration": { "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountId": 0, "query": "FROM SyntheticCheck SELECT rate(uniqueCount(id), 1 minute) WHERE runtimeType IS NOT NULL AND location NOT LIKE 'AWS_%' AND location IN ({{private_location}}) FACET runtimeType SINCE 1 hour ago" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false } } }, { "title": "avg success duration", "layout": { "column": 5, "row": 4, "width": 4, "height": 3 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.billboard" }, "rawConfiguration": { "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountIds": [ 0 ], "query": "FROM SyntheticCheck SELECT average(executionDuration) WHERE runtimeType IS NOT NULL AND location NOT LIKE 'AWS_%' AND location IN ({{private_location}}) AND result = 'SUCCESS' FACET runtimeType SINCE 1 hour ago" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false } } }, { "title": "avg failure duration", "layout": { "column": 9, "row": 4, "width": 4, "height": 3 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.billboard" }, "rawConfiguration": { "facet": { "showOtherSeries": true }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountIds": [ 0 ], "query": "FROM SyntheticCheck SELECT average(executionDuration) WHERE runtimeType IS NOT NULL AND location NOT LIKE 'AWS_%' AND location IN ({{private_location}}) AND result = 'FAILED' FACET runtimeType SINCE 1 hour ago" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false } } }, { "title": "job failure rate", "layout": { "column": 1, "row": 7, "width": 4, "height": 3 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.billboard" }, "rawConfiguration": { "dataFormatters": [], "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountId": 0, "query": "FROM SyntheticCheck SELECT percentage(count(*), WHERE result = 'FAILED') WHERE runtimeType IS NOT NULL AND location NOT LIKE 'AWS_%' AND location IN ({{private_location}}) FACET runtimeType SINCE 1 hour ago" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false } } }, { "title": "number of monitors", "layout": { "column": 5, "row": 7, "width": 4, "height": 3 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.billboard" }, "rawConfiguration": { "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountIds": [ 0 ], "query": "FROM SyntheticCheck SELECT uniqueCount(monitorId) WHERE runtimeType IS NOT NULL AND location NOT LIKE 'AWS_%' AND location IN ({{private_location}}) FACET runtimeType SINCE 2 days ago" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false } } }, { "title": "avg cron job duration", "layout": { "column": 9, "row": 7, "width": 4, "height": 3 }, "linkedEntityGuids": null, "visualization": { "id": "viz.billboard" }, "rawConfiguration": { "facet": { "showOtherSeries": false }, "nrqlQueries": [ { "accountIds": [ 0 ], "query": "FROM SyntheticCheck SELECT average(executionDuration) WHERE runtimeType IS NOT NULL AND location NOT LIKE 'AWS_%' AND location IN ({{private_location}}) FACET runtimeType SINCE 2 days ago" } ], "platformOptions": { "ignoreTimeRange": false } } } ] } ], "variables": [ { "name": "private_location", "items": null, "defaultValues": [], "nrqlQuery": { "accountIds": [ 0 ], "query": "FROM SyntheticsPrivateMinion SELECT uniques(minionLocation,10000) WHERE minionLocation NOT LIKE 'AWS_%' SINCE 1 week ago" }, "title": "Private Location", "type": "NRQL", "isMultiSelection": true, "replacementStrategy": "STRING" }, { "name": "monitor_id", "items": null, "defaultValues": [], "nrqlQuery": null, "title": "Monitor ID", "type": "STRING", "isMultiSelection": null, "replacementStrategy": "STRING" } ]}
- ダッシュボードのJSONをコピーして、テキストエディターに貼り付けます。
"accountId": 0,
と"accountIds": [ 0 ]
を、JSON コード内の各出現箇所の New Relic アカウント ID または ID のリストに置き換えます。- テキストエディターからDashboardのJSONをコピーし、上記のいずれかの方法でインポートします。
- facet filtering を使用したいチャートを編集します。
プライベート ロケーションが親アカウントに存在し、外形監視 モニターがサブアカウントに存在する場合は、SyntheticPrivateLocationStatus
と SyntheticsPrivateMinion
を使用するNRQLクエリに親アカウント ID を挿入し、SyntheticCheck
と SyntheticRequest
を使用するクエリにサブアカウント ID を挿入します。
この質問に答えるには、 SyntheticsPrivateMinion
イベントの属性を利用できます。 プライベート外形監視ジョブマネージャーとミニオンは、このイベントを 30 秒ごとにNew Relicに送信します。 ジョブ マネージャーまたはミニオンがオンラインかどうかを確認する簡単な方法は、ミニオン ID の一意の数と、オンラインになると予想されるジョブ マネージャーまたはミニオンの数を比較することです。
いくつのジョブ マネージャーまたはミニオンがレポートしているかを把握するには、次のサンプルNRQL クエリを実行します。
SELECT uniqueCount(minionId) FROM SyntheticsPrivateMinion WHERE minionLocation = '1-acme_okc_dc-309'
このクエリを使用すると、予想よりも少ないジョブ マネージャーまたはミニオンからのレポートがある場合にチームに通知するアラート条件を作成できます。 この条件は静的閾値2 units
で構成されており、ジョブ マネージャーまたはミニオンのいずれかがオフラインの場合に集計を受け取ることを意味します。
アラートポリシーが期待どおりに動作するかどうかを確認するには、ミニオンの 1 つを手動で停止します。 そして、アラートインシデントが発生したときに、設定された通知チャネルを通じて通知されます。 ジョブ マネージャーまたはミニオンが再起動され、オンラインに戻ると、集計は回復します。
ジョブ マネージャーまたはミニオンが正しく機能しているかどうかを確認するより堅牢な方法もありますが、このクエリと条件は、マシンに障害が発生したり、誤って廃止されたり、ジョブ マネージャーまたはミニオン プロセスがクラッシュしたりした場合を簡単かつ適切に処理します。 また、ジョブ マネージャーまたはミニオンが New Relic と通信できることも保証します。
この質問に答えるには、 SyntheticsPrivateLocationStatus
属性を使用できます。 checksPending
属性は、スケジュールされている (または「キューに入れられている」) が、指定された場所の外形監視ジョブ マネージャーまたはミニオンによってまだ受け入れられていないモニター チェックの数を反映します。 スケジュールされたチェックがあり、ジョブ マネージャーやミニオンが存在しない場所では、このグラフは右上がりに直線的に増加します。
追加の属性を使用すると、 checksPending
属性の増加の原因となっているジョブ タイプを特定し、tr の取り組みをどこに集中させるかを特定できます。
コンテナ化されたプライベートミニオンによってサポートされているランタイムで実行を待機している非 ping ジョブです (1分間あたりの呼出回数)
このメトリクスは、値が高いからといって必ずしも場所の状態が悪いとは限らないため、 uniqueCount(minionId)
よりも監視が複雑です。 メトリックが直線的に右上がりに増加していない限り (そしてチェックがスケジュールどおりに実行されている限り)、その場所は良好な状態にあります。
このユースケースは、静的な値ではなくメトリックの偏差を監視できる異常NRQLアラート条件に最適です。 例えば:
SELECT average(checksPending) FROM SyntheticsPrivateLocationStatus WHERE name = '1-acme_tokyo_dc-512'
このアラート条件をテストするには、1分間のブラウザベースのモニターを、あなたの所在地から実行するようスケジュールします。ブラウザベースのジョブはPingジョブよりも多くのリソースを消費するため、負荷シミュレーションに適しています。New Relic は、保留中のチェックの数が増えてきたことをすぐに通知します。
負荷を処理するためにジョブ マネージャーまたはミニオンの数を 2 倍にすると、集計は回復します。 たとえば、 Synthetics private locationダッシュボードの例を使用して、インシデントと回復の過程で保留中のチェックの増加と減少に注目してください。 NRQL 条件を使用すると、New Relic は、その場所にミニオン容量がさらに必要になった場合に通知します。
ミニオンやジョブマネージャーに直接連絡して、その動作を確認することもできます。 ミニオンによって公開される一連の HTTP エンドポイントを使用して、アプリケーションが何を実行しているかを判断できます。 これらの インフォメーション にアクセスするには、 コンテナ化された プライベートミニオン (1分間あたりの呼出し回数)の場合はポート8080
をホスト上のポートにバインドし、外形監視ジョブ マネージャの場合はポート8080
バインドします。 たとえば、 dockerの場合は docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 8082:8082 ...
: ミニオンが実行する内部ヘルスチェックの詳細。HTTP 200 は「正常」を意味します。:8080/status
: ミニオンのステータスに関する詳細。同じデータがSyntheticsPrivateMinion
: JVM アプリケーション管理エンドポイント。ミニオンの内部状態の詳細なビュー。:8082/
: JVM アプリケーション管理エンドポイント。ジョブ マネージャーの内部状態の詳細なビュー。
このアプローチは、 checksPending
の例ほど自動化されておらず、柔軟性もありません。 ただし、ネットワーク接続が完全に失敗した場合は、この手動のアプローチが状況のトラブルシューティングに役立ちます。