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Frontmatter and page templates

This style guide page describes the standard frontmatter for docs, and also outlines the various types of content we maintain on the site.

Docs frontmatter and metadata

The top of every doc begins with a set of metadata. Read on for more about this metadata content:

Meta content field



The primay title of the doc, which will show up at the top of the doc as an <h1> HTML header, in the browser page title, and in search engine meta fields.

Whenever possible, provide an action-oriented or task-oriented title; for example, "AJAX page: Identify time-consuming calls." In general, use sentence case. Capitalize only the first word. Do not capitalize any other word in the title unless it's a proper noun, such as a specific product name, or it follows a colon :.

If you're looking for ideas on how to choose a title, browse the titles of similar docs.

The title used in the sidebar (left navigation pane) is set in the nav file.


Deprecated. Historically, tags were used to help search engines and AI find the right content. Modern engines are sophisticated enough to infer that context without tags, so this tag is no longer needed.


Indicates which languages this page is human-translated into. This field doesn't govern machine translation; generally speaking, all "standard" docs on the site are machine-translated into all languages. For more, see Docs translation.


A short description of the doc. Search engines rely on this field to understand what a doc is about, and they'll often show the meta description right in the search results. Should be under 160 characters. For more on why meta descriptions matter to search, see Control your snippets in search results in Google's documentation.


Redirects to this doc from old URLs. One redirect per line. Use a relative path and don't include a trailing slash /.


The last time a writer made significant updates to this doc and verified its accuracy.

The default is never. When you make a significant update to a doc, add today's date in this format: YYYY-MM-DD.

Page templates

The docs site doesn't have strict page templates—since we have a "docs as code" approach, writers can use a variety of components to structure docs however they think best. However, we do have several unique types of content that behave differently than our standard .mdx docs.

Content type


"Standard" docs

A standard .mdx file, living in the /src/content/docs/ subdirectory. This content type is used for the majority of content on the site.

Attribute definition

This format is for defining attributes and event types. These definitions live in their own GitHub Enterprise repo, then they're published to the docs site and NerdGraph via the data dictionary service. For more, see Work with attribute definition content type.

Branching install docs

This format is for interactive installation docs. Branching install docs consist of multiple components in individual .mdx files that live together in a subdirectory, with the logic that defines which pieces to show when defined in a separate .yaml file. Branching install content lives in the /src/install/ subdirectory.

For more, see Get started with the branched install component.

Release notes

This format includes unique frontmatter fields. Release notes live in /src/content/docs/release-notes/, and they are generally authored by product teams rather than writers.

Users rely on release notes to keep up with smaller changes in the product, particularly for downloadable software like the agents. For more, see Create release notes.

What's New posts

This format includes unique frontmatter fields. What's New posts are created by PMM for larger announcements. Unlike most content, they live in /src/content/whats-new/ rather than in the /docs/ subdirectory.

They're available in the docs site, but they're also visible in the New Relic UI. For more, see What's New style guidelines.

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