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Infrastructure agent release notesRSS

November 13, 2019
Infrastructure agent v1.7.1


A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update your Infrastructure agent.


  • Log warning when OHI amount of entity attributes exceeds 240.
  • Removed warning message when system can't find upstart integration.

Infrastructure agent v1.7.0


A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update your Infrastructure agent.


  • Host shutdown detection in Windows and Linux (systemd only).
  • As part of a feature to reduce Host Not Reporting alerts, the Agent will (try to) detect if a Host is being shutdown. There will be a new Inventory entry, agent/shutdown_status, with a value of either Running or Shutdown that will later be used by Alerts to decide if a HNR alert should be triggered or not.
  • Verbose logging enablement from newrelic-infra-ctl for Windows.
  • Improved agent identification

November 4, 2019
Infrastructure agent v1.7.0


A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update your Infrastructure agent.


  • Improved host shutdown detection in Windows and Linux (systemd only). This will add a new inventory source called agent/shutdown_status with the value Running or Shutdown and a corresponding event in events
    • In Windows, the Agent will create a NamedPipe to communicate between the service process and the agent process. The NamedPipe is only writable for admin users
  • Removed some warning when running the agent
  • Fixed issue where enabling "Verbose Logs" was not working in some cases

Infrastructure agent v1.6.0


A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update your Infrastructure agent.


  • Containers' discovery allows you executing your integrations within a set of containers that are dynamically discovered at runtime. It also allows dynamically configuring your integrations to match the container's data (labels, ports, IPs...). Currently, Docker and Fargate containers are supported. For more information, please check the container auto-discovery documentation.
  • Secret variables binding allows you passing secrets (users, passwords...) to your integrations without having to write them as plain text in your configuration files. Currently, Vault and Amazon KMS are supported. For more information, please check the secrets management documentation.

October 30, 2019
Infrastructure agent v1.5.75


A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update your Infrastructure agent.

Bug fixes

Fixed graceful stop that was previously behaving non-optimally under system load circumstances:

  • Introduced within the new newrelic-infra-service binary at v1.5.59.
  • This affected cpu_profile option, restored now.

October 22, 2019
Infrastructure agent v1.5.66


A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update your Infrastructure agent.

Bug fixes

  • Reverted previous changes of version 1.5.62 because there are some edge cases not handled properly. We'll bring back the feature as soon as possible.

October 21, 2019
Infrastructure agent v1.5.62


A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update your Infrastructure agent.

Bug fixes

  • When a wrong agent id was set up prior to have a cloud-id, agent was not able to migrate to a new more stable id once it got cloud-id. Now agent id is updated and new data is therefor attached to this more stable cloud-id.

October 17, 2019
Infrastructure agent v1.5.59


A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update your Infrastructure agent.


  • Agent service binary is now newrelic-infra-service instead of newrelic-infra. Later is now a child process spawned by the prior. See further details.


  • Command channel. Enables NR platform to trigger commands to agents via command-api HTTPS endpoint . See further details.
  • Added log entry for when initializing docker client fails: unable to initialize docker client.

Bug fixes

  • Disabled keep-alive on cloud metadata requests to avoid leaking open connections.

October 7, 2019
Infrastructure agent v1.5.51


A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update your Infrastructure agent.



  • Better error handling for NFS support.
  • HostInfo plugin to provide uptime for older distros.

Bug fixes

  • The agent will reuse network connections again. Since v1.3.18, the agent created a new connection on each metrics post. Not reusing the connections may lead metrics to be accumulated and submitted with long delays in systems where the connection establishment is slow.

September 23, 2019
Infrastructure agent v1.5.45


A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update your Infrastructure agent.


  • Linux: Added additional checks to confirm the user ID to determine whether the agent is running as a root user.


  • Using a new endpoint for Agent identity retrieval to mitigate the hostname flipping issue. This change was introduced for the Windows Agent 1.5.37, and now is also active for the Linux Agent.

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