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Ruby agent release notesRSS

September 30
Ruby agent v9.14.0


We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If you can't upgrade to the latest version, update your agents to a version no more than 90 days old. Read more about keeping agents up to date.

See the New Relic Ruby agent EOL policy for information about agent releases and support dates.


Version 9.14.0 adds Apache Kafka instrumentation for the rdkafka and ruby-kafka gems, introduces a configuration-based, automatic way to add custom instrumentation method tracers, correctly captures MIME type for ActionDispatch 7.0+ requests, properly handles Boolean coercion for newrelic.yml configuration, fixes a JRuby bug in the configuration manager, fixes a bug related to Bundler.rubygems.installed_specs, and fixes a bug to make the agent compatible with ViewComponent v3.15.0+.

  • Feature: Add Apache Kafka instrumentation for the rdkafka and ruby-kafka gems

    The agent now has instrumentation for both the rdkafka and ruby-kafka gems. The agent will record transactions and message broker segments for produce and consume calls made using these gems. PR#2824 PR#2842

  • Feature: Add a configuration option to permit custom method tracers to be defined automatically

    A new :automatic_custom_instrumentation_method_list configuration parameter has been added to permit the user to define a list of fully qualified (namespaced) Ruby methods for the agent to automatically add custom instrumentation for without requiring any code modifications to be made to the classes that define the methods.

    The list should be an array of CLASS#METHOD (for instance methods) and/or CLASS.METHOD (for class methods) strings.

    Use fully qualified class names (using the :: delimiter) that include any module or class namespacing.

    Here is some Ruby source code that defines a render_png instance method for an Image class and a notify class method for a User class, both within a MyCompany module namespace:

    module MyCompany
    class Image
    def render_png
    # code to render a PNG
    class User
    def self.notify
    # code to notify users

    Given that source code, the newrelic.yml config file might request instrumentation for both of these methods like so:

    - MyCompany::Image#render_png
    - MyCompany::User.notify

    That configuration example uses YAML array syntax to specify both methods. Alternatively, a comma-delimited string can be used instead:

    automatic_custom_instrumentation_method_list: 'MyCompany::Image#render_png, MyCompany::User.notify'

    Whitespace around the comma(s) in the list is optional. When configuring the agent with a list of methods via the NEW_RELIC_AUTOMATIC_CUSTOM_INSTRUMENTATION_METHOD_LIST environment variable, this comma-delimited string format should be used:

    export NEW_RELIC_AUTOMATIC_CUSTOM_INSTRUMENTATION_METHOD_LIST='MyCompany::Image#render_png, MyCompany::User.notify'


  • Feature: Collect just MIME type for ActionDispatch 7.0+ requests

    Rails 7.0 introduced changes to the behavior of ActionDispatch::Request#content_type, adding extra request-related details the agent wasn't expecting to collect. Additionally, the agent's use of content_type was triggering deprecation warnings. The agent now uses ActionDispatch::Request#media_type to capture the MIME type. Thanks to @internethostage for letting us know about this change. Issue#2500 PR#2855

  • Bugfix: Corrected Boolean coercion for newrelic.yml configuration

    Previously, any String assigned to New Relic configurations expecting a Boolean value were evaluated as true. This could lead to unexpected behavior. For example, setting application_logging.enabled: 'false' in newrelic.yml would incorrectly evaluate to application_logging.enabled: true due to the truthy nature of Strings.

    Now, the agent strictly interprets Boolean configuration values. It recognizes both actual Boolean values and certain Strings/Symbols:

    • 'true', 'yes', or 'on' (evaluates to true)
    • 'false', 'no', or 'off' (evaluates to false)

    Any other inputs will revert to the setting's default configuration value. PR#2847

  • Bugfix: JRuby not saving configuration values correctly in configuration manager

    Previously, a change made to fix a different JRuby bug caused the agent to not save configuration values correctly in the configuration manager when running on JRuby. This has been fixed. PR#2848

  • Bugfix: Update condition to verify Bundler.rubygems.installed_specs is available

    To address a recent Bundler deprecation warning, we started using Bundler.rubygems.installed_specs instead of Bundler.rubygems.all_specs in environments that seemed appropriate. We discovered the version constraint we used was too low. Now, rather than check the version, we check for the method using respond_to?. PR#2853

  • Bugfix: Support view_component v3.15.0+

    Previously the agent had been making use of a private API to obtain a component identifier value. This private API was dropped in v3.15.0 of view_component, resulting in errors from the New Relic Ruby agent's continued attempts to use it. Many thanks to community member @navidemad for bringing this issue to our attention and supplying a bugfix with PR#2870.

August 22
Ruby agent v9.13.0


We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If you can't upgrade to the latest version, update your agents to a version no more than 90 days old. Read more about keeping agents up to date.

See the New Relic Ruby agent EOL policy for information about agent releases and support dates.


Version 9.13.0 enhances support for AWS Lambda functions, adds experimental OpenSearch instrumentation, updates framework detection, silences a Bundler deprecation warning, fixes Falcon dispatcher detection, fixes a bug with Redis instrumentation installation, and addresses a JRuby-specific concurrency issue.

  • Feature: Enhance AWS Lambda function instrumentation

When utilized via the latest New Relic Ruby layer for AWS Lambda, the agent now offers enhanced support for AWS Lambda function instrumentation.

  • The agent's instrumentation for AWS Lambda functions now supports distributed tracing.
  • Web-triggered invocations are now identified as being "web"-based when an API Gateway call is involved, with support for both API Gateway versions 1.0 and 2.0.
  • Web-based calls have the HTTP method, URI, and status code recorded.
  • The agent now recognizes and reports on 12 separate AWS resources that are capable of triggering a Lambda function invocation: ALB, API Gateway V1, API Gateway V2, CloudFront, CloudWatch Scheduler, DynamoStreams, Firehose, Kinesis, S3, SES, SNS, and SQS.
  • The type of the triggering resource and its ARN will be recorded for each resource, and for many of them, extra resource-specific attributes will be recorded as well. For example, Lambda function invocations triggered by S3 bucket activity will now result in the S3 bucket name being recorded. PR#2811
  • Feature: Add experimental OpenSearch instrumentation

    The agent will now automatically instrument the opensearch-ruby gem. We're marking this instrumentation as experimental because more work is needed to fully test it. OpenSearch instrumentation provides telemetry similar to Elasticsearch. Thank you, @Earlopain for reporting the issue and @praveen-ks for an initial draft of the instrumentation. Issue#2228 PR#2796

  • Feature: Improve framework detection accuracy for Grape and Padrino

    Previously, applications using the Grape framework would set ruby as their framework within the Environment Report. Now, Grape applications will be set to grape. Similarly, applications using the Padrino framework would be set to sinatra. Now, they will be set to padrino. This will help the New Relic security agent compatibility checks. Thank you, @prateeksen for making this change. Issue#2777 PR#2789

  • Feature: Silence Bundler all_specs deprecation warning

    Bundler.rubygems.all_specs was deprecated in favor of Bundler.rubygems.installed_specs in Bundler versions 2+, causing the agent to emit deprecation warnings. The method has been updated when Bundler 2+ is detected and warnings are now silenced. Thanks to @jcoyne for reporting this issue. Issue#2733 PR#2823

  • Bugfix: Fix Falcon dispatcher detection

    Previously, we tried to use the object space to determine whether the Falcon web server was in use. However, Falcon is not added to the object space until after the environment report is generated, resulting in a nil dispatcher. Now, we revert to an earlier strategy that discovered the dispatcher using File.basename. Thank you, @prateeksen for reporting this issue and researching the problem. Issue#2778 PR#2795

  • Bugfix: Fix for a Redis instrumentation error when Redis::Cluster::Client is present

    The Redis instrumentation previously contained a bug that would cause it to error out when Redis::Cluster::Client was present, owing to the use of a Ruby return outside of a method. Thanks very much to @jdelStrother for not only reporting this bug but pointing us to the root cause as well. Issue#2814 PR#2816

  • Bugfix: Address JRuby concurrency issue with config hash accessing

    The agent's internal configuration class maintains a hash that occassionally gets rebuilt. During the rebuild, certain previously dynamically determined instrumentation values are preserved for the benefit of the New Relic Ruby security agent. After reports from JRuby customers regarding concurrency issues related to the hash being accessed while being modified, two separate fixes went into the hash rebuild logic previously: a Hash#dup operation and a synchronize do block. But errors were still reported. We ourselves remain unable to reproduce these concurrency errors despite using the same exact versions of JRuby and all reported software. After confirming that the hash access code in question is only needed for the Ruby security agent (which operates only in non-production dedicated security testing environments), we have introduced a new fix for JRuby customers that will simply skip over the troublesome code when JRuby is in play but the security agent is not. PR#2798

July 24
Ruby agent v9.12.0


We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If you can't upgrade to the latest version, update your agents to a version no more than 90 days old. Read more about keeping agents up to date.

See the New Relic Ruby agent EOL policy for information about agent releases and support dates.


Version 9.12.0 adds support for the newrelic_security agent, introduces instrumentation for the LogStasher gem, improves instrumentation for the redis-clustering gem, and updates the Elasticsearch instrumentation to only attempt to get the cluster name once per client, even if it fails.

  • Feature: Add support for the newrelic_security agent

    New Relic Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) can help you prevent cyberattacks and breaches on your applications by probing your running code for exploitable vulnerabilities.

    The newrelic_security gem provides this feature for Ruby. It depends on newrelic_rpm. This is the first version of newrelic_rpm compatible with newrelic_security.

    At this time, the security agent is intended for use only within a dedicated security testing environment with data that can tolerate modification or deletion. The security agent is available as a separate Ruby gem, newrelic_security. It is recommended that this separate gem only be introduced to a security testing environment by leveraging Bundler grouping like so:

    # Gemfile
    gem 'newrelic_rpm' # New Relic APM observability agent
    gem 'newrelic-infinite_tracing' # New Relic Infinite Tracing
    group :security do
    gem 'newrelic_security', require: false # New Relic security agent

    In order to run the security agent, you need to update your configuration. At a minimum, security.agent.enabled and security.enabled must be set to true. They are false by default. Similar to the gem installation, we recommend you set these configurations for a special security testing environment only.

    Here's an example using newrelic.yml:

    common: &default_settings
    license_key: <%= ENV['NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY'] %>
    app_name: "Example app"
    <<: *default_settings
    app_name: <%= app_name %> (Development)
    <<: *default_settings
    security.enabled: true
    security.agent.enabled: true
    <<: *default_settings

    The following configuration relate to the newrelic_security gem:

    Configuration nameDefaultBehavior
    security.agent.enabledfalseIf true, the security agent is loaded (a Ruby 'require' is performed)
    security.enabledfalseIf true, the security agent is started (the agent runs in its event loop)
    security.mode'IAST'Defines the mode for the security agent to operate in. Currently only 'IAST' is supported
    security.validator_service_url'wss://csec.nr-data.net'Defines the endpoint URL for posting security related data
    security.detection.rci.enabledtrueIf true, enables RCI (remote code injection) detection
    security.detection.rxss.enabledtrueIf true, enables RXSS (reflected cross-site scripting) detection
    security.detection.deserialization.enabledtrueIf true, enables deserialization detection
    security.application_info.portnilAn Integer representing the port the application is listening on. This setting is mandatory for Passenger servers. Other servers should be detected by default.
  • Feature: Add instrumentation for LogStasher

    The agent will now record logs generated by LogStasher. Versions 1.0.0 and above of the LogStasher gem are supported. PR#2559

  • Feature: Add instrumentation for redis-clustering

    Version 5.x of the redis gem moved cluster behavior into a different gem, redis-clustering. This gem can access instrumentation registered through RedisClient::Middleware. Previously, the agent only instrumented the call_pipelined method through this approach, but now users of the redis-clustering gem will also have instrumentation registered for connect and call methods. In addition, the way the database_name attribute is set for Redis datastore spans is now compatible with all versions of Redis supported by the New Relic Ruby agent. Thank you, @praveen-ks for bringing this to our attention. Issue#2444 PR#2720

  • Bugfix: Update Elasticsearch instrumentation to only attempt to get the cluster name once per client

    Previously, the agent would attempt to get the cluster name every time a call was made if it was not already captured. This could lead to a large number of failures if the cluster name could not be retrieved. Now, the agent will only attempt to get the cluster name once per client, even if it fails. Thank you, @ascoppa for bringing this to our attention. Issue#2730 PR#2743

  • Feature: Produce metrics for 4 additional Action Controller Rails notifications

    Four additional Action Controller related Rails notifications are now subscribed to by the agent to produce telemetry. These 4 are exist_fragment?, expire_fragment, read_fragment, and write_fragment. As with instrumentation for Action Controller itself, these notifications are enabled by default and can be disabled by setting :disable_action_controller to true in the agent's newrelic.yml configuration file. PR#2745

June 20
Ruby agent v9.11.0


We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If you can't upgrade to the latest version, update your agents to a version no more than 90 days old. Read more about keeping agents up to date.

See the New Relic Ruby agent EOL policy for information about agent releases and support dates.


Version 9.11.0 introduces instrumentation for the aws-sdk-sqs gem, fixes a bug related to expected errors not bearing a "true" value for the "expected" attribute if expected as a result of an HTTP status code match and changes the way Stripe instrumentation metrics are named to prevent high-cardinality issues.

  • Feature: Add instrumentation for SQS

    The agent has added instrumentation for the aws-sdk-sqs gem. The agent will now record message broker spans for SQS client calls made with the aws-sdk-sqs gem. PR#2679

  • Bugfix: HTTP status code based expected errors will now have an "expected" value of "true"

    Previously when an error was treated as expected by the agent as a result of a matching HTTP status code being found in the :'error_collector.expected_status_codes' configuration setting, the error would not appear with an "expected" attribute value of "true" in the errors in the errors inbox. PR#2710

  • Bugfix: Stripe metric names will no longer include full request paths to limit the unique name count

    The Stripe instrumentation introduced in agent version v9.5.0 produced instrumentation metric names that used the full Stripe request path. For any significant Stripe usage, this could quickly lead to very large number of distinct metric names. Now only the API version and the category part of the request path are included in the metric name which still includes the "Stripe" opener and method (ex: "get") closer. Thanks to @jdelStrother and @jsneedles for bringing this issue to our attention and providing terrific information explaining the problem and potential paths to resolution. PR#2716

June 6
Ruby agent v9.10.2


We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If you can't upgrade to the latest version, update your agents to a version no more than 90 days old. Read more about keeping agents up to date.

See the New Relic Ruby agent EOL policy for information about agent releases and support dates.


Version 9.10.2 fixes a bug related to the new DynamoDB instrumentation and removes Rails::Command::RakeCommand from the default list of denylisted constants.

  • Bugfix: DynamoDB instrumentation logging errors when trying to get account_id

    When trying to access data needed to add the account_id to the DynamoDB span, the agent encountered an error when certain credentials classes were used. This has been fixed. Thanks to @kichik for bringing this to our attention. PR#2864

  • Bugfix: Remove Rails::Command::RakeCommand from the default list of autostart.denylisted_constants

    The default value for the autostart.denylisted_constants configuration was changed in 9.10.0 to include Rails::Command::RunnerCommand and Rails::Command::RakeCommand. The inclusion of Rails::Command::RakeCommand prevented the agent from starting automatically when Solid Queue was started using bin/rails solid_queue:start. We recognize there are many commands nested within Rails::Command::RakeCommand and have decided to remove it from the default list. We encourage users who do not want the agent to run on Rails::Command::RakeCommand to add the constant to their configuration. This can be accomplished by adding the following to your newrelic.yml file:

    autostart.denylisted_constants: "Rails::Command::ConsoleCommand,Rails::Command::CredentialsCommand,Rails::Command::Db::System::ChangeCommand,Rails::Command::DbConsoleCommand,Rails::Command::DestroyCommand,Rails::Command::DevCommand,Rails::Command::EncryptedCommand,Rails::Command::GenerateCommand,Rails::Command::InitializersCommand,Rails::Command::NotesCommand,Rails::Command::RakeCommand,Rails::Command::RoutesCommand,Rails::Command::RunnerCommand,Rails::Command::SecretsCommand,Rails::Console,Rails::DBConsole"

    Thank you, @edariedl, for reporting this issue. Issue#2677 PR#2694

June 3
Ruby agent v9.10.1


We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If you can't upgrade to the latest version, update your agents to a version no more than 90 days old. Read more about keeping agents up to date.

See the New Relic Ruby agent EOL policy for information about agent releases and support dates.


  • Bugfix: Incompatibility with Bootstrap

Version 9.10.1 fixes an incompatibility between the agent and the Bootstrap gem caused by agent v9.10.0's introduction of a lib/bootstrap.rb file. Thank you to @dorner for reporting the bug and identifying the 'bootstrap' name collision as the root cause. BUG#2675 PR#2676

May 29
Ruby agent v9.10.0


We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If you can't upgrade to the latest version, update your agents to a version no more than 90 days old. Read more about keeping agents up to date.

See the New Relic Ruby agent EOL policy for information about agent releases and support dates.


Version 9.10.0 introduces instrumentation for DynamoDB, adds a new feature to automatically apply nonces from the Rails content security policy, fixes a bug that would cause an expected error to negatively impact a transaction's Apdex, and fixes the agent's autostart logic so that by default rails runner and rails db commands will not cause the agent to start.

  • Feature: Add instrumentation for DynamoDB

    The agent has added instrumentation for the aws-sdk-dynamodb gem. The agent will now record datastore spans for DynamoDB client calls made with the aws-sdk-dynamodb gem. PR#2642

  • Feature: Automatically apply nonces from the Rails content security policy

    To auto-inject browser monitoring with the New Relic Ruby agent, you either need to set your content security policy to 'unsafe-inline' or provide a nonce. Previously, the only way to provide a nonce was by using the NewRelic::Agent.browser_timing_header API. Now, when a Rails application uses the content security policy configuration to add a nonce, the nonce will be automatically applied to the browser agent. A new configuration option, browser_monitoring.content_security_policy_nonce, toggles this feature. It is on by default. Thank you @baldarn for submitting this feature! PR#2544

  • Bugfix: Expected errors related to HTTP status code, class, and message won't impact Apdex

    The agent is supposed to prevent observed application errors from negatively impacting Apdex if the errors are either ignored or expected. There are two ways for the agent to expect an error: via the notice_error API receiving an expected: true argument or via matches made against user-configured lists for expected HTTP status codes (:'error_collector.expected_status_codes'), expected error classes (:'error_collector.expected_classes'), or expected error messages (:'error_collector.expected_messages'). Previously, only errors expected via the notice_error API were correctly prevented from impacting Apdex. Expected errors set by configuration incorrectly impacted Apdex. This behavior has been fixed and now both types of expected errors will correctly not impact Apdex. Thanks very much to @florianpilz for bringing this issue to our attention. PR#2619

  • Bugfix: Do not start the agent automatically when rails runner or rails db commands are run

    PR#2239 taught the agent how to recognize bin/rails based contexts that it should not automatically start up in. But bin/rails runner and bin/rails db commands would still see the agent start automatically. Those 2 contexts will now no longer see the agent start automatically. Thank you to @jdelStrother for both bringing the bin/rails context to our attention and for letting us know about the bin/rails runner and bin/rails db outliers that still needed fixing. PR#2623

    Older agent versions that are still supported by New Relic can update to the new list of denylisted constants by having the following line added to the newrelic.yml configuration file:

    autostart.denylisted_constants: "Rails::Command::ConsoleCommand,Rails::Command::CredentialsCommand,Rails::Command::Db::System::ChangeCommand,Rails::Command::DbConsoleCommand,Rails::Command::DestroyCommand,Rails::Command::DevCommand,Rails::Command::EncryptedCommand,Rails::Command::GenerateCommand,Rails::Command::InitializersCommand,Rails::Command::NotesCommand,Rails::Command::RakeCommand,Rails::Command::RoutesCommand,Rails::Command::RunnerCommand,Rails::Command::SecretsCommand,Rails::Console,Rails::DBConsole"

April 17
Ruby agent v9.9.0


We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If you can't upgrade to the latest version, update your agents to a version no more than 90 days old. Read more about keeping agents up to date.

See the New Relic Ruby agent EOL policy for information about agent releases and support dates.


Version 9.9.0 introduces support for AWS Lambda serverless function observability, adds support for Elasticsearch 8.13.0, and adds the 'request.temperature' attribute to chat completion summaries in ruby-openai instrumentation.

  • Feature: Serverless Mode for AWS Lambda

    The Ruby agent is now capable of operating in a quick and light serverless mode suitable for observing AWS Lambda function invocations. For serverless use, the agent is delivered by a New Relic Lambda layer that can be associated with a Lambda function. All reported data will appear in New Relic's dedicated serverless UI views. Only AWS based Lambda functions are supported for now, though support for other cloud hosted serverless offerings may be added in future depending on Ruby customer demand. The serverless functionality is only intended for use with the official New Relic Ruby layers for Lambda. Any existing workflows that involve the manual use of the Ruby agent in an AWS Lambda context without a New Relic layer should not be impacted.

  • Feature: Add support for Elasticsearch 8.13.0

    Elasticsearch 8.13.0 increased the number of arguments used in the method the agent instruments, Elastic::Transport::Client#perform_request. Now, the agent supports a variable number of arguments for the instrumented method to prevent future ArgumentErrors.

  • Bugfix: Add 'request.temperature' to ruby-openai chat completion summaries

    Previously, the agent was not reporting the request.temperature attribute on LlmChatCompletionSummary events through ruby-openai instrumentation. We are now reporting this attribute.

March 26
Ruby agent v9.8.0


We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If you can't upgrade to the latest version, update your agents to a version no more than 90 days old. Read more about keeping agents up to date.

See the New Relic Ruby agent EOL policy for information about agent releases and support dates.


Version 9.8.0 introduces instrumentation for ruby-openai, adds the option to store tracer state on the thread-level, hardens the browser agent insertion logic to better proactively anticipate errors, and prevents excpetions from being raised in the Active Support Broadcast logger instrumentation.

  • Feature: Add instrumentation for ruby-openai

    Instrumentation has been added for the ruby-openai gem, supporting versions 3.4.0 and higher (PR#2442). While ruby-openai instrumentation is enabled by default, the configuration option ai_monitoring.enabled is disabled by default and controls all AI monitoring. ai_monitoring.enabled must be set to true in order to receive ruby-openai instrumentation. High-Security Mode must be disabled in order to receive AI monitoring.

    Calls to embedding and chat completion endpoints are automatically traced. These events can be enhanced with the introduction of two new APIs. Custom attributes can also be added to LLM events using the API NewRelic::Agent.add_custom_attributes, but they must be prefixed with llm.. For example, NewRelic::Agent.add_custom_attributes({'llm.user_id': user_id}).

  • Feature: Add AI monitoring APIs

    This version introduces two new APIs that allow users to record additional information on LLM events:

    • NewRelic::Agent.record_llm_feedback_event - Records user feedback events.
    • NewRelic::Agent.set_llm_token_count_callback - Sets a callback proc for calculating token_count attributes for embedding and chat completion message events.

    Visit RubyDoc for more information on each of these APIs.

  • Feature: Store tracer state on thread-level

    A new configuration option, thread_local_tracer_state, stores New Relic's tracer state on the thread-level, as opposed to the default fiber-level storage. This configuration is turned off by default. Our thanks go to community member @markiz who contributed the idea, code, configuration option, and tests for this new feature! PR#2475.

  • Bugfix: Harden the browser agent insertion logic

    With Issue#2462, community member @miry explained that it was possible for an HTTP response headers hash to have symbols for values. Not only would these symbols prevent the inclusion of the New Relic browser agent tag in the response body, but more importantly they would cause an exception that would bubble up to the monitored web application itself. With PR#2465 symbol based values are now supported and all other potential future exceptions are now handled. Additionally, the refactor to support symbols has been shown through benchmarking to give the processing of string and mixed type hashes a slight speed boost too.

  • Bugfix: Prevent Exception in Active Support Broadcast logger instrumentation

    Previously, in certain situations the agent could cause an exception to be raised when attempting to interact with a broadcast log event. This has been fixed. Thanks to @nathan-appere for reporting this issue and providing a fix! PR#2510

January 25
Ruby agent v9.7.1


We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If you can't upgrade to the latest version, update your agents to a version no more than 90 days old. Read more about keeping agents up to date.

See the New Relic Ruby agent EOL policy for information about agent releases and support dates.


Version 9.7.1 fixes a ViewComponent instrumentation bug and enforces maximum size limits for custom event attributes.

  • Bugfix: Stop suppressing ViewComponent errors

    Previously, the agent suppressed ViewComponent render errors. The agent now reports these errors and allows them to raise. Thank you @mjacobus for reporting this bug and providing a fix! PR#2410

  • Bugfix: Enforce maximum size limits for custom event attributes

    Previously, the agent would allow custom event attributes to be any size. This would lead to the New Relic backend dropping attributes larger than the maximum size. Now, the agent will truncate custom event attribute values to 4095 characters, attribute names to 255 characters, and the total count of attributes to 64. PR#2401

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