SNMP discovery results in 'Kentik Default' entities


After running a discovery, you are seeing Kentik Default entities in the New Relic UI.


During discovery, ktranslate collects the System Object Identifier, such as sysObjectID or sysOID, which provides an easy way to identify a device. Every device type that responds to SNMP has a sysObjectID, and the value of that ID should be unique enough so anyone can identify which type of device it is.


Check the CISCO-PRODUCTS-MIB list, which outlines the sysObjectID values for a large number of the various devices Cisco has supported over the years.

Once ktranslate knows the sysObjectID for a device, that value is used to match against the known profiles available in the open source snmp-profiles repository that Kentik maintains.

If the sysObjectID cannot be matched, then the device is be considered a Kentik Default entity. The purpose of this is to provide visualization for users that devices are being monitored, as well as direction on how to help drive a better experience for their specific devices.

Device type already exists

In many situations, there is a pre-existing profile that will cover your device that we simply need to add the new sysObjectID to. The first step is to take a look in the snmp-profiles repository to see if there is a directory for your device's vendor, and associated profile file within the directory.

For example, if you have a Cisco Catalyst series switch that is showing up as a Kentik Default, but the sysObjectID is not on the catalyst profile, then you can either create a pull request to have it added, or open an issue on the repository and we will get it added on your behalf.

New device type needed

If no SNMP profile meets your needs, you can follow the steps outlined in the Creating and managing SNMP profiles documentation.