Remote write errors and error messages

This resource contains information about common errors and error messages that may alert you to issues with data visibility and availability, as well as information about how to respond.

Common errors and issues

If you receive an integration error message from New Relic or error messages in your Prometheus server logs after restarting your Prometheus server, there are several actions you can take to troubleshoot and get data flowing properly. Below are a few tips regarding common issues and error messages. For specific information on how to query NrIntegrationError events, see Investigate error messages below.

Investigate error messages

You can investigate error messages in New Relic by doing either or both of the following.

  1. Run a NRQL query of the NrIntegrationError event and examine the message attribute.

  2. Investigate individual errors in time to see when and where they occur and any simultaneously occurring issues, and perform targeted troubleshooting based on what you find out. For example:

    SELECT count(*) FROM NrIntegrationError WHERE newRelicFeature = 'Metrics' TIMESERIES

If you’ve validated that you can send data successfully but are unable to query it, you may be running into other kinds of limits. This may manifest itself as an error message during the integration process that says: Unable to retrieve data for Prometheus data source <name>.