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JVMs page (Java): View app server metrics from JMX

You can use New Relic's Java agent to collect and view additional metrics provided by the most common application servers via JMX. The collected metrics vary by app server and include measurements of thread pools, HTTP sessions, and transactions.

View JVM metrics

Application servers collect and report different metrics, which appear on APM's JVMs page. (For applications using New Relic via Heroku, the JVMs page is named Instances.)

At a minimum, each app server collects and reports metric data on memory. For instructions on enabling JMX metrics, refer to your app server's documentation.

To view JVM metrics:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com > All capabilities > APM & services > (select an app) > Monitoring > JVMs > (select a JVM).
  2. From the selected JVM's Memory page, use any of New Relic's standard user interface functions to drill down into detailed information.
  3. To view other metrics, select any available tab.
  4. Optional: To use the thread profiler to look for bottlenecks in data on executing threads, select Profile this JVM.

one.newrelic.com > All capabilities > APM & services > (select an app) > Monitoring > JVMs: Depending on the metrics your app server is reporting, one or more tabs appear on your JVM page.

Tabs available by app server

This table lists which tabs appear on the JVM page for app servers. If your app server does not report a particular type of metric data, the tab does not appear on your JVM page.

App server


Thread pools

HTTP sessions

App server transactions

Data sources


JBoss 5AS

JBoss 6AS

JBoss 6EAP

JBoss 7EAP

JBoss 7AS


Resin 3

Resin 4




Websphere Liberty

Websphere Traditional


Metrics available by tab

Here is a summary of the metrics available from the JVM page. If the app server does not support a particular metric, that tab does not appear on your JVM page.


Metric charts


  • Heap memory usage: Each chart shows the used and committed heap space in MB for a given heap.
  • Non-heap memory pool usage for the JVM: The used code cache and used CMS Perm Gen in MB.
  • Garbage collection: The garbage collection CPU time.
  • Class count: The loaded and unloaded class count for the JVM.


  • Thread count: The current number of active threads in the JVM.
  • Thread pool: The active and idle thread count for the pool. On supported app servers, a chart shows each thread pool present in the app server, as well as the ratio of active to maximum thread count for each thread pool.

HTTP sessions

  • Session: The active, invalidated by timeout, and invalidated HTTP session counts for the application. On supported app servers, a chart shows each application present in the app server.

App server transactions

  • Active transaction: The number of active transactions within the app server's transaction manager.
  • Created transaction: The change in the total number of created transactions per app server. Some app servers separate top level transactions and nested transactions.
  • Finished transaction: The change in the total number of finished transactions per app server. Some app servers separate them by aborted and committed completed transactions.

Data sources

The metrics for the data source tab vary by app server. For more details, see Data source metrics by app server. For details on WebLogic's data source metrics, see WebLogic JMX metrics.

Data source metrics by app server

For supported app servers, the agent collects JMX data source metrics. You can view these metrics at one.newrelic.com > All capabilities > APM & services > (select an app) > Monitoring > JVMs > Data sources. To see these metrics, ensure that your data source has been properly configured for JMX monitoring for your app server.

App server



  • Max connections: The maximum connections available for a data source. This is generally a configurable parameter.
  • Active connections: The current number of active connections in a data source.
  • Idle connections: The current number of idle connections in a data source.

WebSphere Liberty

  • Max connections: The maximum connections available for a data source. This is generally a configurable parameter.
  • Active connections: The current number of active connections in a data source.
  • Idle connections: The current number of idle connections in a data source.
  • Wait time: The average amount of time a connections needs to wait before being handled.
  • Destroyed connections: The number of destroyed connections.


  • Max connections: The maximum connections available for a data source. This is generally a configurable parameter.
  • Active connections: The current number of active connections in a data source.
  • Idle connections: The current number of idle connections in a data source.
  • Created connections: The number of created connections.

Enable for Spring Boot 2.2 and higher with Tomcat

To enable New Relic to access Tomcat JMX metrics when running with Spring Boot 2.2 and higher, the system property server.tomcat.mbeanregistry.enabled must be set to true. See the Spring Boot 2.2 release notes.

Enable WebSphere PMI metrics

To enable New Relic to access WebSphere PMI metrics, you will need to configure WebSphere to monitor the necessary statistic sets.

Collected WebSphere PMI metrics

When enabled, New Relic collects the following WebSphere PMI metrics. If you want other PMI metrics besides these to be collected and displayed in New Relic custom dashboards, use JMX instrumentation.

WebLogic JMX metrics

In WebLogic, JMX is enabled by default. New Relic collects the following mbeans metrics.


To collect additional JMX metrics, use a custom YAML file.

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