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Set thresholds for an alert condition

When you create a condition, you set personalized thresholds that determine what will open an incident. This document explains what thresholds are and how to set them.

What is a threshold?

For a condition, thresholds are the settings that determine what opens an incident. Depending on a policy's issue creation preference, and any workflows you may have configured, an incident may result in:

  • The creation of an issue
  • Notifications being sent

There are two types of thresholds:

  • Static: One value set by you.
  • Anomaly: An anomaly threshold uses past data to dynamically predict the data's near-future behavior. This will adjust over time as it learns the patterns of your data.

Examples of thresholds:

  • An application's average web response time is greater than 5 seconds for 15 minutes.
  • An application's error rate per minute hits 10% or higher at least once in an hour.
  • An application's AJAX response time deviates a certain amount from its expected behavior.

Besides a critical threshold level, you can also set thresholds for a less serious warning level.

View and set thresholds

Thresholds are set during the process of creating a condition:



Set thresholds for a new condition

Set thresholds as part of the process of creating a condition.

View and update thresholds for existing conditions

To view a condition’s thresholds: find that condition in the UI. To update thresholds, select a condition’s thresholds and make changes.

To learn more about specific alert condition types (like anomaly and NRQL), see Types of conditions.

Details about other functionality and rules:

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