Java agent attributes

New Relic attributes are key-value pairs containing information that determines the properties of an event or transaction. These key-value pairs can help you gain greater insight into your application and annotate the data when you query it. You can also automatically forward user information to New Relic.

Both default and custom attributes are visible in transaction traces, distributed traces, and error analytics; APM events and Browser events in dashboards. You can customize exactly which attributes will be sent to each of these destinations.

This document describes the Java agent attributes, details how to enable or disable attributes, and describes the rules the agent follows to determine which attributes to include or exclude for a destination.


These attribute settings apply to version 3.7.0 or higher of the Java agent. If you use an older version of the agent, see Update legacy attribute configuration.

Java-specific attributes

In addition to the default APM attributes, the Java agent collects attributes from these sources:

Collect user attributes

With APM's Java agent, you can automatically collect user information in by editing your configuration file. You can then run NRQL queries against user information without needing to create custom attributes manually. This feature is available with New Relic's Java agent 3.10.0 or higher.


Java user attributes are incompatible with high-security mode.

Configure attributes: Enable, include, and exclude

You can configure which types of attributes, or which specific attributes, the Java agent reports to New Relic. This is often done for security reasons, when there are certain sensitive attributes you don't want reported to New Relic. To learn what settings override other settings, see the attribute configuration rules.

Attribute configuration options:

Attribute rules

The Java agent follows these rules when determining which attributes to include or exclude for a destination: