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Android agent release notesRSS

January 8, 2015
Android agent v4.178.0


  • Addresses an issue that may have caused an upgraded application to continue reporting the older version of the application to New Relic.
  • Corrects a potential RuntimeException when the HEAD method was used in an HTTP request.
  • Resolves an IllegalArgumentException that could have occurred in the edge case where the start or end time of an HTTP transaction was invalid.

November 21, 2014
Android agent v4.120.0


  • You can now disable the capture of the HTTP response body for requests by calling NewRelic.disableFeature(FeatureFlag.HttpResponseBodyCapture).
  • You can now disable crash reporting by calling NewRelic.disableFeature(FeatureFlag.CrashReporting).
  • The SDK was updated to accept the HTTP method in NewRelic.noticeHttpTransaction() and NewRelic.noticeNetworkFailure() allowing more detailed information to be collected.


  • Resolves an issue related to recording a URL that could have potentially resulted in a Null Pointer Exception.

October 29, 2014
Android agent v4.98.0


  • Resolves a crash in InputStream instrumentation when chunked transfer encoding is used.
  • Custom interaction names, when specified, are now used in Crash interaction history trails.

October 22, 2014
Android agent v4.95.0


  • Corrects an issue where the agent may crash under certain concurrent access of instrumented InputStream implementations.
  • Corrects an issue where a thread pool was not properly getting destroyed upon application background-to-foreground transitions.

October 8, 2014
Android agent v4.87.0


  • Crash Reporting
    • This release introduces crash reporting for mobile apps. Crash reporting supports capture and reporting of unhandled Java runtime exceptions.
    • Crashes include interaction trails: a history of automatically instrumented actions that occurred during the app session leading up to the crashing event. No breadcrumbs needed.
    • The SDK includes a NewRelic.crashNow() method to trigger a test crash quickly and easily.
    • You can also disable crash reporting via the runtime API.
    • When building an app with Proguard enabled, the Proguard mapping file is sent to New Relic to automatically provide human readable crash reports in the UI.
  • Session improvements
    • The SDK now more consistently records MobileSession events in Insights when users use various app switchers on Android 4.x.


  • Improve reported traffic accuracy
    • Corrects an issue where the SDK could continue to report an app as active when it had entered the background. This fix will reduce the traffic reported for an app to more accurately reflect actual usage.
  • Improve thread naming accuracy
    • Corrects an issue where the SDK reported some metrics with an incorrect display name. This fix will more accurately reflect thread breakdown data in interactions.

August 22, 2014
Android agent v3.429.0


  • New Gradle Plugin

    We've rewritten the New Relic Gradle plugin from the ground up to impose a smaller footprint on your build and improve compatibility with the new Gradle Daemon.

July 24, 2014
Android agent v3.419.0


  • Naming changes to Interaction Traces

    We've changed the naming scheme for Interaction Traces to be more clear. Instead of "ActivityClass#onCreate", you'll see "Display ActivityClass". If you want to change the name of a running Interaction, just call setInteractionName().

  • New API methods for starting and stopping Interaction Traces

    We've added two new methods to the NewRelic class API to give you greater control over starting and stopping Interaction Traces. The startInteraction() method now just takes a string, no context needed. Use endInteraction() to stop a running interaction.

  • New @SkipTrace annotation to exclude methods from default instrumentation

    While automatic instrumentation is one of the more convenient features of the agent, there are a few cases where it can get in the way. Should you encounter one of these cases, simply add this annotation to the method in question, and the agent will skip it during compile time instrumentation.

June 12, 2014
Android agent v3.407.0



  • API methods now check for bad values and throw IllegalArgumentException

    Previously, our API methods would silently discard bad data without recording errors or metrics. We've changed this behavior to be more informative by throwing an exception when bad arguments are passed.


  • Android Gradle plugin 0.10 compatibility

    Version 0.10.0 of the plugin introduced a subtle change that caused errors during build time that would produce ClassCastException errors at runtime. We’ve fixed this issue and verified we're also compatible with 0.11.

    • Improved thread safety in the API

    Some API methods exhibited race conditions under heavy utilization. These race conditions are now solved.

    • Summary metrics occasionally exhibited bad values

    You may have noticed strange numbers in your application overview chart. We've isolated the cause of these numbers and fixed the underlying issue in the agent.

May 15, 2014
Android agent v3.378.0


  • CPU vitals in Interaction traces.

    We've added CPU vitals in interaction traces. You'll now be able to see your application's usage of the device's CPU(s) as a percentage of the total CPU time.


  • Restore compatibility for building with Java 7u55 and support Java 8.

    Java 7u55 introduced a slight change that broke our build process. We've corrected this issue and added support for Java 8.

  • Applications without version numbers crashed the agent.

    Strangely, it's possible to build an Android application without a version number defined in the manifest. We now detect this case and shut down the agent cleanly with an error message indicating we require a version number.

  • Encode custom Http(s) error response bodies.

    Http(s) error response bodies are normally encoded to ease escaping. However, errors reported via the API were not encoded. We've fixed this so all errors should appear properly in the UI.

April 7, 2014
Android agent v3.361.0


  • Better auto-naming support for Fragments.

    Previously, separating fragments from the calling Activity required renaming the running interaction. Now, Fragments have first class treatment and will show up alongside Activities.

  • OkHttp instrumentation.

    If you're using Square’s OkHttp library, you'll now see your HTTP transactions automatically appear on RPM. There’s no longer any need to use the agent API to track these transactions.


  • Clear all metric caches after a failed harvest cycle.

    In rare cases where the agent is unable to connect to New Relic's servers, some metric caches persisted and caused unusually large metric numbers. Now, all these caches are cleared at the end of the cycle to prevent compounding aggregation.

  • Improved inflight interaction naming.

    There are some cases in which renaming a running interaction did not fully rename the metric scope. This fix ensures all aspects of the interaction bear the new name.

  • Fixed an issue in Proguard bytecode handling.

    While compiling Android apps with Proguard's optimizations turned on is discouraged, the agent does its best to support such optimizations. However, we mishandled one such case and have fixed it in this release.

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