Our Event API is one option for reporting custom data. Another option is reporting custom attributes. For an overview of why you'd use the Event API versus other options, see Custom events and attributes.
For Event API limits and restricted attributes, see Limits.
Ensure outbound connectivity on TCP port 443 is allowed to the CIDR range that matches your region. The preferred configuration method is to use the DNS name insights-collector.newrelic.com or insights-collector.eu01.nr-data.net.
Example of submitting and querying a custom event
Here's an example of the Event API in action:
Custom events can be inserted through the agent APIs or directly via the Event API. The following example shows how to send a custom event type CLIRun, which tracks when a command line tool written in Ruby has its process exit due to an exception.
# Hook into the runtime 'at_exit' event
at_exit do
# Name the custom event
payload ={'eventType'=>'CLIRun'}
# Check to see if the process is exiting due to an error
The Event API limits the size, rate, and characters allowed in custom events. Also, like other data available in NRQL, custom events cannot be updated or deleted after they're created. If you have problems with your custom event, follow the troubleshooting procedures or create a new custom event.
Format the JSON
The Event API accepts specific formats for attributes included in the payload. Only float or string values are allowed.
When defining attributes for your custom events, follow these JSON format guidelines.
JSON format guidelines
Required: The event's name.
Float and string values
Float value format: "label":value
String value format: "label":"value"
Data types
The API only accepts key-value pairs, not map/object or array values. Supported data types for this API are strings and numbers (integers or floats). For more information, see Data requirements.
Digits in strings
For performance-related reasons, we do not cast values submitted to the API. For example, we treat 123 as a number and "123" as a string.
The database will only store up to 64 bit numbers. Any numbers larger than 64 bits will be truncated.
For attributes that contain date information, use an unformatted Unix timestamp in the data formatter. You can define the date attribute either in seconds or in milliseconds, both relative to the Unix epoch.
Unless otherwise specified, the timestamp for a submitted event is the time it was submitted to New Relic. To specify a different time for the event, use the timestamp attribute.
Here is an example of a typical JSON data set for sending with the API. This call sends two Purchase type events as a JSON array. You can add multiple events in a single HTTP call using a JSON array.
When generating the JSON, make sure your attributes are properly formatted.
The following size and rate limits apply to events sent via the Event API:
Payload total size: 1MB(10^6 bytes) maximum per POST. We highly recommend using compression.
The payload must be encoded as UTF-8.
Maximum number of attributes per event: 255
Maximum length of attribute name: 255 characters
Maximum length of attribute value: 4096 characters
accountId: This is a reserved attribute name. If it is included, it will be dropped during ingest.
entity.guid, entity.name, and entity.type: These attributes are used internally to identify entities. Any values submitted with these keys in the attributes section of a metric data point may cause undefined behavior such as missing entities in the UI or telemetry not associating with the expected entities. For more information please refer to Entity synthesis.
appId: Value must be an integer. If it is not an integer, the attribute name and value will be dropped during ingest.
eventType: This attribute can be a combination of alphanumeric characters, _ underscores, and : colons.
timestamp: This attribute must be a Unix epoch timestamp, defined in either seconds or milliseconds.
Submit the custom event
Data submitted to the Event API uses a compressed JSON format in a simple HTTPS POST request. This example uses gzip, but you can also use deflate.
gzip-c example_events.json |curl-X POST -H"Content-Type: application/json"\
Invoke-WebRequest-Headers $headers-Method Post -Body $gzipBody"https://insights-collector.newrelic.com/v1/accounts/$accountId/events"
Always use compression with every payload. This allows you to send more data, and it saves resources during parsing.
Before generating your HTTP request, make sure it is properly formatted, including:
The Api-Key contains the correct .
The Content-Type is application/json.
The request uses POST only. The API does not accept PUT and GET requests.
The API supports HTTP/1.1 persistent connections. This is helpful to manage client-side performance under heavy event loads.
Verify or troubleshoot request response
The Event API follows a two-step process to process requests:
The Event API synchronously acknowledges or rejects the request based on validation of the headers and payload size.
The Event API asynchronously parses the payload after a successful HTTP response is provided to the client. This may generate an error due to missing or malformed data. These are classified as submission errors or parsing errors.
All successful submissions receive a 200 response, regardless of any data errors that may exist within the payload. The response includes a uuid, which is a unique ID created for each request. The uuid also appears in any error events created for the request.
Other potential issues:
10-second timeout: API calls exceeding 10 seconds will time out.
Large payloads: Payloads exceeding 100 KB may see increased response times.
Recommendation:In addition to checking for a success message, create a NRQL query of your data to verify it's available.
Payloads with submission errors are handled and returned to the sender through an HTTP response code.
To troubleshoot payload submission errors, refer to these HTTP response codes.
Submission errors
Missing or invalid content length: Unable to process empty request.
Missing or invalid key: Invalid license key. Register a valid . You must use a key of the License type. Browser, Mobile, or User keys will not work.
Request timed out: Request took too long to process.
Content too large: Request is too large to process. Refer to the limits and restricted characters to troubleshoot.
Invalid content type: Must be application/JSON. The Event API accepts any content type except multi-part/related and assumes it can be parsed to JSON.
Too many requests due to rate limiting.
Service temporarily unavailable: Retry request
Parsing errors occur if:
An event is sent within a payload, but it is either missing data or is exceeding maximum limits. New Relic will drop the individual event from the payload, generate an NrIntegrationError event, and process the rest.
The JSON payload includes malformed JSON or missing required data.
Payloads with parsing errors receive a 200 response to indicate a successful submission. To help resolve parsing errors, a new NrIntegrationError event type is created. All parsing errors are due to NRQL queries. For error messages related to dropped events, New Relic will include the number of events that were dropped as part of the message.
To troubleshoot requests with parsing errors, refer to these error messages.
Parsing errors
X event(s) rejected because attribute appId was not an integer
An appId attribute has a non-integer value, such as a decimal value or string.
X event(s) rejected because eventType cannot contain the following characters: [., \]
An eventType attributed included an invalid character, such as a period or backslash.
X event(s) rejected because attribute is missing attribute name
An attribute name was set to null or an empty string.
X event(s) rejected because attribute name exceeded maximum length
An attribute name has more than 255 characters.
X event(s) rejected because attribute value exceeded maximum length
An attribute value was longer than 4096 characters.
X event(s) rejected because event exceeded maximum number of attributes
An event has more than 255 attributes.
X event(s) rejected because missing required attributes eventType
The eventType attribute is required for the custom event.
Error parsing JSON payload
There was an error parsing the request JSON because of formatting problems or corrupted data.
Query and alert with NrIntegrationError
The NrIntegrationError event allows you to query and set on custom data being sent to your New Relic account. Recommendation: To get alerts for parsing errors, create a NRQL alert condition for NrIntegrationError. Use this example NRQL query:
SELECT message FROM NrIntegrationError WHERE newRelicFeature ='Event API'AND category ='EventApiException'
NrIntegrationError attributes
The timestamp when the request was received. The timestamp attribute takes a 64-bit integer Unix timestamp within the last 24 hours. You can define timestamps either in seconds or in milliseconds, both relative to the Unix epoch.
Do not use a decimal for the timestamp. If a decimal is used, the attribute will default to the timestamp when the custom event was created.
The name of the feature experiencing errors. For all custom event parsing errors, this will be Event API.
The first six characters of the used for the request that generated an error.
The uuid returned by the the API for the request that generated an error.
The category of the error. For custom events, this is EventApiException.
Contents of the error message.
The error's name. For custom events, this is always EventValidationException.
One of the event types that generated the error, when available.
Find your data
To find data sent via the Event API (and from integrations that use this API), you can query it. For example, to query a custom event using NRQL, you would run:
The Event API has a rate limit of 100,000 HTTP requests (POSTs) per minute, per account. (Note that this is not a limit on the number of events per minute; only on the number of POSTs per minute.)
This limit helps ensure that large traffic spikes in accounts across our multi-tenant platform do not negatively affect how the service performs for you.
If your API usage exceeds 100k POSTs in a 1-minute window, we will reject subsequent API requests with a 429 response code for the remainder of the 1-minute window. At the end of the 1-minute window, the counter will be reset and allow traffic to resume.
This limit is intended to be an upper threshold that you shouldn't hit under normal scenarios. If you have a high number of 429 responses, consider using the API less. If you are expecting a higher-than-normal activity level in the near future and want to prepare for that, contact technical support.