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Browser agent release notesRSS

May 31, 2023
Browser agent v1.233.1


Bug Fixes

Address bug affecting XHR harvest re-schedule

A early return condition in the harvest rescheduling logic in version 1.233.0 was preventing Ajax event harvest from being rescheduled in cases where no data had accumulated.

Support statement:

New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life. Release dates are reflective of the original publish date of the agent version.

New Browser Agent releases are rolled out to customers in small stages over a period of time. Because of this, the date the release becomes accessible to your account may not match the original publish date. Please see this status dashboard for more information.

Consistent with our browser support policy, v1.233.1 of the Browser agent was built for and tested against these browsers and version ranges: Chrome 104-113, Edge 104-113, Safari 15-16, and Firefox 104-113. For mobile devices, v1.233.1 was built and tested for Android Chrome 100 and iOS Safari 15.2-15.5.

May 26, 2023
Browser agent v1.233.0



Capture metrics for usage of MooTools and certain polyfills

New supportability metrics have been added to capture MooTools library usage and presence of customer-defined polyfills for certain native JavaScript features, such as function binding and ES6 Array prototype methods.

Update agent internals in early preparation for new features

The agent code base now contains the non-functional foundations of session replay mechanics. Note that this code is dormant and disabled. It will not download or execute until the session replay feature and its downstream dependencies are in a finished state.

Bug Fixes

Address "configurable" warnings arising from user-agent module

The unused userAgent property and corresponding module have been removed from the runtime object due to "configurable" warnings being thrown in cases attempting to overwrite the runtime configuration.

Refactor usage of Array.from to address MooTools conflict

To work around a conflict with some versions of the MooTools library that mutate the native Array.from method, the agent will now use alternative methods.

Ensure runtime is preserved for late-configuration cases

Fix an issue where the internal runtime state of the agent was not preserved when the agent configurations were supplied after the loader had finished initializing, which caused the session to be cleared.

Support statement:

New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life. Release dates are reflective of the original publish date of the agent version.

New Browser Agent releases are rolled out to customers in small stages over a period of time. Because of this, the date the release becomes accessible to your account may not match the original publish date. Please see this status dashboard for more information.

Consistent with our browser support policy, v1.233.0 of the Browser agent was built for and tested against these browsers and version ranges: Chrome 104-113, Edge 104-113, Safari 15-16, and Firefox 104-113. For mobile devices, v1.233.0 was built and tested for Android Chrome 100 and iOS Safari 15.2-15.5.

May 17, 2023
Browser agent v1.232.1


Bug Fixes

Add X-NewRelic-ID header only if defined

The agent will now set the X-NewRelic-ID header on XHR requests only when a truthy xpid value is explicitly set in the loader configuration. Previously the header was added even if undefined.

Identify inline stack trace URLs more precisely

URLs in JavaScriptError stack traces were sometimes misidentified as inline scripts when they shared a partial URL with the page on which the agent was loaded. The agent will now identify same-page scripts more precisely.

Support statement:

New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life. Release dates are reflective of the original publish date of the agent version.

New Browser Agent releases are rolled out to customers in small stages over a period of time. Because of this, the date the release becomes accessible to your account may not match the original publish date. Please see this status dashboard for more information.

Consistent with our browser support policy, version v1.232.1 of the browser agent was built for and tested against these browsers and version ranges: Chrome 104-113, Edge 104-113, Safari 15-16, Firefox 104-113. For mobile devices, v1.232.1 was built and tested for Android Chrome 100 and iOS Safari 15-15.5.

May 8, 2023
Browser agent v1.232.0



Minor changes to SMs

Add internal metrics to track the duration of the average session, to improve estimation for future efforts.

Add query parameter supportability metrics

Adding supportability metrics to capture legacy network method usage, query parameter size statistics, and custom data size statistics.

Allow custom error grouping

The setErrorHandler method now supports applying custom fingerprints to exceptions. Events with the same fingerprint appear grouped together in the New Relic One errors inbox.

Add new stateful Session Manager

The agent will now manage the end-user session lifecycle statefully, across page views and tab changes.

Support statement:

We recommend you to upgrade the agent regularly so you get the latest features and performance benefits. Older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life. Release dates are reflective of the original publish date of the agent version.

New Browser Agent releases are rolled out in small stages over a period of time. Because of this, the date the release becomes accessible to your account may not match the original publish date. Please see this status dashboard for more information.

Consistent with our browser support policy, version v1.232.0 of the Browser agent was built for and tested against these browsers and version ranges: Chrome 104-113, Edge 104-112, Safari 15-16, Firefox 103-112; and for mobile devices, Android Chrome 100 and iOS Safari 15-15.5.

April 28, 2023
Browser agent v1.231.0


Omit CLS scores before web-vitals report them

Initial snapshots of CLS reported as 0s attached to timing metrics will be omitted, so as to "de-noise" the aggregate CLS dataset. This also temporarily addresses an edge case of long loading pages potentially sending a "final" CLS value of 0, inaccurately. The case of a final 0 CLS when a user only navigates away from the page has also been fixed.

Fix accepted argument type for all and race methods of Promise

The wrapped Promise's static all and race methods now work with iterators per native implementation, rather than only arrays.

Upgrade Navigation Timing API in PageView (RUM) call

The performance entry data sent for PageView now uses the Navigation Timing Level 2 API over the deprecated Level 1 API.

Fix typo in top-level API causing exception

An an uncaught reference exception was occurring on pages with more than one initialized agent due to a typo in the name of a variable (returnsVals).

Add null entry checks to certain web-vitals handlers

For LCP and FID, we will exclude the performance entry info when there are no entries given by web-vitals. This had thrown exceptions.

Remove previously added console logging measurements

This reverses performance impacts and exceptions introduced in the prior release by serializing console API arguments.

Rectify version reported by NPM agent implementations

Agents installed via the NPM method will report the correct semantic version in data harvests.

Fix exception when importing NPM package source code

An error was occurring related to a missing environment variable when importing from the NPM package source directly (versus via the CJS/ESM packages).

Support statement:

New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life. Release dates are reflective of the original publish date of the agent version.

New Browser Agent releases are rolled out to customers in small stages over a period of time. Because of this, the date the release becomes accessible to your account may not match the original publish date. Please see this status dashboard for more information.

Consistent with our browser support policy, version v1.231.0 of the Browser agent was built for and tested against these browsers and version ranges: Chrome 103-112, Edge 103-112, Safari 15-16, Firefox 103-112; and for mobile devices, Android Chrome 100 and iOS Safari 15-15.5.

April 10, 2023
Browser agent v1.230.0


Add persistence for custom attributes

Custom attributes may now optionally be persisted between page loads via session storage. The API method setCustomAttribute now takes a third parameter, which defaults to false. When true, this boolean indicates that the provided custom attribute should be persisted in session storage and restored on subsequent page loads. Session storage is subject to the same-origin policy of the browser.

Add setUserId API

A new setUserId API method is now available. It defines a custom attribute containing a specified user ID, to be included in all payloads. The setUserId API is an extension of the setCustomAttribute API and automatically persists between page loads.

Fix npm package browser targets

The previous npm package release included code that was not compatible with browsers in our supported browser list. The package exports will now default to code that matches our browser support list. The package will also include the source code for power users that would like more control over how the agent is built.

Fix npm package exports

Some dangling, unused, and non-existent imports and exports were causing issues with consuming the NPM package in some projects. These have been removed.

Fix npm package import for typescript projects

Fixed an issue where typescript projects attempting to import the browser agent library would not get proper auto-complete in the import statement and would receive module declaration errors. The browser agent will not use tsc to generate type definitions from the JavaScript code at build time. The package.json has been updated with appropriate type export declarations.

Add error catch around sendBeacon

Added error catch logic around the sendBeacon usage. In the event sendBeacon throws an error during the final harvest, the final harvest will attempt to fall back to the image data submission method.

Remove array reduce polyfill

Removed the array reduce polyfill in favor of the native browser array reduce method.

Support statement:

New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life. Release dates are reflective of the original publish date of the agent version.

New Browser Agent releases are rolled out to customers in small stages over a period of time. Because of this, the date the release becomes accessible to your account may not match the original publish date. Please see this status dashboard for more information.

March 31, 2023
Browser agent v1.229.0


Use semantic versioning scheme

The agent will now utilize semantic versioning for subsequent releases. The previous version (1228) will carry forward into 1.229.0, and so on.

Use web-vitals library for internal timing calculations

In an effort to align and standardize the timings the agent collects, the agent now uses the Google CWV library to track page timings such as CLS, LCP, FCP, TTFB and more. See Core Web Vitals documentation for more information.

Ship the Browser Agent repository to NPM

The Browser Agent repository will now be available as a pre-release NPM package. See @newrelic/browser-agent for more information.

Support statement:

New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life. Release dates are reflective of the original publish date of the agent version.

New Browser Agent releases are rolled out to customers in small stages over a period of time. Because of this, the date the release becomes accessible to your account may not match the original publish date. Please see this status dashboard for more information.

March 21, 2023
Browser agent v1228

Bug Fixes

Fix negative offset timings

Fix an issue that caused session trace offset timings to be miscalculated in the early-page lifecycle, sometimes leading to negative "backend" timings.

March 9, 2023
Browser agent v1227

New Features

Add INP and long tasks reporting

The interaction-to-next-paint metric is now calculated and reported at the end of user sessions, via the Google CWV library. In addition, long continuously executed and blocking scripts detected by the PerformanceLongTaskTiming API are also forwarded to New Relic. This latter functionality is off by default, until a curated UI experience is created to utilize this data.

Bug Fixes

Revert unwrapping of globals on agent abort

Partial revert of graceful handling change made in v1225 that unwrapped modified global APIs and handlers, which caused integration issues with other wrapping libraries and code.

Add resiliency around SPA interaction saving

Added resiliency code around SPA interaction node save functionality to ensure a cancelled interaction node without a parent further up the interaction tree does not cause an exception to be raised from the agent.


Add internal metrics to evaluate feasibility page resource harvests

Internal metrics were added to track the feasibility and impact of collecting page resource information using the PerformanceObserver resource timings, such as scripts, images, network calls, and more.

Collect supportability metrics at the end of page life

Collate all of the internal statistic metrics calls, which, as of today, are sent at page start and periodically into one call made when the end user is leaving the page.

February 23, 2023
Browser agent v1226

New Features

Enable back/forward cache

Updating the agent default configuration to enable the back/forward cache feature previously released in version 1222 by default.

Bug Fixes

Revert xhr deny list timeslice metrics

Customers were losing visibility into all calls on the page when denying timeslice metrics based on the deny list. This change reverts to the behavior seen in all previous versions of the browser agent.

Handle unhandledPromiseRejections more gracefully

The agent will attempt to handle niche objects throw from unhandledPromiseRejection events more gracefully. These cases could include objects with frozen or static properties, or custom extensions of the Error class without a set method in place.

Disable metrics for missing entitlement

Fixing issue where metrics harvesting was not being halted when the agent RUM call indicated the account did not have entitlement to the jserrors endpoint. Before this change, customers missing this entitlement would see network calls to the New Relic jserrors endpoint result in 403 or 409 errors.

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