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Kubernetes integration release notesRSS

February 27, 2020
Kubernetes integration v1.15.0


Follow standard procedures to install or update the New Relic integration for Kubernetes.


February 13, 2020
Kubernetes integration v1.14.0


Follow standard procedures to install or update the New Relic integration for Kubernetes.


  • Changed: Internal changes in the code without any expected customer impact.

January 29, 2020
Kubernetes integration v1.13.2


Follow standard procedures to install or update the New Relic integration for Kubernetes.


  • Changed: The integration now uses the Infrastructure agent v1.9.0. For more information refer to the Infrastructure agent release notes between versions v1.8.32 and v1.9.0.

January 23, 2020
Kubernetes integration v1.13.1


Follow standard procedures to install or update the New Relic integration for Kubernetes.


  • Added: daemonsetName field to the K8sDaemonsetSample.

Kubernetes integration v1.13.0


Follow standard procedures to install or update the New Relic integration for Kubernetes.


  • Added: samples for Statefulsets, Daemonsets, Endpoints and Services.

  • Added: API Server metrics can now be queried using the secure port. Configure the port using the API_SERVER_SECURE_PORT environment variable. The ClusterRole has been updated to allow this query to happen.

  • Changed: The integration now uses the infrastructure agent v1.8.32-bundle. For more information, refer to the Infrastructure agent release notes between versions v1.8.23 and v1.8.32.

    The bundle container contains a subset of On-host integrations that are supported by New Relic. This also includes the ability to "Auto Discover" services running on Kubernetes in a similar way to our Container auto-discovery

  • Changed: The integration has been renamed from nr-kubernetes to nri-kubernetes.

January 13, 2020
Kubernetes integration v1.12.0


Follow standard procedures to install or update the New Relic integration for Kubernetes.


  • Added: Control Plane components can now also be discovered using the tier and component labels, besides k8s-app. You can read more about this in the control plane monitoring section of the docs.
  • Added: the newrelic-infra-ctl binary is now included as part of the image.
  • Changed: The integration now uses the infrastructure agent v1.8.23. For more information refer to the infrastructure agent release notes between versions v1.5.75 and v1.8.23.

Kubernetes integration v1.0.0


Follow standard procedures to install the New Relic integration for Kubernetes events.


  • Add custom attributes support. Custom attributes are added via environment variables of the form NRI_KUBE_EVENTS_<key>=<val>.

    Example: To add an attribute called environment with a value of staging to all the events, you need to add the following environment variable to the spec of the kube-events container:


    More detailed information can be found in the integration's documentation.

  • Add retry with exponential back-off when sending events to the forwarder agent.

December 11, 2019
Kubernetes integration v1.11.0


Follow standard procedures to install or update the New Relic integration for Kubernetes.


  • Added: Control Plane Monitoring: from this release on the Kubernetes integration will automatically monitor your Control Plane, showing each component and their health status in the Kubernetes cluster explorer. Managed Kubernetes Clusters (GKE, EKS, AKS, DO, etc) are not supported, due to technical restrictions.

  • Added: KSM can now be discovered using custom pod labels. By default we look for pods with the labels k8s-app, app or app.kubernetes.io/name with the value kube-state-metrics.
    If you want to use a custom label for the discovery, you should put the label name in the environment variable named KUBE_STATE_METRICS_POD_LABEL.

    If more than 1 pod is found with the label, it will always choose the first one based on a sorted list of IP addresses.

    # Label a specific KSM pod. Always set the value to the string "true".
    kubectl label pod kube-state-metrics newrelic-ksm=true

    Update the newrelic-infrastructure-k8s manifest to use this labeled KSM pod:

    value: newrelic-ksm

November 5, 2019
Kubernetes integration v1.10.2


Follow standard procedures to install or update the New Relic integration for Kubernetes.


Changed: The integration now uses the Infrastructure agent v1.5.75. For more information, please refer to the Infrastructure agent release notes between versions v1.5.31 and v1.5.75.

October 25, 2019
Kubernetes integration v1.10.1


Follow standard procedures to install or update the New Relic integration for Kubernetes.


Changed: The integration reverts to the Infrastructure agent v1.5.31, because there were some issues, like clusters not showing in the New Relic entity list UI, caused by use of agent version v1.5.51.

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