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Node.js agent release notesRSS

May 15, 2023
Node.js agent v10.1.1


Bug Fixes

Code Refactoring

  • run-versioned-tests.sh: added ability to run versioned tests and skip collecting coverage by passing in SKIP_C8 env var to the job. (#1621) (0ba9dcb)


  • update Contribution Guide with Conventional Commit info (#1635) (f1a00e5)

Miscellaneous Chores

  • pin testdobule to 3.17.2 as 3.18.0 no longer works on node 14 (#1628) (d68bd9f)
  • remove release-please workflow and scripts (#1624) (80f7eb8)


Continuous Integration

  • changed versioned tests script to use SKIP_C8 (#1621) (83e95e3)
  • add --use-new-release functionality (#1633) (d97b421)
  • add ability to generate release notes from conventional commits (#1623) (880a88b)
  • create-docs-pr: Set username/email to machine user by default (#1627) (3870a1f)
  • fix issue with missing type in the prep-release (#1638) (9a906e8)
  • update prep-release to fetch entire history of caller repo (#1641) (428174a)
  • update to conditionally add CLI flag to prep-release (#1640) (b167c93)

Support statement:

  • New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Additionally, older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life.

May 4, 2023
Node.js agent v10.1.0


  • Added batching and compression to infinite tracing.

    • These options are on by default.
    • To restore uncompressed spans set config.infinite_tracing.compression to false.
    • To send single spans vs batches set config.infinite_tracing.batching to false.
    • The environment variables for these new configurations are: NEW_RELIC_INFINITE_TRACING_BATCHING and NEW_RELIC_INFINITE_TRACING_COMPRESSION.
  • Added support to record Nest.js error stack traces.

    • Nest.js is officially supported via underlying instrumentation of express or fastify.
  • Added job to create a release notes PR in the post-release workflow.

  • Removed request library and updated helper to use http/https to make requests in tests.

  • Reduced cognitive complexity in lib/serverless/aws-lambda.js

Support statement:

  • New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Additionally, older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life.

April 19, 2023
Node.js agent v10.0.0


  • BREAKING - Updated the default of config.transaction_tracer.record_sql from off to obfuscated. This means that sql statements will be captured but obfuscated.

  • BREAKING - Route (URL) parameters are now stored as request.parameters.route.* attributes on Transactions, root Segments and Spans.

    After this change, the following becomes true:

    • Query parameters will be available as attributes prefixed with request.parameters.* on Transactions and Spans.

    • Route parameters will be available as attributes prefixed with request.parameters.route.* on Transactions and Spans.

    • Route parameters (aka url parameters) are a common feature of various web frameworks, where you can create a placeholder as part of an API route definition.

      For example, given the following Express route definition and request url:

      app.get('/api/users/:id', myMiddleware, myController)
      curl http://localhost:3000/api/users/abc123?id=true

      The route parameter is id, and has a value of abc123. This would become request.parameters.route.id: abc123 on the Transaction, root Segment, and Span attributes. This example also has a query parameter of id, which has a value of true. This would become request.parameters.id: true on the Transaction, root Segment, and Span attributes.

  • BREAKING - Removed captureUrlParams from WebFrameworkShim class.

  • DEPRECATION NOTICE: shim.unwrap and shim.unwrapOnce will no longer function if you attempt to unwrap an item that has been wrapped multiple times.

    • This is because since we now allow instrumenting the same module more than once, you cannot safely unwrap without breaking all registered instrumentation. We plan to remove shim.unwrap and shim.unwrapOnce in the next major release.
  • Added the ability to register instrumentation multiple hooks (onRequire, onResolved) for the same resolved moduleName.

    • This has been a limitation of the agent from the beginning.
    • If you used the api to instrument api.instrument, api.instrumentDatastore, api.instrumentWebframework, api.instrumentMessages, or api.instrumentConglomerate, it would override existing instrumentation hooks. The effect was that the Node.js agent would not function as designed.
  • Refactored lib/transaction/tracecontext.js to reduce cognitive complexity.

  • Refactored lib/transaction/trace/index.js to reduce cognitive complexity.

  • Upgraded devDependencies jsdoc, and lean-jsdoc-theme.

Support statement:

  • New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Additionally, older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life.

April 4, 2023
Node.js agent v9.15.0


  • Added a new configuration option heroku.use_dyno_names to specify whether or not to use process.env.DYNO for naming the host name and display host. This option defaults to true. If you are on heroku and do not want this functionality set heroku.use_dyno_names to false. You can also control this configuration options with the environment variable of NEW_RELIC_HEROKU_USE_DYNO_NAMES. Thanks @benney-au-le for your contribution 🚀

Support statement:

  • New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Additionally, older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life.

March 23, 2023
Node.js agent v9.14.1


  • Restored assigning loaded version of agent to require.cache as __NR_cache instead of a symbol to properly detect attempts at loading agent twice.

Support statement:

  • New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Additionally, older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life.

Node.js agent v9.14.0


  • Added new API function called setErrorGroupCallback, which provides a way for you to customize the error.group.name attribute of errors that are captured by the agent. This attribute controls how the Errors Inbox functionality groups similar errors together. To learn more about this function, please refer to our example app.

Support statement:

  • New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Additionally, older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life.

March 20, 2023
Node.js agent v9.13.0


  • Updated http instrumentation to no longer remove the x-new-relic-disable-dt header when using AWS SDK v3. This was done to prevent the "The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method." error from AWS SDK.

  • Added an API method setUserID to provide an ability to associate a unique identifier with a transaction event, transaction trace and errors within transaction. The attribute will be enduser.id.

  • Added default configuration for security agent.

Support statement:

  • New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Additionally, older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life.

March 15, 2023
Node.js agent v9.12.1


  • Added ability to mark errors as expected when using newrelic.noticeError, by adding an optional boolean:

    • newrelic.noticeError(error, {customAttributes}, true|false) when there are custom error attributes.
    • newrelic.noticeError(error, true|false) if there are no custom error attributes.
    • expected errors do not affect error metrics or Apdex.
  • Added ability to disable distributed tracing for aws-sdk 3.290.0 and higher.

  • Updated README header image to latest OSS office required images

  • Updated @grpc/grpc-js from 1.8.8 to 1.8.9

Support statement:

  • New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Additionally, older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life.

March 14, 2023
Node.js agent v9.12.0


  • This version of the agent was not available, and has been deprecated. The NPM release pipeline did not run successfully. New Relic recommends installing Node agent v9.12.1 instead.

Support statement:

  • New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Additionally, older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life.

March 8, 2023
Node.js agent v9.11.0


  • Added instrumentation for Prisma(@prisma/client).
    • Miniumum supported version of @prisma/client is 4.0.0.
    • Captures spans for queries.
      • It names them based on the model and action.(i.e. Datastore/statement/Prisma/user/create)
      • For statements and queries using the $queryRaw, $executeRaw, $queryRawUnsafe, and $executeRawUnsafe the names will be aligned with the raw SQL.(i.e. Datastore/statement/Prisma/User/select)
    • Captures database metrics for all statements and queries.
    • Captures SQL Traces.
    • Provides connection between application and database server via service maps.

Huge shoutout to @osmanmrtacar for the original contribution

  • Updated @grpc/protoloader from 0.7.4 to 0.7.5.
  • Updated @grpc/grpc-js from 1.8.7 to 1.8.8.

Support statement:

  • New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Additionally, older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life.

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