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Go agent release notesRSS

March 23, 2020
Go agent v3.4.0


New Features

  • Attribute http.statusCode has been added to external span events representing the status code on an http response. This attribute will be included when added to an ExternalSegment in one of these three ways:

    1. Using NewRoundTripper with your http.Client
    2. Including the http.Response as a field on your ExternalSegment
    3. Using the new ExternalSegment.SetStatusCode API to set the status code directly

    To exclude the http.statusCode attribute from span events, update your agent configuration like so, where cfg is your newrelic.Config object.

    cfg.SpanEvents.Attributes.Exclude = append(cfg.SpanEvents.Attributes.Exclude, newrelic.SpanAttributeHTTPStatusCode)
  • Error attributes error.class and error.message are now included on the span event in which the error was noticed, or on the root span if an error occurs in a transaction with no segments (no chid spans). Only the most recent error information is added to the attributes; prior errors on the same span are overwritten.

    To exclude the error.class and/or error.message attributes from span events, update your agent configuration like so, where cfg is your newrelic.Config object.

    cfg.SpanEvents.Attributes.Exclude = append(cfg.SpanEvents.Attributes.Exclude, newrelic.newrelic.SpanAttributeErrorClass, newrelic.SpanAttributeErrorMessage)


  • Use Context.FullPath() for transaction names when using Gin version 1.5.0 or greater. Gin transactions were formerly named after the Context.HandlerName(), which uses reflection. This change improves transaction naming and reduces overhead. Please note that because your transaction names will change, you may have to update any related dashboards and alerts to match the new name.

    // Transactions previously named
    "GET main.handleGetUsers"
    // will be change to something like this match the full path
    "GET /user/:id"

February 11, 2020
Go agent v3.3.0


New Features


  • When using newrelic.StartExternalSegment or newrelic.NewRoundTripper, if existing cross application tracing or distributed tracing headers are present on the request, they will be replaced instead of added.
  • The FromContext API which allows you to pull a Transaction from a context.Context will no longer panic if the provided context is nil. In this case, a nil is returned.

Known Issues and Workarounds

If a .NET agent is initiating distributed traces as the root service, you must update that .NET agent to version 8.24 or later before upgrading your downstream Go New Relic agents to this agent release.

January 27, 2020
Go agent v3.2.0


New Features


  • Updated Gorilla instrumentation to include request time spent in middlewares. Added new nrgorilla.Middleware and deprecated nrgorilla.InstrumentRoutes. Register the new middleware as your first middleware using Router.Use. See the godocs examples for more details.

    r := mux.NewRouter()
    // Always register the nrgorilla.Middleware first.
    // All handlers and custom middlewares will be instrumented. The
    // transaction will be available in the Request's context.
    r.Handle("/", makeHandler("index"))
    // The NotFoundHandler and MethodNotAllowedHandler must be instrumented
    // separately using newrelic.WrapHandle. The second argument to
    // newrelic.WrapHandle is used as the transaction name; the string returned
    // from newrelic.WrapHandle should be ignored.
    _, r.NotFoundHandler = newrelic.WrapHandle(app, "NotFoundHandler", makeHandler("not found"))
    _, r.MethodNotAllowedHandler = newrelic.WrapHandle(app, "MethodNotAllowedHandler", makeHandler("method not allowed"))
    http.ListenAndServe(":8000", r)

Known Issues and Workarounds

If a .NET agent is initiating distributed traces as the root service, you must update that .NET agent to version 8.24 or later before upgrading your downstream Go New Relic agents to this agent release.

January 15, 2020
Go agent v3.1.0

New Features

  • Support for W3C Trace Context, with easy upgrade from New Relic trace context.

    Distributed Tracing now supports W3C Trace Context headers for HTTP and gRPC protocols when distributed tracing is enabled. Our implementation can accept and emit both W3C trace header format and New Relic trace header format. This simplifies agent upgrades, allowing trace context to be propagated between services with older and newer releases of New Relic agents. W3C trace header format will always be accepted and emitted. New Relic trace header format will be accepted, and you can optionally disable emission of the New Relic trace header format.

    When distributed tracing is enabled with Config.DistributedTracer.Enabled = true, the Go agent will now accept W3C's traceparent and tracestate headers when calling Transaction.AcceptDistributedTraceHeaders. When calling Transaction.InsertDistributedTraceHeaders, the Go agent will include the W3C headers along with the New Relic distributed tracing header, unless the New Relic trace header format is disabled using Config.DistributedTracer.ExcludeNewRelicHeader = true.

    Also, see Knowns Issues and Workarounds.

  • Added support for elastic/go-elasticsearch in the new v3/integrations/nrelasticsearch-v7 package.

Known Issues and Workarounds

If a .NET agent is initiating distributed traces as the root service, you must update that .NET agent to version 8.24 or later before upgrading your downstream Go New Relic agents to this agent release.

December 17, 2019
Go agent v3.0.0


We are pleased to announce the release of Go Agent v3.0.0! This is a major release that includes some breaking changes that will simplify your future use of the Go Agent.

Please pay close attention to the list of Changes.


  • A full list of changes and a step by step checklist on how to upgrade can be found in the v3 Migration Guide.

New Features

  • Support for Go Modules. Our Go agent integration packages support frameworks and libraries which are changing over time. With support for Go Modules, we are now able to release instrumentation packages for multiple versions of frameworks and libraries with a single agent release; and support operation of the Go agent in Go Modules environments. This affects naming of our integration packages, as described in the v3 Migration Guide (see under "Changes" above).
  • Detect and set hostnames based on Heroku dyno names. When deploying an application in Heroku, the hostnames collected will now match the dyno name. This serves to greatly improve the usability of the servers list in APM since dyno names are often sporadic or fleeting in nature. The feature is controlled by two new configuration options Config.Heroku.UseDynoNames and Config.Heroku.DynoNamePrefixesToShorten.

December 11, 2019
Go agent v2.16.3


New Relic's Go agent v3.0 is currently available for review and beta testing. Your use of this pre-release is at your own risk. New Relic disclaims all warranties, express or implied, regarding the beta release.

If you do not manually take steps to use the new v3 folder you will not see any changes in your agent.

This is the third release of the pre-release of Go agent v3.0. It includes changes due to user feedback during the pre-release. The existing agent in`"github.com/newrelic/go-agent"` is unchanged.


The Go agent v3.0 code in the v3 folder has the following changes:

December 10, 2019
Go agent v2.16.2


New Relic's Go agent v3.0 is currently available for review and beta testing. Your use of this pre-release is at your own risk. New Relic disclaims all warranties, express or implied, regarding the beta release.

If you do not manually take steps to use the new v3 folder you will not see any changes in your agent.

This is the second release of the pre-release of Go agent v3.0. It includes changes due to user feedback during the pre-release. The existing agent in "github.com/newrelic/go-agent" is unchanged. The Go agent v3.0 code in the v3 folder has the following changes:

  • Transaction names created by WrapHandle, WrapHandleFunc, nrecho-v3, nrecho-v4, nrgorilla, and nrgin now include the HTTP method. For example, the following code:

    http.HandleFunc(newrelic.WrapHandleFunc(app, "/users", usersHandler))

    now creates a metric called WebTransaction/Go/GET /users instead of WebTransaction/Go/users. As a result of this change, you may need to update your alerts and dashboards.

  • The ConfigFromEnvironment config option is now strict. If one of the environment variables, such as NEW_RELIC_DISTRIBUTED_TRACING_ENABLED, cannot be parsed, then Config.Error will be populated and NewApplication will return an error.


December 2, 2019
Go agent v2.16.1


New Relic's Go agent v3.0 is currently available for review and beta testing. Your use of this pre-release is at your own risk. New Relic disclaims all warranties, express or implied, regarding the beta release.

If you do not manually take steps to use the new v3 folder, as described below, you will not see any changes in your agent.

This 2.16.1 release includes a new v3.0 folder which contains the pre-release of Go agent v3.0; Go agent v3.0 includes breaking changes. We are seeking feedback and hope that you will look this over and test out the changes prior to the official release.

This is not an official 3.0 release, it is just a vehicle to gather feedback on proposed changes. It is not tagged as 3.0 in Github and the 3.0 release is not yet available to update in your Go mod file. In order to test out these changes, you will need to clone this repo in your Go source directory, under [go-src-dir]/src/github.com/newrelic/go-agent. Once you have the source checked out, you will need to follow the steps in the second section of v3/MIGRATION.md.

A list of changes and installation instructions is included in the v3 folder and can be found here

For this pre-release (beta) version of Go agent v3.0, please note:

  • The changes in the v3 folder represent what we expect to release in ~2 weeks as our major 3.0 release. However, as we are soliciting feedback on the changes and there is the possibility of some breaking changes before the official release.
  • This is not an official 3.0 release; it is not tagged as 3.0 in Github and the 3.0 release is not yet available to update in your Go mod file.
  • If you test out these changes and encounter issues, questions, or have feedback that you would like to pass along, please open up an issue here and be sure to include the label 3.0.
    • For normal (non-3.0) issues/questions we request that you report them via our support site or our community forum. Please only report questions related to the 3.0 pre-release directly via GitHub.

New Features

  • V3 will add support for Go Modules. The go.mod files exist in the v3 folder, but they will not be usable until we have fully tagged the 3.0 release officially. Examples of version tags we plan to use for different modules include:
    • v3.0.0
    • v3/integrations/nrecho-v3/v1.0.0
    • v3/integrations/nrecho-v4/v1.0.0


  • The changes are the ones that we have requested feedback previously in this issue.
  • A full list of changes that are included, along with a checklist for upgrading, is available in v3/MIGRATION.md.

November 22, 2019
Go agent v2.16.0



Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue in the nrhttprouter integration where the transaction was not being added to the requests context. This resulted in an inability to access the transaction from within an httprouter.Handle function. This issue has now been fixed.

October 24, 2019
Go agent v2.15.0


New Features

  • Added support for monitoring MongoDB queries with the new _integrations/nrmongo package.

  • Added new method Transaction.IsSampled() that returns a boolean that indicates if the transaction is sampled. A sampled transaction records a span event for each segment. Distributed tracing must be enabled for transactions to be sampled. false is returned if the transaction has finished. This sampling flag is needed for B3 trace propagation and future support of W3C Trace Context.

  • Added support for adding B3 Headers to outgoing requests. This is helpful if the service you are calling uses B3 for trace state propagation (for example, it uses Zipkin instrumentation). You can use the new _integrations/nrb3 package's nrb3.NewRoundTripper like this:

    // When defining the client, set the Transport to the NewRoundTripper. This
    // will create ExternalSegments and add B3 headers for each request.
    client := &http.Client{
    Transport: nrb3.NewRoundTripper(nil),
    // Distributed Tracing must be enabled for this application.
    // (see https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/understand-dependencies/distributed-tracing/enable-configure/enable-distributed-tracing)
    txn := currentTxn()
    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://example.com", nil)
    if nil != err {
    // Be sure to add the transaction to the request context. This step is
    // required.
    req = newrelic.RequestWithTransactionContext(req, txn)
    resp, err := client.Do(req)
    if nil != err {
    defer resp.Body.Close()

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