Logs not appearing from CloudWatch via Lambda


Logs are not appearing in New Relic for a CloudWatch via Lambda integration setup.


Possible reasons and their solutions:

  • The New Relic ingest license key may not be valid. In your AWS account, find the resource with Logical Id NewRelicLogsLicenseKeySecret from CloudFormation stack > Resources, and verify the key.

  • To debug further, navigate to CloudFormation Stack > Resources > NewRelicServerlessLogForwarder (Lambda Function) > Configuration > Environment Variables and set the DEBUG_MODE parameter to true. Then, check the CloudWatch logs for the Lambda function to get the debug logs.

  • The event may have been a genuine failure. To check, navigate to CloudFormation Stack > Resources > NewRelicLogForwarderDLQ, or search for your DLQ in AWS SQS, and examine the DLQ resource.

  • The New Relic region and the ingest license key provided to the Lambda function or Firehose may not match. Verify and match it.

    For example, if the New Relic region is EU, provide a New Relic ingest license key from the EU region.

  • The NewRelicServerlessLogForwarder may not have the CloudWatch trigger. Examine the output of the nested CloudFormation stacks.