This tutorial applies to the Kubernetes integration v3 installed using Helm. For instructions on how to do this on v2 using helm please check this section. To check how to configure services on top of plain manifest, check out this other page.
If you have a service running on Kubernetes, and it's a service we support, you can enable monitoring of that service by adding a configuration section for that integration to the Kubernetes integration's config.
This tutorial shows how to enable monitoring for a Redis service running on the Kubernetes PHP Guestbook. For the general procedure, see Monitor a Kubernetes-running service.
What you need
- See the general requirements for this feature, including supported services.
- The
command-line tool must be configured to communicate with your cluster. If you don't have a cluster, you can create one using Minikube.
Step 1: Set up an example Redis application
This tutorial builds on the Kubernetes tutorial Deploying a PHP Guestbook application with Redis. Skip the Kubernetes tutorial and run the following command to set up the application needed for our tutorial:
$kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/examples/master/guestbook/all-in-one/guestbook-all-in-one.yaml
If you'd like to first complete the Kubernetes tutorial, follow their tutorial instructions but do not follow the instructions in the Cleaning up section.
Step 2: Enable monitoring of Redis instances
The PHP Guestbook application has three Redis instances: one master and two replica instances. Each instance is tagged with a label where app=redis
. For this example, we're using our Redis monitoring integration. It can monitor both master and replica instances of Redis, so we don’t have to distinguish between them.
In the
YAML file for our helm chart you need to update thenewrelic-infrastructure.integrations
section. From the list of integration configs, get the Redis integration YAML and add it to the Kubernetes config. The Redis-specific configuration is contained under theredis-config.yml:
key:newrelic-infrastructure:integrations:redis-config.yml:# Run auto discovery to find pods with label "app=redis"# https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/integrations/host-integrations/installation/container-auto-discoverydiscovery:command:# Run discovery for Kubernetes. Use the following optional arguments:# --namespaces: Comma separated list of namespaces to discover pods on# --tls: Use secure (TLS) connection# --port: Port used to connect to the kubelet. Default is 10255exec: /var/db/newrelic-infra/nri-discovery-kubernetes --tls --port 10250match:label.app: redisintegrations:- name: nri-redisenv:# using the discovered IP as the hostname addressHOSTNAME: ${discovery.ip}PORT: 6379KEYS: '{"0":["<KEY_1>"],"1":["<KEY_2>"]}'labels:env: productionDeploy the updated service:
bash$helm upgrade --install newrelic newrelic/nri-bundle \>--namespace newrelic --create-namespace \>-f values-newrelic.yaml \>--develYou should be able to see the following in the logs for the
pod that is scheduled in the same node as the service you want to monitor:bash$kubectl logs -n newrelic newrelic-nrk8s-kubelet-xxxxx agenttime="2019-12-23T17:37:07Z" level=info msg="Integration health check starting" instance=redis-metrics integration=com.newrelic.redis prefix=integration/com.newrelic.redis working-dir=/var/db/newrelic-infra/newrelic-integrationstime="2019-12-23T17:37:07Z" level=info msg="Integration health check finished with success" instance=redis-metrics integration=com.newrelic.redis prefix=integration/com.newrelic.redis working-dir=/var/db/newrelic-infra/newrelic-integrations
If there are no errors, you should see Redis data in the infrastructure UI. To find the Redis dashboards, go to one.newrelic.com > All capabilities > Infrastructure > Third party services, and select the Redis dashboard.
For the general procedure of how to monitor services running on Kubernetes, including more detail about how configuration works, see Monitor a Kubernetes-running service.