Incorrect data reported


The agent is working, but the infrastructure monitoring UI shows unexpected data for some of the events, metrics or attributes collected from the infrastructure agent.


The infrastructure agent includes trace level logs that can be enabled on-demand to help troubleshooting complex scenarios and determine if the expected data is leaving the host as expected. This setting generates a lot of data very quickly, we recommend only enabling it temporarily for troubleshooting purposes.

  1. Edit the newrelic-infra.yml configuration file and add required flags to enable logs. For example, to enable all trace logs on the default log file path:

    level: trace

Infrastructure agent version 1.26.0 or older require a different logging configuration:

verbose: 1
# v3.submission enables detailed logging for events, examples: SystemSample, NetworkSample, etc.
- v3.submission
# dm.submission enables detailed logging for integrations using Dimensional Metric format.
- dm.submission
  1. Use your init system to restart the agent service:

  2. Identify the new trace log lines to confirm the data being sent to the Telemetry Data Platform.

Log example when v3.submission is enabled:

time="2021-12-28T09:27:28Z" level=debug msg="Sending events to metrics-ingest." component=MetricsIngestSender key=... numEvents=3 postCount=1 timestamps="[2021-01-01 09:27:28 +0000 UTC]"
time="2021-12-28T09:27:28Z" level=debug msg="Preparing metrics post." component=MetricsIngestSender postCount=1
time="2021-12-28T09:27:28Z" level=trace msg="[{\"EntityID\":111,\"IsAgent\":true,\"Events\":[{\"eventType\":\"SystemSample\",\"timestamp\":1640683648,\"entityKey\":\"...\",\"cpuPercent\":0.2004008016032026, ...}]" feature=v3.submission
time="2021-12-28T09:27:29Z" level=debug msg="Metrics post succeeded." component=MetricsIngestSender postCount=1