Go language integration tutorial and build tools

The Infrastructure Integrations SDK lets you build a custom on-host integration. This document explains the build tools and resources available for building an on-host integration with our Go language tools.

Integrations tutorial


The following tutorial is based on integrations using the SDK integration protocol v3.
Find more information about the integration protocol v4 in the Github repository.

The Go language integration-building tutorial on GitHub gives step-by-step procedures for building a Go language integration that reports Redis data.

The tutorial shows how to build an integration using the Linux command line, but you can use the same techniques for a Windows integration with a standard Go install and PowerShell. The make command will not work with PowerShell, but you can use the Go commands inside it as a guide for building your integration.


You can create an on-host integration in any language, but Go is the language New Relic uses for its own integrations and build tools. To create an integration in another language, adhere to the integration file structures and JSON output requirements.

Go language integration building package

The tutorial relies on a New Relic Go language integration-building library package, which provides a set of useful Go functions and data structures. The package gives you tools that:

  • Generate a "scaffold" integration structure with all the required fields.
  • Read values from command-line arguments or environment variables.
  • Generate and print JSON data to stdout.

For information about file formats and JSON output specifications, see File requirements.