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User actions

User actions in browser monitoring helps you understand user behavior, like where users click, scroll, and interact with your web app. You can use user actions to link actions together, helping you gain insights into where your web app creates friction and increases user frustration.

User actions are tracked by default for Pro and Pro+SPA agents, but unavailable for the Lite browser agent. We recommend that you first confirm you're using the Pro or Pro+SPA agent:

Go to one.newrelic.com > All Capabilities > Browser (select your browser app) > Application settings. From this page, check that Pro or Pro + SPA browser agent is selected.

View user actions

When a user loads a web page, our browser agent sets up event listeners for key interaction events. When the browser agent observes these actions, it can harvest the generated events and forward them to New Relic.

User actions can harvest these events:

  • auxclick
  • blur (window only)
  • click
  • copy
  • focus (window only)
  • keydown
  • paste
  • scrollend

To view the user actions captured by the browser agent, create a NRQL query for the UserAction event type in query builder. Here is an example of a basic query:

FROM UserAction

By default, browser event data is stored eight days, but actual data retention depends on your account. For more details on user actions, see the Data dictionary.

Data consumption

User actions are sequentially aggregated, meaning that if multiple actions are performed in quick succession on the same DOM target, they're grouped together as a single user action. This keeps consumption costs low while helping you understand how users interact with your web app.

User actions follow the same consumption pricing as your other browser bytes. The amount of bytes produced depends on the count, length, and user-activity levels of sessions.

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