Transactions named /index.php or /unknown


The PHP agent collects metric data, but all of your transactions are named /index.php or /unknown.


If the agent is not detecting your framework for some transactions, you can use our API to name your transactions. The newrelic_name_transaction API function can be used wherever a custom transaction name is needed.

if (extension_loaded ('newrelic')) {
newrelic_name_transaction ($controller . '/' . $action);


Note: Do not name your transactions with values that change often, such as user IDs, hashes, and so on. Implement useful transaction naming in your API calls.


New Relic probably cannot accurately detect or hook into your specific framework. This often occurs because the supported framework's default dispatching method has been modified (often by a plugin) or is no longer being used. If that happens, New Relic may not be able to detect or hook into the framework's dispatcher, and it will not be able to provide a meaningful transaction naming structure.