Alert conditions

An alert condition is the core element that defines when an incident is created. It acts as the essential starting point for building any meaningful alert. Alert conditions contain the parameters or thresholds met before you're informed. They can mitigate excessive alerting or tell your team when new or unusual behavior appears.

A diagram showing some basic concepts and terms for New Relic alerting

Create a new alert condition

An alert condition is a continuously running query that measures a given set of events against a defined threshold and opens an incident when the threshold is met for a specified window of time.

This example demonstrates manually creating a new alert condition using the Alert condition details page. But there are a lot of ways to create an alert condition. You can create an alert condition from:

You can also use one of our alert builders:

  • Use Write your own query to build alerts from scratch
  • Use guided mode

For all methods except for our guided mode, the process for creating an alert condition will be exactly the same as described in the steps below.

Set your signal behavior

In this example, imagine that your team manages the WebPortal application for an ecommerce site. You want to be alerted of any latency issues.

Fine-tune advanced signal settings

After you've defined your signal, click Run. A chart will appear and display the parameters that you've set.


To set up cross-account alerts, select a data account from the drop-down list. And you can only query a data from one account for cross-account alerts at a time.

A screenshot showing a user how to set the signal behavior for an alert condition.

For this example, the chart will show the average duration of a transaction. Click Next and begin configuring your alert condition.

For this example, you will customize these advanced signal settings for the condition you created to monitor latency in your WebPortal application.

Set thresholds for alert conditions

If an alert condition is a container, then thresholds are the rules each alert condition must follow. As data streams into your system, the alert condition searches for any incidents of these rules. If the alert condition sees data from your system that has met all the conditions you've set, it will create an incident. An incident signals that something is off in your system, and you should look.

A screenshot depicting how to set the threshold for an alert condition.

Add alert condition details

At this point in the process, you now have a fully defined condition and set all the rules to ensure an incident is opened when you want it to be. Based on the settings above, if your alert condition recognizes this behavior in your system that breaches the thresholds that you've set, it will create an incident. Now, all you need to do is to name this condition and attach it to a policy.

The policy is the sorting system for the incident. When you create a policy, you create the tool that organizes all your incoming incidents. You can connect policies to workflows that tell New Relic where you want all this incoming information to go, how often you want it to be sent, and where.

A screenshot demonstrating how you can new alert condition.

To know more about the cross-account alerts, refer to our Cross-account alerts.

Edit an existing alert condition

If you want to edit an alert condition you've already created, you can:

  1. Go to > All capabilities > Alerts.
  2. Select Alert Conditions in the left navigation.
  3. Click on the alert condition you want to edit.

From there, you will see the Alert conditions details page. This page contains all the elements you set when you created your condition. You can edit specific aspects of the alert condition by clicking the pencil in the top right of each section.

Signal history

Under Signal history, you can see the most recent results for the NRQL query you used to create your alert condition. For this example, you would see the average latency on the WebPortal app for the specific time frame you've set.

For all alert conditions built with NRQL queries, the Signal history will be presented with a line chart.

Any alert condition built with a synthetic monitor will be a bit different. This is because synthetic monitors allow you to ping your application from multiple locations, which can produce positive or negative results each time the monitor runs. This data can only be presented with a table.

Types of conditions

The primary and recommended condition type is a NRQL alert condition, but there are other types of conditions. We've included a complete list of our condition types below.

Add conditions to a policy

To add more conditions to a policy:

  1. Go to > All capabilities > Alerts > Alert Policies
  2. Detect a policy.
  3. Click Add a condition.

To create a new NRQL condition:

  1. Go to > All capabilities > Alerts > Alert Conditions
  2. Click Add a condition.

Copy a condition

To copy an existing condition, including its targets and thresholds, and add it to another policy for the selected account:

  1. Go to > All capabilities > Alerts > Alert conditions.

  2. From the list of alert conditions, click on the three dots icon of the alert you want to copy and select Duplicate condition.

  3. From the Copy alert condition, search or scroll the list to select the policy where you want to add this condition.

  4. Optional: Change the condition's name if necessary.

  5. Optional: Click the toggle switch to Enable on save

  6. Select Copy condition.

    By default, the selected alert policy will add the copied condition in the Disabled state. Follow standard procedures to add or copy more conditions to the alert policy, and then Enable the condition as needed. Additionally, the new condition will not copy any tags added to the original condition.

Enable/disable a condition

To disable or re-enable a condition:

  1. Go to > All capabilities > Alerts > Alert Conditions. Then, from the list of Alert conditions, use the toggle to enable or disable the condition.
  2. Click the On/Off switch to toggle it.

If you copy a condition, it automatically saves it in the new policy as disabled (Off), even if the condition was enabled (On) in the original policy.

Delete a condition

To turn a condition off but keep it with the policy, disable it. To delete one or more conditions:

  1. Go to > All capabilities > Alerts > Alert Conditions.

  2. From the list of Alert conditions, select a condition, then click Delete from the ellipses menu (...).


    If you don't see the delete button, your account admin may have disabled condition deletion for your organization.

Troubleshoot the alert condition page

If you see an empty signal in the history chart on the Alert Condition page, consider one of the following:

  • Review the condition's settings: Double-check that all elements are configured correctly.
  • Inspect NRQL queries: Ensure they target valid metrics or events and return data.
  • Examine entity configuration: Confirm that the entity is set up correctly to send signals.
  • Consult New Relic documentation: Refer to relevant guides for assistance with specific issues.

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