Using phpinfo to verify PHP


New Relic does not report data within a few minutes of restarting your web server after installing the PHP agent.


Use phpinfo() to verify that the agent was installed successfully:

  1. Create a simple .php webpage within your website that contains the following:

    <?php phpinfo(); ?>
  2. Navigate to this page in a web browser and scroll through the alphabetical list of modules to find newrelic. If you do not see newrelic in this list, either you are using a non-standard version of PHP, or you have not restarted your web server (or other PHP host) since installing New Relic.

  3. Restart your web server to see if newrelic appears in your modules list.

  4. If newrelic does not appear in your modules list, check your extensions directory to see if you have a non-standard version of PHP.

  5. If newrelic does appear in your modules list, verify that the license.key entry shows the first and last few characters of your

  6. If license.key is not appearing, check your loaded configuration files directory

Screenshot showing phpinfo()

Sample phpinfo() File: If data does not appear on your New Relic APM Summary page within a few minutes after configuring both the PHP agent and the proxy daemon, check the New Relic section of your phpinfo() file to verify that New Relic is installed.