Silent mode for the install script (advanced)

In order to install New Relic via systems like Puppet or Chef, the newrelic-install script can be run in silent mode and controlled via a number of environment variables. This document provides information for manually setting the environment variables to enable the PHP install script to run in silent mode.

Choose an installer

Two options are available when deploying New Relic via systems such as Puppet or Chef:

  • Use Puppet to install the archives using the native package manager (rpm or dpkg).
  • Distribute the contents of the tarball distribution and place the files in your selected location.

If you install via the package systems, the package install scripts place the files. Ubuntu-based systems are an exception, where the post-install script will create symbolic links for the New Relic extension if you have the standard PHP installed. However, it makes no attempt to run newrelic-install, as that is left up to your Puppet or Chef scripts.

In order to install New Relic via systems like Puppet or Chef, the newrelic-install script can be run in silent mode, and controlled via a number of environment variables.

Set environment variables

This is the list of environment variables you can set prior to invoking newrelic-install to control how it behaves. In addition to using these environment variables, ensure that you also define your license key and application name in your newrelic.ini file during installation.


NR_INSTALL_SILENT determines whether the install runs in silent mode. When it is set, all information for the script must be provided via these environment variables.

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