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Go agent release notesRSS

September 18, 2023
Go agent v3.25.1


We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If your organization has established practices that prevent you from updating to the latest version, ensure that your agents are regularly updated to a version that's at most 90 days old. Read more about keeping your agent up to date.



  • Added support for the FastHTTP package:
    • Added newrelic.WrapHandleFuncFastHTTP() and newrelic.StartExternalSegmentFastHTTP() functions to instrument fasthttp context and create wrapped handlers. These functions work similarly to the existing ones for net/http.
    • Added client-fasthttp and server-fasthttp examples to help get started with FastHTTP integration.


  • Corrected a bug where the security agent failed to correctly parse the NEW_RELIC_SECURITY_AGENT_ENABLED environment variable.

Support statement

We use the latest version of the Go language. At minimum, you should be using no version of Go older than what is supported by the Go team themselves.

See the Go agent EOL Policy for details about supported versions of the Go agent and third-party components.

August 10, 2023
Go agent v3.24.1


We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If your organization has established practices that prevent you from upgrading to the latest version, ensure that your agents are regularly updated to a version that's at most 90 days old. Read more about keeping your agent up to date.



  • Performance improvement around calls to the security agent. In some cases, unnecessary setup operations were being performed even if there was no security agent present to use that. These are now conditional on the security agent being present in the application (note that this will enable the setup code if the security agent is present in the application, regardless of whether it’s currently enabled to run). This affects:
    • Base agent code (updated to v3.24.1)
    • nrmongo integration (updated to v1.1.1)
  • Fixed unit tests for integrations that were failing because code-level metrics are enabled by default now:
    • nrawssdk-v1 (updated to v1.1.2)
    • nrawssdk-v2 (updated to v1.2.2)
    • nrecho-v3 (updated to v1.0.2)
    • nrecho-v4 (updated to v1.0.4)
    • nrhttprouter (updated to v1.3.0)
    • nrlambda (updated to v1.2.2)
    • nrnats (updated to v1.1.5)
    • nrredis-v8 (updated to v1.0.1)


  • Updated all integration go.mod files to reflect supported Go language versions.

Support statement

We use the latest version of the Go language. At a minimum, you should be using no version of Go older than what is supported by the Go team themselves (i.e., Go versions 1.19 and later are supported). We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it’s available. If you can’t upgrade to the latest version, update your agents to a version no more than 90 days old. Read more about keeping agents up to date. (https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/new-relic-solutions/new-relic-one/install-configure/update-new-relic-agent/) See the Go agent EOL Policy for details about supported versions of the Go agent and third-party components.

July 31, 2023
Go agent v3.24.0


We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If your organization has established practices that prevent you from upgrading to the latest version, ensure that your agents are regularly updated to a version that's at most 90 days old. Read more about keeping your agent up to date.



  • Turned Code Level Metrics on by default
  • Added new test case to check if the nrsecurityagent is enabled in the gRPC integration
  • Added new test case for InfoInterceptorStatusHandler function in the gRPC integration
  • Added Name() method for Transaction values to get the current transaction name.


  • Bumped gin from 1.9.0 to 1.9.1
  • Bumped gosnowflake from 1.6.16 to 1.6.19
  • Bumped nrsecurityagent to 1.1.0 with improved reporting of gRPC protocol versions.
  • Fixed a bug where expected errors weren't being properly marked as expected on new relic dashboards

We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If you can't upgrade to the latest version, update your agents to a version no more than 90 days old. Read more about keeping agents up to date. (https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/new-relic-solutions/new-relic-one/install-configure/update-new-relic-agent/)

See the Go agent EOL Policy for details about supported versions of the Go agent and third-party components.

June 28, 2023
Go agent v3.23.1


We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If your organization has established practices that prevent you from upgrading to the latest version, ensure that your agents are regularly updated to a version that's at most 90 days old. Read more about keeping your agent up to date.



  • Added newrelic.ConfigDatastoreRawQuery(true) configuration option to allow raw SQL queries to appear in new relic dashboards
  • Added enriched serverless debug logging for faster debugging


  • Removed timeouts on two tests in trace_observer_test.go
  • Bumped nrnats test to go1.19
  • Bumped graphql-go to v1.3.0 in the nrgraphgophers integration
  • Added license file to nrsecurityagent integration

Support statement

We use the latest version of the Go language. At minimum, you should be using no version of Go older than what is supported by the Go team themselves (i.e., Go versions 1.19 and later are supported).

We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If you can't upgrade to the latest version, update your agents to a version no more than 90 days old. Read more about keeping agents up to date. (https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/new-relic-solutions/new-relic-one/install-configure/update-new-relic-agent/)

See the Go agent EOL Policy for details about supported versions of the Go agent and third-party components.

June 20, 2023
Go agent v3.23.0


We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If your organization has established practices that prevent you from upgrading to the latest version, ensure that your agents are regularly updated to a version that's at most 90 days old. Read more about keeping your agent up to date.


  • Adds the nrsecurityagent integration for performing Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) of your application.

To learn how to use IAST, check out our documentation.

Support statement

We use the latest version of Go. You should be using no version of Go older than what is supported by the Go team themselves.

See the Go agent EOL Policy for details about supported versions of the Go agent and third-party components.

June 2, 2023
Go agent v3.22.1


We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If your organization has established practices that prevent you from upgrading to the latest version, ensure that your agents are regularly updated to a version that's at most 90 days old. Read more about keeping your agent up to date.



  • Corrects an error in the release process for 3.22.1.

Support statement

We use the latest version of the Go language. At minimum, you should be using no version of Go older than what is supported by the Go team themselves.

See the Go agent EOL Policy for details about supported versions of the Go agent and third-party components.

June 1, 2023
Go agent v3.22.0


We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If your organization has established practices that prevent you from upgrading to the latest version, ensure that your agents are regularly updated to a version that's at most 90 days old. Read more about keeping your agent up to date.



Security Fixes

  • Bumped sys package to v0.1.0 in the nrmssql integration
  • Bumped net package to v0.7.0 in the nrgrpc, nrmssql , and nrnats integrations
  • Bumped aws-sdk-go package to v1.34.0 in the nrawssdk-v1 integration
  • Bumped text package to v0.3.8 in the nrnats, and nrpgx integrations
  • Bumped gin package to v1.9.0 in the nrgin integration
  • Bumped crypto package to v0.1.0 in the nrpgx integration
  • Fixed integration tests in nrnats package not correctly showing code coverage

Support statement

We use the latest version of the Go language. At minimum, you should be using no version of Go older than what is supported by the Go team themselves.

See the Go agent EOL Policy for details about supported versions of the Go agent and third-party components.

April 27, 2023
Go agent v3.21.1


We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If your organization has established practices that prevent you from upgrading to the latest version, ensure that your agents are regularly updated to a version that's at most 90 days old. Read more about keeping your agent up to date.



  • nrredis-v9: automatic instrumentation for Go redis v9


  • Agent now requires Go version 1.18 or higher.
  • Removed support for Go version 1.17. This version of Go is outside of the support window.

Support statement

We use the latest version of the Go language. At minimum, you should be using no version of Go older than what is supported by the Go team themselves.

See the Go agent EOL Policy for details about supported versions of the Go agent and third-party components.

March 30, 2023
Go agent v3.21.0


We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If your organization has established practices that prevent you from upgrading to the latest version, ensure that your agents are regularly updated to a version that's at most 90 days old. Read more about keeping your agent up to date.



  • New errors inbox features:
    • User tracking: You can now see the number of users impacted by an error group. Identify the end user with the setUser method.
    • Error fingerprint: Are your error occurrences grouped poorly? Set your own error fingerprint via a callback function.
  • Ability to disable reporting parameterized query in nrpgx-5


  • Improved test coverage for gRPC integration, nrgrpc

Support statement

We use the latest version of the Go language. At minimum, you should be using no version of Go older than what is supported by the Go team themselves.

See the Go agent EOL Policy for details about supported versions of the Go agent and third-party components.

March 9, 2023
Go agent v3.20.4


We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If your organization has established practices that prevent you from upgrading to the latest version, ensure that your agents are regularly updated to a version that's at most 90 days old. Read more about keeping your agent up to date.



Please note that the v2 Go agent is no longer supported according to our EOL policy.


  • nrmssql driver updated to use version maintained by Microsoft
  • Bug where error messages were not truncated to the maximum size, and would get dropped if they were too large
  • Bug #643 where number of span events was hard coded to 1000, and config setting was being ignored
  • Unencrypted hash vulnerability in v1.15.0 of github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go patched by bumping to v1.33.0


  • Improved performance of ignore error code checks in agent
  • HTTP error codes can be set as expected by adding them to ErrorCollector.ExpectStatusCodes in the config

Support Statement

We also using the latest version of the Go language. At minimum, you should at least be using no version of Go older than what is supported by the Go team themselves.

See the Go Agent EOL Policy for details about supported versions of the Go Agent and third-party components.

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