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Diagnostics CLI (nrdiag) release notesRSS

July 12, 2022
Diagnostics CLI (nrdiag) v2.2.1


New Relic APM

  • PHP/Agent/Version - updates warning if there are multiple versions

Operating System

  • Builds for arm64

Bug Fixes

  • Upload process optimized

May 17, 2022
Diagnostics CLI (nrdiag) v2.2.0

New Feature

  • -include command line flag
    • Specify a file or directory to include in the nrdiag-output.zip file. You can use relative or absolute paths. Use this along with -attach to upload the file(s) to your New Relic account.
    • Example usage: ./nrdiag -include ./path/to/file
    • Read more here!

May 10, 2022
October 13, 2021
Diagnostics CLI (nrdiag) v2.0.0



  • Command line flag -a or -attachment-key is now -ak or -attachment-key
  • New command line flag -a or -attach needs no arguments to be supplied to it
    • Uploads Diagnostics output to a New Relic account
  • Removed command line flag -file-upload for arbitrary single files uploads
  • All output is uploaded to S3 if specified with -attach or -attachment-key

New Relic APM

  • Node/Env/Versions - Node 10 is no longer compatible with New Relic Node.js Agents and above

Bug Fixes

  • Infra/Config/IntegrationsValidateJson - JSON validation of OHIS is now compatible with the new and old format for validation of OHIS

April 1, 2021
Diagnostics CLI (nrdiag) v1.12.35


  • Node/Config/Agent - Checks for configuration by environment variables
  • Base/Config/Collect - Report secure files rejected for collection in task summary
  • Base/Config/ValidateLicenseKey - Gives warning instead of failure in case its an ingest key
  • Attachments - Fix issue where automatic attachments to support tickets would fail
  • Task Errors Now provide guidance on where to report them

February 3, 2021
Diagnostics CLI (nrdiag) v1.12.33


  • Base/Log/Copy - It will check for the .NET log files path by looking into NEWRELIC\_PROFILER\_LOG\_DIRECTORY and NEW\_RELIC\_LOG environment variables.
  • Browser/Agent/GetSource - This validation will now detect when the browser script is not in the head tag


  • Dotnet/Env/Target - Now validates .NET agent is compatible with versions 4.8 and 5.0 for .NET framework.
  • Java/JVM/VendorsVersions - It will validate open JDK 7.15 and HotSpot 7.15

January 11, 2021
Diagnostics CLI (nrdiag) v1.12.32


  • Diagnostics CLI will validate the Java agent configuration that has been done through Java System Properties.
  • Infra/Env/NrjmxBeans - Validates that the mbeans that the user wants to query with the New Relic JMX integration are available for the integration to pull from. This task is available for Linux and Windows.
  • Infra/Env/ValidateZookeeperPath - Validates that the setting for zookeeper_path (found in kafka-config.yml) is a valid path for the New Relic Kafka integration.

Bug fixes

  • Java/Env/Process - This task validates that the New Relic Java agent jar has been correctly added to the -javavagent argument. However, previously, it would only validate those jars that were explicitly named newrelic.jar. We have changed that behavior to look for a jar that could include that version in the filename.
  • Infra/Config/ValidateJMX - The nrdiag-output.json will include information about the Java version and non-sensitive command line arguments for JMX. This data is mainly relevant for Support troubleshooting. Additionally, this health check now can run on Windows.
  • Java/JVM/Permissions - It will not validate permissions for a log path that has been commented out from the Java agent config file.
  • Infra/Config/IntegrationsMatch - This validation will no longer require the presence of on-host integration (OHI) definitions files when the user has an infrastructure agent 1.8.0 or newer and the OHI config file is using the newer configuration format.


Diagnostics CLI (nrdiag) v1.11.31

New Checks

  • Base/Java/ValidateSettings - Performs type validation of the values provided in the Java agent configuration file.


  • Base/Env/SELinux - This check is now included in the minion suite of tasks with the command flag -suites minion.
  • Base/Config/Validate - It will now validate a config file that a customer has collected using command flag -config-file.

July 14, 2020
Diagnostics CLI (nrdiag) v1.10.30

New Checks

  • Base/Env/SELinux - Check the presence and state for SELinux
  • Base/Config/ValidateLicenseKey - Validate license keys found in agent configuration files and environment variables.
  • Base/Config/ValidateHSM - Validates high-security mode local agent configuration files and environment variable against account configuration.
  • Ruby/Requirements/Version - Check Ruby agent version compatibility with environment's Ruby version


  • Base/Config/Collect - Now checks New Relic environment variables that are used to specify a custom agent config path.
  • Base/Config/Collect - Check for custom agent config paths in .NET web.config or app.config files.
  • Base/Log/Copy - Fix issue where log files can be collected twice when New Relic log path environment variables are used.
  • Base/Config/LicenseKey - Will now warn if multiple unique license keys are detected in different agent configurations.
  • Node/Config/Agent - Fix issue where a Node agent would be reported multiple times in detection.
  • Java/Env/VendorsVersions - Now it can run for Windows environment.

May 18, 2020
Diagnostics CLI (nrdiag) v1.9.29

New Checks

  • Base/Env/Azure it checks if the customer is running Diagnostics on an Azure environment
  • Node/Env/NPMPackage collects package.json and package-lock.json for the customer's app
  • Node/Requirements/ProblematicModules will declare incompatible modules such as babel and Mongoose to let the customer know they may run into "missing data" issues


  • Base/Log/Copy now collects log files specified in New Relic config files
  • Base/Config/AppName now correctly parses arrays of applications names
  • Base/Config/Collect no longer collects config files found in /node_modules
  • PHP/Daemon/Running changed payload
  • Base/Log/ReportingTo payload now only includes log files containing reporting to lines. Also sanitizes RPM urls sent in responses from the NR collector
  • Java/JVM/Version has been renamed to Java/Env/Version
  • Java/JVM/Version now supports HotSpot/OpenJDK 14
  • DotNet/Requirements/DotnetTarget as been renamed to DotNet/Env/TargetVersion
  • Base/Env/DotNetCoreVersions has been renamed to DotNetCore/Env/Versions
  • Base/Env/DotnetVersions has been renamed to DotNet/Env/Versions
  • Infra/Agent/Connect now performs a connection check to the collector endpoint for the detected region
  • Fixed bug in Windows where NR Diag would incorrectly flag valid task suites, as invalid

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