Browser agent v1.277.0

December 18, 2024



Add custom events API

Add a new API - recordCustomEvent(eventType, attributes). This allows any custom-defined eventType to be stored in NRDB. Check the API documentation for more information.

Bug fixes

Soft navigation bug fixes and new soft navigation tests

Fixes several issues tied to the soft navigations feature. Calling newrelic.interaction() prior to a page load now creates a separate "api" trigger node. Multiple interactions managed simultaneously now have correct timings. Fixes a bug in soft navigation, where API-triggered interactions fail to close under default heuristic (URL + DOM change), because the mutation observer is not started. Finally, 'popstate' events are now valid interaction triggers for soft navigations.

Support statement

New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life. Release dates are reflective of the original publish date of the agent version.

New browser agent releases are rolled out to customers in small stages over a period of time. Because of this, the date the release becomes accessible to your account may not match the original publish date. Please see this status dashboard for more information.

Consistent with our browser support policy, v1.277.0 of the Browser agent was built for and tested against these browsers and version ranges: Chrome 121-131, Edge 121-131, Safari 17-17, and Firefox 122-132. For mobile devices, v1.277.0 was built and tested for Android OS 15 and iOS Safari 17-18.