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Browser agent v1.237.0

July 28, 2023



Stop reporting ajax events going to same beacon

Network requests made to the same hostname as the agent's reporting beacon endpoint are no longer captured, by default. As an example, outgoing XHRs to the bam.nr-data.net URL where analytic data is typically sent would not reflectively record itself.

Add warning for large payloads

Add warning for large payloads, which is typically caused by excessive custom attribute sizes.

reduce jserrors wrapping and remove onerror use

Replaces the use of the onerror global function with addEventListener to capture errors that go unhandled by customer code. This does not change how unhandled promise rejects are captured. Additional wrappings for events, timers, and animation fames have been removed in favor of capturing unhandled errors using a global event listener.

Bug Fixes

Remove fetch keep-alive unhandled rejection

Eliminate an unhandled promise rejection error caused by fetch failure in agent EoL logic.

prevent invalid error stack traces

Removing the instantiation of the Error class in the jserrors feature for instances where a non-Error value is thrown from customer's code. In such cases, an Error instance would be created and the stack trace would point back to the agent code as the source. This causes confusion since it makes it seem like the agent code is throwing the error when that is not the case. Instead, the internal UncaughtError class will be used and no stack trace will exist.

Defining agent api methods for ts types

Updating the type interface of the Agent and MicroAgent classes to properly expose the agent API methods in the generated typescript types.

Fix potential property of undefined errors

Patch a couple of areas that can yield reading property of undefined or null errors in the RUM call and jsonp wrapper.

Support statement:

New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life. Release dates are reflective of the original publish date of the agent version.

New Browser Agent releases are rolled out to customers in small stages over a period of time. Because of this, the date the release becomes accessible to your account may not match the original publish date. Please see this status dashboard for more information.

Consistent with our browser support policy, v1.237.0 of the Browser agent was built for and tested against these browsers and version ranges: Chrome 106-114, Edge 105-113, Safari 15-16, and Firefox 106-113. For mobile devices, v1.237.0 was built and tested for Android Chrome 100 and iOS Safari 15.2-15.5.

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