Browser agent release notesRSS

March 18
Browser agent v1.285.0



Decorate harvest requests with ht (hasTrace) param

Decorate with ht (hasTrace) query param for all harvest requests except for blobs and logs endpoints. This helps support searching for browser data with associated tracing data.

Inspection events

Adds inspection events that detail when various agent-related events occur. These events can be listened to on the event listener 'newrelic' string type. Events include agent initialization, agent fully loaded, event buffered, event harvested, and api calls.

Bug fixes

Session Replay text masking for whitespace

There is an edge case where whitespace was being masked, which interferes with the layout/styling in session replays.

Logging mode on session update

Fixes a typo in the session update handler for logging feature. The loggingMode which controls feature output will be correctly set after its session mode value is updated from another tab or window.

Support statement

New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life. Release dates are reflective of the original publish date of the agent version.

New browser agent releases are rolled out to customers in small stages over a period of time. Because of this, the date the release becomes accessible to your account may not match the original publish date. Please see this status dashboard for more information.

Consistent with our browser support policy, v1.285.0 of the Browser agent was built for and tested against these browsers and version ranges: Chrome 124-134, Edge 124-134, Safari 17-17, and Firefox 126-136. For mobile devices, v1.285.0 was built and tested for Android OS 15 and iOS Safari 17-18.1.

March 11
Browser agent v1.284.1


Bug fixes

Obtain FirstInteraction directly from performance API

To alleviate the potential performance impact of creating new performance observers to support legacy FirstInteraction timings, a change has been made to query the performance API directly for the presence of first-input data without the use of an observer at logical checkpoints.

Console error on some cross-origin requests without NR CAT header

XHR headers will be checked for the deprecated New Relic CAT header before calling getResponseHeader, which throws a console error if it does not exist for cross-origin requests.

Support statement

New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life. Release dates are reflective of the original publish date of the agent version.

New browser agent releases are rolled out to customers in small stages over a period of time. Because of this, the date the release becomes accessible to your account may not match the original publish date. Please see this status dashboard for more information.

Consistent with our browser support policy, v1.284.1 of the Browser agent was built for and tested against these browsers and version ranges: Chrome 123-133, Edge 123-133, Safari 17-17, and Firefox 125-135. For mobile devices, v1.284.1 was built and tested for Android OS 15 and iOS Safari 17-18.1.

March 4
Browser agent v1.284.0



Remove FID, replace first interaction detection with INP

First Input Delay (FID) has been deprecated and replaced by Interaction To Next Paint (INP). PageViewTiming events for first interactions are preserved by detecting the first INP event and will no longer output value for the firstInputDelay attribute. For more info on PageViewTiming, see For more info on INP and the FID deprecation, see

Bug fixes

Deduplicate Prefixes on Unhandled Promise Rejection Messages

Remove an issue that caused Unhandled Promise Rejection: prefixes on casted error messages to be duplicated if already supplied on rejection reason messages.

Upgrade rrweb to 18

Upgrade RRWeb dependency to version 18 to improve session replay performance.

bump web-vitals from 4.2.3 to 4.2.4

Bumps web-vitals from 4.2.3 to 4.2.4 to fix memory leak in registering new event listeners on every keydown and click (#554)

Guard against non-CSSStyleSheet when fixing sheets for replay

Nullish values in the global styleSheets API can break implementations with the weakMap object tracking their status, throwing an error similar to TypeError: Invalid value used in weak set at WeakSet.add.... This fix checks that the value is acceptable before adding.

Support statement

New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life. Release dates are reflective of the original publish date of the agent version.

New browser agent releases are rolled out to customers in small stages over a period of time. Because of this, the date the release becomes accessible to your account may not match the original publish date. Please see this status dashboard for more information.

Consistent with our browser support policy, v1.284.0 of the Browser agent was built for and tested against these browsers and version ranges: Chrome 123-133, Edge 123-133, Safari 17-17, and Firefox 125-135. For mobile devices, v1.284.0 was built and tested for Android OS 15 and iOS Safari 17-18.1.

February 21
Browser agent v1.283.2


Bug fixes

Add logging analytic metrics and fix browser performance metrics

Fix logging analytics metrics and centralize the metrics reporter for easier use

Support statement

New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life. Release dates are reflective of the original publish date of the agent version.

New browser agent releases are rolled out to customers in small stages over a period of time. Because of this, the date the release becomes accessible to your account may not match the original publish date. Please see this status dashboard for more information.

Consistent with our browser support policy, v1.283.2 of the Browser agent was built for and tested against these browsers and version ranges: Chrome 123-133, Edge 123-133, Safari 17-17, and Firefox 125-135. For mobile devices, v1.283.2 was built and tested for Android OS 15 and iOS Safari 17-18.1.

February 19
Browser agent v1.283.1


Bug fixes

Removing websocket wrapping & SM

Removing websocket wrapping and metrics. WS instrumentation may be re-implemented behind a feature flag at a later time.

Support statement

New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life. Release dates are reflective of the original publish date of the agent version.

New browser agent releases are rolled out to customers in small stages over a period of time. Because of this, the date the release becomes accessible to your account may not match the original publish date. Please see this status dashboard for more information.

Consistent with our browser support policy, v1.283.1 of the Browser agent was built for and tested against these browsers and version ranges: Chrome 123-133, Edge 123-133, Safari 17-17, and Firefox 125-135. For mobile devices, v1.283.1 was built and tested for Android OS 15 and iOS Safari 17-18.1.

February 18
Browser agent v1.283.0



Add global custom attributes to log data

Add custom attributes set by the setCustomAttributes method in Browser Agent API to logging data. These attributes are in the common.attributes section of the outgoing payload. Local custom attributes set by the log and wrapLogger APIs take precedence in the backend over the global custom attributes set by the setCustomAttributes API.

Add auto-logging feature

Introduces automatic observation of browser console methods to capture logging statements from the browser console across a given session automatically. On/off, logging level, and sampling are controllable via the application settings section of your browser entities. Check the getting started guide for more info.

Support statement

New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life. Release dates are reflective of the original publish date of the agent version.

New browser agent releases are rolled out to customers in small stages over a period of time. Because of this, the date the release becomes accessible to your account may not match the original publish date. Please see this status dashboard for more information.

Consistent with our browser support policy, v1.283.0 of the Browser agent was built for and tested against these browsers and version ranges: Chrome 123-133, Edge 123-133, Safari 17-17, and Firefox 125-135. For mobile devices, v1.283.0 was built and tested for Android OS 15 and iOS Safari 17-18.1.

February 13
Browser agent v1.282.0



Re-implement wrap-websocket into agent

Re-implement wrap-websocket code using ES6 extends syntax into the agent. This will allow supportability metrics to be reportable from websocket API usage.

Support statement

New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life. Release dates are reflective of the original publish date of the agent version.

New browser agent releases are rolled out to customers in small stages over a period of time. Because of this, the date the release becomes accessible to your account may not match the original publish date. Please see this status dashboard for more information.

Consistent with our browser support policy, v1.282.0 of the Browser agent was built for and tested against these browsers and version ranges: Chrome 122-132, Edge 122-132, Safari 17-17, and Firefox 124-134. For mobile devices, v1.282.0 was built and tested for Android OS 15 and iOS Safari 17-18.1.

February 4
Browser agent v1.281.0



Capture Nearest UserAction Fields

The UserAction feature has been extended to capture "nearest" field values when the UserAction target does not include the desired fields. To facilitate this, a configuration was added allowing the user to control what fields are collected, specified as init.user_actions.elementAttributes: []. When empty, no extra fields will be collected. When supplied, the target will be checked for each property. This configuration defaults to ['id', 'className', 'tagName', 'type'], which matches the fields captured before this change.

For each elementAttribute defined, if the property is not found, the agent will search up the parent tree of the target element, until the property is found. If found up the parent tree, a property called "nearest" + fieldName will be added to the event.

Support statement

New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life. Release dates are reflective of the original publish date of the agent version.

New browser agent releases are rolled out to customers in small stages over a period of time. Because of this, the date the release becomes accessible to your account may not match the original publish date. Please see this status dashboard for more information.

Consistent with our browser support policy, v1.281.0 of the Browser agent was built for and tested against these browsers and version ranges: Chrome 122-132, Edge 122-132, Safari 17-17, and Firefox 124-134. For mobile devices, v1.281.0 was built and tested for Android OS 15 and iOS Safari 17-18.1.

January 31
Browser agent v1.280.0



Remove agentIdentifier argument from agent constructors

Removes the agentIdentifier argument from the Agent and MicroAgent class constructors. The agentIdentifier should always be a random hex string to guarantee uniqueness across agent instances.

Bug fixes

Roll back to previous FirstInteraction implementation

Setting agent back to previous FirstInteraction implementation after some reports of slow downs around the performance observer on the first input of a page.

Support statement

New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life. Release dates are reflective of the original publish date of the agent version.

New browser agent releases are rolled out to customers in small stages over a period of time. Because of this, the date the release becomes accessible to your account may not match the original publish date. Please see this status dashboard for more information.

Consistent with our browser support policy, v1.280.0 of the Browser agent was built for and tested against these browsers and version ranges: Chrome 122-132, Edge 122-132, Safari 17-17, and Firefox 124-134. For mobile devices, v1.280.0 was built and tested for Android OS 15 and iOS Safari 17-18.1.

January 28
Browser agent v1.279.1


Bug fixes

CLS timing node not being reported post new Harvester

Reintroduce the cumulativeLayoutShift timing of PageViewTiming events into EoL harvests. After v1.278.0, this timing stopped being sent when the user leaves the page, resulting in a drop in CLS counts. The node contains attributes that aid in identifying the cause of bad scores.

Support statement

New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life. Release dates are reflective of the original publish date of the agent version.

New browser agent releases are rolled out to customers in small stages over a period of time. Because of this, the date the release becomes accessible to your account may not match the original publish date. Please see this status dashboard for more information.

Consistent with our browser support policy, v1.279.1 of the Browser agent was built for and tested against these browsers and version ranges: Chrome 122-132, Edge 122-132, Safari 17-17, and Firefox 124-134. For mobile devices, v1.279.1 was built and tested for Android OS 15 and iOS Safari 17-18.1.