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Infrastructure agent release notesRSS

September 19, 2019
Infrastructure agent v1.5.40


A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update your Infrastructure agent.


Added new NFSSample (event type is NFSSample) for gathering NFS client metrics. This is configurable by the following config option:

  • metrics_nfs_sample_rate (default: 20)
  • detailed_nfs (default: false)

September 5, 2019
Infrastructure agent v1.5.37


A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update your Infrastructure agent.


Add extra information on verbose logs. On each metrics post, an incremental counter and the timestamps of the submitted metrics are logged.

Windows specific

Using a new endpoint for Agent identity retrieval to mitigate the hostname flipping issue.

August 26, 2019
Infrastructure agent v1.5.31


A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update your Infrastructure agent.


  • Improve trial management mechanism in Agent
  • Add support for including extra attributes in the Events; before, events only supported a summary and category field, now extra attributes can be defined.

August 20, 2019
Infrastructure agent v1.5.29


A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update your Infrastructure agent.


  • Optimized Storage Sampler CPU consumption (noticeable in agents managing > 100 mounted devices).

Windows specific

  • All executables are now signed.
  • Added versioning info to newrelic-infra-ctl.exe.
  • These changes should avoid Defender to flag the package as threat.

August 13, 2019
Infrastructure agent v1.5.26


A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update your Infrastructure agent.

Windows only

  • Previous agent version 1.5.0 got flagged by Windows Defender. We found it was a false positive. This version proved to pass Defender test, but could still get flagged by Defender on some systems.
  • Improved StorageSample metrics performance. Please refer to the New Relic event data dictionary for a detailed description of them.

August 12, 2019
Infrastructure agent v1.5.1


A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update your Infrastructure agent.


Windows only

IMPORTANT: This version was deleted from the Windows repository to avoid causing issues on the platform.

  • Improved hostname flipping issue mitigation using a new endpoint for agent identity retrieval.
    • Cases where a host flipping its hostname (because DNS lookup is not available or any other reasons) caused host entity identification to change (and some alerts to fail) should be mitigated, but some cases could still persist.

August 5, 2019
Infrastructure agent v1.5.0


A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update your Infrastructure agent.


  • New StorageSample metrics. Please refer to the New Relic event data dictionary for a detailed description of them.
    • Linux-only storage metrics: inodesFree, inodesUsed, inodesTotal and inodesUsedPercent.
    • Windows-only storage metrics: avgQueueLen, avgReadQueueLen, avgWriteQueueLen and currentQueueLen.

Security notes

  • Windows package gets flagged by Windows-Defender on some machines. Use newer versions instead.

August 1, 2019
Infrastructure agent v1.4.14


A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update your Infrastructure agent.


  • Fixed crash behaviour while stopping the agent under certain circumstances. Ie, containerised agent service stop could trigger a crash dumping a trace.
    • Crash on stop should not be harmful for the agent itself or remaining data, but a non zero exit code and/or crash backtrace output might affect 3rd parties.

July 29, 2019
Infrastructure agent v1.4.11


A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update your Infrastructure agent.


  • Fix log obfuscation feature applying to integration received arguments.
    • Bug was introduced on agent v1.4.0 affecting some OHIs arguments.
    • Symptom was: OHI receives obfuscated PASSWORD env vars with value HIDDEN.

July 18, 2019
Infrastructure agent v1.4.9


A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update your Infrastructure agent.


  • Optional JSON log format (doc coming soon).


  • Startup info and errors are now logged into the log file since the beginning.
  • Log messages prior to configuration being fully loaded.
  • Improved error catching and logging on fatal failures.
  • Improved log messages. Most of the messages are now static, not inlined with context values, so messages are more easily filterable/greppable, and context fields are provided attached.

Example old message:

Containerized agent found with container id VALUE

Example new message:

Containerized agent found in container
containerID: VALUE

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