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Docs version: August 2-8, 2024

August 9, 2024

New docs

  • We've consolidated two complicated log forwarding docs into a single one that describes how to forward AWS logs, regardless of your setup. This makes it easier to find the instructions you need to set up log forwarding from AWS.
  • We've consolidated two complicated log forwarding docs into a single one that describes how to forward AWS logs, regardless of your setup. This makes it easier to find the instructions you need to set up log forwarding from AWS.
  • Amazon CloudWatch Application signals integration describes how to use this integration to monitor your AWS hosted services.
  • A list of the open-source libraries, their versions, and licenses we're using for synthetic monitoring Node browser runtime.

Major changes

Minor changes

  • We ended support of our partnership API in March 2023. We deleted several docs related to this API, but we're keeping introduction to Partnership API around to point you to how to use the NerdGraph API to do similar things.
  • In Go agent configuration, fixed a minor error in the example code block for handling expected errors.
  • Updated system requirements in forward your logs using the infrastructure agent to state that we support Debian version 11 (Bullseye) and 12 (Bookworm) and have dropped support for Debian version 9 (Stretch) and 10 (Buster). We've also dropped support for Windows Server 2012, following Microsoft's lead.
  • In layerless instrumentation, fixed Python code related to importing the New Relic package into your code and adding custom events.
  • In notification message templates, added some additional information about how to handle missing attributes in your message template.
  • Added better Dockerfile examples to instrument your containerized function for Java, .NET, Node.js, Python, Ruby, and extension-only.
  • Updated and added the following NrAiSignal attributes to our data dictionary: dataAccountId, earlyEventDropCount, fillOption, lateEventDropCount, removalCause, resetCause, slideBySeconds, and type.
  • Updated the Dockerfile example in install PHP for Docker and other containers.
  • The browser agent replaced page_action with generic_events and updated several docs to reflect this, such as addPageAction and finished.

Release notes and What's New posts

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